50 Years of Aotearoa NZ Association of Social Workers

05 Nov 2014 1:56 PM | Louise Stokes
Aotearoa New Zealand Association of Social Workers (ANZASW), the professional association of social workers is celebrating 50 years of representing Social Workers in Aotearoa by hosting an Anniversary Event in Christchurch on November 28th and 29th 2014.

This two day event will provide the opportunity to showcase contemporary innovative practice as well as celebrate ANZASW history, contributions and achievements. It will also allow ANZASW the opportunity to look back, reflect and celebrate achievements, a time to pause and consider where we have been, where we are now and to look ahead to the future.

Since its formation the Association has worked to achieve improvement of social work practice standards and advancement of education qualifications to ensure protection of the public and the recipients of social work services. When Social Workers intervene in people’s lives, those people have the right to know they will be working with skilled and respectful professionals. Social Work professionalism is underpinned by a Code of Ethics, Competency Standards and Standards of Practice which include the Associations Bi-Cultural Code of Practice.

Fifty years ago social work moved from directing its efforts to aiding the sick, hungry, orphaned and poor to dealing with more complicated problems of our society. Social Workers have taken on a wider and more demanding range of activities and, linked as it is to the International Federation of Social Workers the ANZASW is able to assist social workers to cope with the many demands placed on the profession. Together with the people they work with, social workers see and experience how policies meet (or fail to meet) their needs. We see the people in their social environment and we advocate for social change as well as working with people who want to make personal changes.

If you would like more information about ANZASW or the Anniversary Event in November please email c50@anzasw.org.nz or visit our website http://anzasw.org.nz/about/topics/show/455-c50-anniversary


Sourced from: http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/GE1410/S00163/50-years-of-aotearoa-nz-association-of-social-workers.htm

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