What are you worth? The 2013-14 Not For Profit Remuneration Report (ePublication)

05 Nov 2013 4:31 PM | Louise Stokes
Australia's leading Not for Profit Remuneration Report contains valuable information on the remuneration of 17 senior positions within the Not for Profit sector. Containing benchmarking data from the most recent financial year, the report also tracks trends in remuneration levels over the last decade.

With data covering over 1,000 positions, the report gives the most accurate and detailed information on Not for Profit sector remuneration in Australia.

The report presents results for each position by:
• total organisation expenditure;
• benefits paid;
• total number of employees;
• number of employees reporting to the position;
• number of paid members;
• geographic scope;
• headquarters location;
• primary membership base;
• organisation classification;
• incumbent's gender; and
• length of time in position.

Positions Covered
• CEO;
• Deputy CEO;
• Accreditation / Certification Director or Manager;
• Administration Director or Manager;
• Business / Commercial Operations Director or Manager;
• Communications Director or Manager;
• Conventions / Meetings / Exhibitions Director or Manager;
• Education / Training Director or Manager;
• Financial Director or Manager;
• Fundraising Director or Manager;
• Human Resources Director or Manager;
• Information Systems Director or Manager;
• Marketing Director or Manager;
• Policy Director or Manager;
• Program Director or Manager;
• Publications Director or Manager; and
• Technical / Research Director or Manager.

Note: For purchase by Not for Profit organisations only. Corporates - see Enterprise Care website: www.enterprisecare.com.au

This special price is for AuSAE Members Only. If you are not a member of AuSAE please purchase the Report from the Enterprise Care website www.enterprisecare.com.au

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