Working Towards Positive Influence

02 Apr 2015 8:58 AM | Louise Stokes

LinkedIn Pulse Post by Heather Dauler

Influencing others. Sometimes we think of this concept negatively, through the lens of manipulation. But that’s our perception laid over what is really a neutral idea. Influence wielded correctly allows us to move projects, lead teams, or affect change. It allows us to manage up and to cut through internal bureaucracy.

Applying thoughtful, positive influence is an important tool, one that can help us gain allies and champions at work, in our community, or even at home. Laying the right foundation is important as successful influence takes time. Here are some tips to help:

  • Develop a relationship. This is key. We cannot influence people without enjoying some kind of positive relationship with them. This starts with listening more than talking, sharing experiences, and engaging with others. For example, inquire about the family of your coworkers; learning the names of children and grandchildren goes a long way.
  • Work towards trust. Trust doesn’t happen overnight, but it can start quickly. Accountability is an important aspect in building trust - do what you say you are going to do, when you say you are going to do it. Don’t overpromise and if you’ve bitten off more than you can chew, communicate your oversight early and ask to discuss alternative strategies.
  • Ensure consistency. When you behave differently each week, those around you never know what to expect. This erodes trust and stymies influencing efforts. Become known as someone who is dependable, whom others can always count on, even in small ways. Those small ways will lead to large pay-offs.
Lastly, know that some people are simply harder to influence than others. We all have a past history that shapes our current experiences, and building trusting relationships may simply be a lot to ask of some. All we can do is try. In the end, that act alone may prove to be a turning point.

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