Association of Australian Convention Bureau input to strengthen business event case

13 Mar 2015 1:02 PM | Louise Stokes
The Association of Australian Convention Bureaux (AACB) has provided input to the 2015 review of the Export Market Development Grants (EMDG) scheme.

The EMDG scheme is a key Australian Government financial assistance program facilitated through Austrade that supports the export of a wide range of industry sectors and products, including inbound tourism and the export of intellectual property and know-how outside of Australia. The objectives of the review examine the effectiveness of the scheme and options for improved performance and funding scheme administration costs.

“Around the world, international business events are being used as strategic tools for attracting trade, investment and global talent,” said AACB executive director Andrew Hiebl (pictured). “The EMDG scheme recognises the business events industry and helps Australian convention bureaux continue to drive the high yielding and long term benefits accruing in the sector.”

The grant provides financial assistance to approved bodies within the scheme, including many Australian convention bureaux and regional tourism and economic development bodies, to attract business to Australia and encourage export opportunities for Australian businesses.

“International marketing is a fundamental role that convention bureaux play to attract new business events to their destinations,” Hiebl added. “Improvements in grant funding for international marketing activity directly benefits more than 1600 convention bureaux stakeholders across the country and the broader business events industry.”

Article sourced directly from:

The Australasian Society of Association Executives (AuSAE)

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