InternetNZ excited about Kiwi cyber security group

30 Oct 2015 9:03 AM | Kerrie Green

InternetNZ welcomes an announcement made today by the New Zealand Internet Task Force that it has launched a public funding campaign to build a Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT).

The creation of a CSIRT will serve New Zealand’s small and medium sized businesses, and not-for-profit organisations by providing Internet security.

InternetNZ’s Chief Executive Jordan Carter says this is a chance to deliver much needed improvement and will provide greater confidence to New Zealand internet users.

“A CSIRT would mean Kiwi organisations and not-for-profits will have help from real independent experts if they are hacked by criminals or are dealing with some kind of cyber threat,” says Carter.

InternetNZ has long been calling for a national CSIRT to help protect New Zealand’s Internet community and we’re excited to see the New Zealand Internet Task Force create the beginnings of a national incident response capability.

The New Zealand Internet Task Force is seeking funding partners and wants to talk to, and work with, any organisation that wants to work with them and help improve New Zealand’s cyber security.

For more information about CSIRT visit their website or send them an email at the links below.



This media release was directly sourced from the InternetNZ website here

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