5 Reasons to Integrate your Associations Website with Accounting Software

13 May 2014 4:25 PM | Louise Stokes

Written by Max St John from Member Evolution

Traditionally associations used manual accounting business software, where data was manually input into the system. Now successful associations will find that maintaining several different pieces of software is extremely inefficient. Associations need to know there are solutions out there designed to improve their business processes with the right integrated accounting software.

Member Evolution has compiled 5 reasons why your association needs to consider an integrated member management solution that will drastically improve your associations businesses efficiency. 

1. Improve Efficiency

The time, resources and costs of maintaining several different pieces of accounting software can have a significant impact on your association, not to mention human error and the tedious and repetitive task of manual data input.

The advantage of an integrated CRM association management solution is that it streamlines business processes through an automated system, minimising human error while increasing business efficiencies.

2. Decrease Operational Costs

Through implementing the one integrated accounting system it replaces all of the different pieces of software that would run all at once. This could have a significant financial impact on your association. By integrating your website with accounting software it decreases labour hours as well as operational costs.

3. Enhanced Control

With the cross functionality that an association offers such as; events, membership, resources, marketing and more it can be practically impossible to manage all platforms both effectively and efficiently. In this case, it is highly recommended to do some research into an integrated ecommerce platform that supports all of your association’s needs under the one umbrella including; accountancy software, analytics tools, mailing systems and much more.

4. Superior Order Systems

An online membership management solution will streamline your association, improving the order fulfilment. The overall workflow of an association website becomes more logical with the layout and functionality increasing the bottom line of an organisation and ease of use for their members.

5. Making the Choice

Before choosing an integrated e-commerce solution be sure you have all your associations needs and priorities outlined along with any specific requirements. A member management solution needs to be tailored around your association exact businesses processes, not the other way around!

A good member management provider such as Member Evolution has quality customer service and solutions that align with an organisation. The complete online membership software offered by Member Evolution integrates Xero accounting system.

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