Internet Australia responds to NBN Plan

28 Oct 2015 4:29 PM | Kerrie Green

Internet Australia, the peak body representing Internet users, welcomed the release of the NBN three year plan, which gives greater certainty to the market and to Internet consumers.

CEO Laurie Patton commented:

“Our members have genuine concerns about the viability of the ageing copper network which should not be ignored, but whatever technology is used, we need to make sure the rollout is undertaken as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Earlier in the year Internet Australia called on the Government and the Opposition to hold a bipartisan Digital Future Forum to create an agreed national strategy so that we become a leading player in the digitally enabled world economy. Opposition Leader Bill Shorten supported this but the Abbott Government didn't respond either way. So today we have renewed our call in the hope that Prime Minister Turnbull will agree to our proposal.

The Internet is not just about our economic future however, it provides a powerful platform for social good. This includes improved delivery of health services, especially in regional and remote

areas, and opportunities for innovation in the field of education”. 

2016 is the National Year of Digital Inclusion. We owe it to all Australians to build a fast, ubiquitous national broadband network that is open and accessible to everyone. 

Internet Australia chair, George Fong runs an ISP in regional Australia. He comments: 

“This three year plan will promote certainty, especially in regional and rural areas and allow local

councils to better develop economic and social strategies around broadband infrastructure. It’s as

much about reach as speed. Both are critical to the sustainability of regional and rural communities. Digital natives, as opposed to us (older) digital immigrants, make decisions about where they want to live and work based on accessibility to the Internet”.

This media release was directly sourced from the Internet Australia website here

Media contact:

Laurie Patton | 0418 777700 |

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