Scientists debate merits of speaking out on public issues

10 Apr 2015 10:10 AM | Louise Stokes

The NZAS's (New Zealand Association of Scientists) conference in Wellington today had experts sharing their experiences, and encouraging others, in speaking publicly. The conference, titled Going public: scientists speaking out on difficult issues, focused on exploring the issues surrounding and challenges for experts stepping up and speaking to the public on topical science-related issues.

NZAS president Nicola Gaston kicked off the day by describing how fear and peer-pressure often discouraged scientists from speaking out.

“The fear of being wrong is compounded by the myth of scientific expertise, where a person is seen as having to be right all of the time,” she said.

Dr Gaston said that when dealing with controversial issues there was seldom one right answer, but it was important the right scientists were speaking at the right time.

The Science Media Centre’s Peter Griffin emphasised the need for scientists to get on the front foot when science issues were in the headlines.

“Put your hand up, or it is more likely you will get pseudo science and vested interests controlling the narrative.”

Dominion Post journalist Nikki Macdonald agreed that scientists needed to be heard for the media to get it right.

“Journalists are looking for information, we want to understand the issue and understand the science. The more access to different voices, the better we have the complete picture.”

While there were no easy answers, Auckland University researcher Siouxsie Wiles captured the sentiment of the room as she described the difficulties, and rewards, of good science communication.

“A lot of people say “what the hell do you know about this”, but the reason that I’m here, it’s not about me, it’s about wanting New Zealand to be a scientifically literate country.”

You can follow the conference on Twitter, using the hashtag #GoingPublic

This article first appeared on NZ Doctor website here.

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