Associations: Do You Make it Hard for Members to Join?

05 Jun 2015 3:29 PM | Louise Stokes

Posted by Christina R. Green, Member Clicks

No one has time these days. We watch TV or sporting events with a device in hand; we reach for our phones to cover up even a moment of quiet.

So what makes you think your potential members will take a moment extra to figure out the membership application process?

They won’t.

You need to make it as easy as possible for them. Eliminate all of the friction and challenges involved in joining. Here are some things to consider:

Membership Information Front and Center

You must feature the reasons someone should join your association. Don’t present them as a list of benefits, although that seems like a quick way to do it. People tend to zone out when reading lists. However, if you present them as solutions you’re prompting action. Prospects will recognize a problem they have, that you have the solution to, and will become members in the hopes that you can solve it for them.

Some associations have turned to infographic displays because they get noticed. There are several free software platforms, like Piktochart, that help you create infographics in a few clicks.   

Join Now Button

This type of button on the homepage is a must. It should be prominently displayed as a button (or a first-level menu tab). Don’t make people hunt around for a way to join your association. Make it obvious.

Online Application

It’s important to remove all obstacles to joining. If you’re using only a paper application, that’s an obstacle. Sell your memberships online. People often make decisions after 5 p.m., and sometimes, on weekends. This also means allowing people to pay for their dues online.

While you’re making changes, ensure your online membership application form is mobile friendly as well.

Allow for Online Renewals

Just as you should take online applications, you should allow for online renewals as well. Let your members pay online so that they can renew when it is convenient for them.

Removing the obstacles to joining your association is one way to show you understand your members’ needs.

While it sounds like common sense, unless you’ve tried joining a group when no one is available to take your call, you may not be aware of the limitations and frustrations in doing so. Take a look at your site today. Are you making it hard for potential members to join?

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