The Association of Australian Convention Bureaux (AACB) Strategic Planning

05 Jun 2015 2:10 PM | Louise Stokes

In May, the AACB Board of Directors held a two day strategic planning session to confirm progress made in relation to the 2012-15 strategic plan and outline a new three year strategy to build on AACB's previous success in the areas of raising industry profile and increasing influence.

The third goal has expanded from a staff education focus to encompass more broadly on stakeholder engagement and relevance to maximise member value.

The resulting strategies and actions will be implemented in a new 2015-18 strategic plan that will be finalised and adopted by the AACB Board prior to the Staff Conference in September. The following goals will drive the future direction of AACB:

  • Raising Industry Profile to promote the economic contribution and social impact of Business Events to Australia.
  • Increasing Influence to leverage our partnership with Government to drive positive policy and investment decisions for the Business Events sector.
  • Member Value to drive sustainability through stakeholder engagement and relevance.

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