Is Technology Making Conferences Redundant?

15 Mar 2016 11:42 AM | Deleted user

Will industry conferences and events die a slow death as technology makes them obsolete? Or are they more relevant than ever in the digital age?

I considered these questions when a colleague, an events co-ordinator, complained about the challenges of organising large business functions. Attendances were falling and event sponsors were harder to find as companies cut costs.

"People expect so much more of presenters these days, TED talks show the benefit of having people tell a story, use anecdotes and speak without 100 dense slides."

Technology is disrupting events. LinkedIn and other social media platforms provide networking opportunities that events used to fulfil. Webinars create options for time-poor managers to catch up on material without leaving their desk. TED talks and other free online content suit those seeking latest ideas and inspiration.

What's your view?

  • Do you still attend industry conferences and events?
  • Are they valuable?
  • What makes a good event and what makes a bad one?
  • How could they improve?

It is easier to avoid industry conferences and events these days. Nobody has time for costly events that produce low returns, or to be tortured by a procession of poor speakers who kill the audience with PowerPoint slides. Event junkets are a relic in many industries.

However, in many ways, attending industry conferences and events is more important than ever as people are glued to computer screens, iPads and smartphones, and have less face-to-face contact with their industry peers.

Conferences can be particularly useful for younger managers who need to know a real network extends beyond Facebook friends and a LinkedIn page, that their industry lives and breathes, and that they can learn from watching their peers in action.

In fairness, conferences have improved considerably this decade. More have panel discussions to break up presentations and make the format interactive. Opt-in sessions, where delegates choose a topic, allow for tailored content; networking opportunities have improved; and presentation content is being captured more effectively.

Much more can be done. For all the good work, many industry conferences and events are still too one-way, with information mostly flowing from presenters to the audience. Too much of the content is delivered at the event when it could be provided earlier. Audience engagement is invariably too passive, the format too rigid, and networking opportunities too random. Also, the schedule and catering of many events is often stuck in the past.

Here are six suggestions to improve industry conferences and events:

1. Provide opportunities for delegates to co-create the event

It's not easy. Event organisers need to nail down most of the speakers and content/format to attract attendees, well in advance of the event. Even so, organisers can find ways for delegates to co-create part of the event. What would they like discussed? Who would they like as presenters? What format best suits them?

2. Present the bulk of material before the conference starts

It is not as radical as it sounds. Why can't a presenter give their 40-minute talk and slides via webinar or other recorded device before the event? Then present a 20-minute synopsis at the event and allow 20 minutes of higher-quality audience engagement. The presenter could reshape their talk based on webinar feedback and the audience would have much more warning about what is being presented and scope to ask considered questions. It would be more spontaneous and create a real discussion.

3. Create online forums before and after conference material is presented

We have all been to conferences where someone presents for 30 minutes, invites questions, and a few tepid ones are asked and answered to break the silence.

So why not create an online discussion forum around key themes in the talk, presented via webinar before the conference? Get people across the industry talking about an issue before the formal presentation, not in the 10 minutes allotted at the end for questions. That will make for livelier interactive presentations and help with networking opportunities.

4. Get tougher on presentation content and style

Granted, it is not easy policing poor presentations, asking for dress rehearsals, or getting presenters to change their content or delivery when they have agreed to speak for free. But people expect so much more of presenters these days, TED talks show the benefit of having people tell a story, use anecdotes and speak without 100 dense slides.

5. Make conference networking less random

Few things are worse that attending a conference that has limited networking opportunities, or forces them on delegates. You hope to meet a few key people at the event, but don't know if they are attending or may not have an opportunity to speak to them.

Conference organisers should be more overt with networking. With permission, they could publish a list of delegates well before the event and use technology to allow attendees to alert those they hope to meet. That's got to be more productive than delegates hoping to bump into someone in the foyer during an event, or standing around like shy teenagers in the corner of a school disco.

6. Liven up the event format

I'm amazed that many five-star hotels, which should know better, still serve heavy protein-rich, sit-down meals at events. Not enough serve light, interesting finger-food or use buffets and other dining formats that aid networking. The catering seems behind the times for managers who are increasingly health conscious.

The format of many events also seems dated as managers juggle work and conference material. More gaps are needed where attendees can check and reply to emails, make phone calls and complete other work. Who can afford to spend eight hours away from work, listening to back-to-back presentations, or attending event lunches or cocktail functions? Longer gaps in the morning and afternoon, where people can catch up on work, make sense.

This article was sourced directly from Sydney Morning Herald and can be viewed online here

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