Western Sydney Business Connection (WSBC) appoints new CEO

30 Jan 2015 9:47 AM | Louise Stokes
Western Sydney’s prime facilitator of business engagement, The Western Sydney Business Connection (WSBC), is proud to announce the promotion of Michael Sugg from General Manager to CEO as part of the organisation’s continued transformational process.

WSBC’s President Troy McPhee said “the new appointment marks the first stages in the process of WSBC’s transition from incorporated association to a company limited by guarantee, as voted by the members at our recent AGM”.

“Michael has delivered on his proven reputation for transforming and growing member organisations both here in Australia and overseas. His engagement with our members and the wider community over the past 18 months has allowed WSBC to transform and deliver more relevant programs to its members and reinvigorate its presence in Western Sydney”, added WSBC’s jnr Vice President Brendon Noney.

“The new structure of WSBC will enable the organisation to continue to grow into a larger not-for-profit organisation, providing for a greater diversity of membership. It also better aligns with the new strategic direction of WSBC to be an organisation that not only connects the businesses of Great Western Sydney, but engages in industry support initiatives and advocates for and provides education to those businesses”.

Michael’s role will include leading and managing the organisation’s growth and ensuring it remains progressive, productive and relevant to its membership base. He will also lead the organisation’s new advocacy role, beginning with the campaign to ensure that the businesses of Greater Western Sydney directly benefit from the proposed billions of investment dollars being injected into the region.

“I very much look forward to continuing and leading the great work of the WSBC team”, commented Sugg. “The last year has been an incredible year of evolution and transformation here at WSBC as we strive to bring our members a modern and relevant business community that supports their growth and connections. WSBC continues to develop and make itself more and more relevant in Sydney’s West and I look forward to even more progress in 2015”.

Further information on WSBC can be found on their website at www.wsbc.org.au.

Michael Sugg can be contacted at msugg@wsbc.org.au and on 02 8896 6045 or 0401 326161.


Western Sydney Business Connection is the prime facilitator of business engagement and growth in Western Sydney.

We exist to support the growth and connectivity of the Western Sydney business community.
We do this by delivering an innovative vehicle of engagement, collaboration, branding, regional promotion, thought leadership and a 'Voice' for Western Sydney business.

We promote and connect the people, places & businesses of Western Sydney.

Michael Sugg:
Michael is an entrepreneurial leader and experienced in engaging organisations with their audiences.

He is well known for his client and member engagement as well as his energy, passion and professionalism. A key strength he brings to WSBC and its members is his commerciality and knowledge of association management and the challenges and opportunities facing membership based organisations in today’s economic climate.

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