AuSAE announces launch of AuSAE Online - a new online community

18 Jun 2014 4:14 PM | Louise Stokes

To foster relationships with our members beyond the face to face networking opportunities, I am pleased to announce AuSAE will soon be launching our very own private online community thanks to partner ConferNet and software provider Socious.

This new community will enable AuSAE members to communicate 24/7 and discuss current workplace challenges and innovations with like-minded groups regardless of their location of residence.

The AuSAE team are very excited to provide increased tangible value for our members via this new community and see not-for-profit leaders actively participating in discussions, networking with their peers and sharing information and knowledge via this new network. Special interest groups within the site will include: Advocacy, Governance, Membership, HR, Leadership and many more.

Testing of the site has begun with an estimated “go live” in early July. For more information on this new member resource please contact me directly at

To see some examples of successful online communities in action click here

The Australasian Society of Association Executives (AuSAE)

Australian Office:
Address: Unit 6, 26 Navigator Place, Hendra QLD 4011 Australia
Free Call: +61 1300 764 576
Phone: +61 7 3268 7955

New Zealand Office:
Address: 159 Otonga Rd, Rotorua 3015 New Zealand
Phone: +64 27 249 8677