Sarah Sladek (XYZ University, USA) stars in AuSAE TV!

16 Mar 2015 12:57 PM | Louise Stokes
The AuSAE TV platform is jam-packed with interviews of NFP sector leaders and topic experts. The latest episode features Sarah Sladek (Founder & CEO of XYZ University), who joins us all the way from America and shares with us her views of the future of association membership and best ways to engage with Gen Y. She describes in the episode how associations must bridge the generational gap in order to survive, and describes some ways in which to do this [watch now].

AuSAE TV is made possible by Redback Conferencing and is housed within their platform. Click here to watch. Not a member? Visit our membership page to see what else you are missing out on and join today! AuSAE TV is a platform consisting of various insightful interviews and webcasts with sector leaders and topic experts. New episodes are released every month.

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