Inland Rail a Transformative Project

15 Sep 2015 11:35 AM | Kerrie Green

The completion of the Inland Rail Business Case brings this major logistics project one step closer to fruition and is welcomed by the Australian Logistics Council as a transformative project for generations to come.

“Inland rail is critical to Australia’s freight future given the expectations of the growth in the freight task,” said Michael Kilgariff, ALC Managing Director.

“We welcome finalisation of the business case handed to the Commonwealth Government today, and note it found an investment in inland rail has positive net economic benefits.

“I congratulate members of the Implementation Group, and its Chairman John Anderson, on their work to provide high level advice to Government on how Inland Rail can proceed.

“I also acknowledge the significant work of the Australian Rail Track Corporation to undertake a rigorous and extensive business case, which can now go to Infrastructure Australia for further analysis.

“This project is now developing a high level of industry interest as evidenced by the fact alternative consortia have also sought to have proposals considered. In the context of developing its 15 year Infrastructure Plan, IA has an important role to play in providing advice to government on these plans.

“The momentum gathering behind this project is exciting now that we have robust information on how the iconic inland rail project can be delivered.

“The funding requirements for inland rail need to be seen against the backdrop of the significant economic opportunities the project can deliver and enormous freight growth expected in Australia over the next 30 years.

“ALC research has shown that a 1% improvement in logistics productivity would have a $2 billion a year benefit to the national economy – inland rail is one such way industry and government can work towards achieving this economic dividend,” he said.

Mr Kilgariff said the business case confirmed economy-wide modelling that indicates the Inland Rail Programme will increase gross domestic product by $16 billion over the 10 year construction period and 50 years of operation.

“Australia’s freight task is also expected to almost triple by 2050, and rail needs to make a greater contribution to meet growing demand, particularly on the north - south corridor,” he said.

“Inland rail would complement the road and rail links already connecting Australia’s three largest cities along Australia’s east coast and reduce pressure on our road infrastructure, particularly in Sydney which often acts as a freight bottleneck because passenger rail is afforded priority.

“Inland rail would also reduce train transit times and transport costs between Melbourne and Brisbane, which would have a positive effect on transport companies, exporters and ultimately Australian consumers.

“The effective completion of this project would see the connection of our major mainland cities with a world class rail network providing the backbone for moving goods across the country safely, reliably and efficiently.

“From an economic perspective, not only will this project improve the global competitiveness of our key exports through providing a reliable rail transport alternative for agricultural and mining freight, it will also create thousands of jobs during and after construction, many in rural and regional areas.

“ALC, along with industry, strongly supports the project and we eagerly encourage Government’s continued commitment to the project to ensure its long awaited delivery.

To view ALC’s Inland Rail Video visit

This media release was directly sourced from the Australian Logistics Council website here. For further information, contact Duncan Sheppard on 0412 340 934. 

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