Business Continuity in Light of the Unplanned, Unexpected or Simply a Surprise for Some

19 Feb 2016 4:29 PM | Deleted user

Have you ever contemplated the effect on your cash flow in the light of experiencing any or all of the following?

  • Mains power to your premises is interrupted by roadworks cutting the supply cable and you are without for 24 hours
  • The internet connection is interrupted by the same roadworks. This time it has targeted a different cable and may take several days to resolve
  • "Someone" in the office has clicked on an "office" email attachment loaded with the RansomWare Virus. As a result all your drives are now "encrypted" until a BitCoin ransom is paid
  • Your Senior IT Manager has just resigned "in a huff" and no one else has, or ever had, access to the master security passwords. This results in no staff being able to login to any system
  • Your web site provider premises has burnt to the ground and you need to update the pricing schedule on the your web site or you will be selling items at less than cost
  • A third party company providing a key component of your flagship software product has just upgraded its offerings and has now rendered your product useless. Your software is no longer fit for purpose and cannot continue to be sold, let alone supported

What now? We will cover this over the coming months...

This article was sourced directly from IVT.

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