• 20 Sep 2016 11:03 AM | Deleted user

    Associations have the infrastructure to help remake the education industry, according to a new white paper. What’s lacking is the will to promote that fact.

    Associations are forever being scolded that they need to run more like a business. But what if they already are?

    That might be the case when it comes to education. In a recent white paper titled “The Association Role in the New Education Paradigm,” Spark Consulting’s Elizabeth Weaver Engel, CAE, and Alcorn Associates’ Shelly Alcorn, CAE, argue that associations have the educational infrastructure structure and industry connections that will be required to respond to the rapid shifts in secondary education. With the size of college debt leaving many learners skittish and many companies embracing microcredentialing, associations have an opportunity to fill the gap.

    Problem is, they say, associations don’t promote their capabilities on this front, which leaves the rising for-profit education industry—or corporations in general—in a position to snap up a market that associations should own.

    ”I think associations are the best secret going.”

    “We do a good job with this, and nobody knows,” says Alcorn. “Associations have been unfortunately obsessed with the idea of membership for so long that they are not seeing the fact that one of the reasons why those membership streams are drying up is those people aren’t making it into the profession in the first place.”

    In the paper, Engel and Alcorn lay out the various ways associations can play a major role in training. They have access to employers, who are often looking for skilled labor that doesn’t necessarily require a secondary degree; they have experience providing credentials and certifications, which may have more immediate relevance within an industry; they can provide relevant training more quickly than the two- or four-year degree process; and they can connect with students who don’t fit traditional definitions of students. “Association professional development programs have been designed from the beginning to be completed by people who are working full time and who have significant other responsibilities,” they write. “Associations don’t expect our audiences to put their entire lives on hold for multiple years while they attend in-person classes for months at a time.”

    So what’s standing in the way? For one thing, a cultural assumption that a secondary degree is the only meaningful path to a decent-paying professional career. But Alcorn and Engel argue that there’s plenty the association community can do to make a case for themselves. In the paper, they point to a handful of associations that have ramped up and broadened their education efforts. The HR Certification Institute, for instance, created a credential for newcomers in the industry but not necessarily HR professionals; state CPA societies in Maryland and Ohio emphasized training in soft skills and skills students needed; the National Association of Licensed Practical Nurses provides stepping stones for its members to climb the next rung in the nursing ladder. All of these efforts are still within the associations’ mission, but expand the community and find ways to betters support it.

    “They’re not completely throwing over the old stuff, but they had to say, ‘We need to start thinking a little bit differently about who we’re serving and how we’re serving them, and the forces that are affecting our industry, and position ourselves not just be looking ahead for next year’s programming,’” Engel says. Adds Alcorn: “Each one of those associations had to acknowledge that there was a broader constituency that they weren’t tapping into, and they had to look at the at the actual dynamics inside their professions and industries.”

    Simply recognizing the problem and its potential is one easy way to start. That’s especially true of associations that do work internationally, particularly in countries that have little interest in membership but are eager for training opportunities. (This is one theme of MCI Group’s recently released Global Engagement Index, a document I had an editorial hand in.) The white paper suggests that many associations already have a grasp of the employment environment and career paths in their industries—what’s left is to build a strategy and delivery system around it.

    And also, Alcorn and Engel told me, a will among association leaders to adapt their mindset enough to make education as much a tentpole of their model as membership and the big annual conference. The clock is ticking—for-profit organizations will happily take over the kind of niche education that associations specialize in if associations themselves don’t pursue it, Alcorn says. (As an example, last week I received a PR email from Amazon trumpeting its nursing training for employees in its fulfillment centers.)

    “I think associations are the best secret going,” Alcorn says. “You can have an impact, and it’s time to embrace some optimism. The kind of member loyalty that you have always said you wanted to create? I don’t know of any better loyalty than ‘They helped me get a job, keep a job, and get a better job.’”

    This article was originally sourced from Associations Now and was written by Mark Athitakis.

  • 20 Sep 2016 10:58 AM | Deleted user

    THE Australian Farmers’ Markets Association has published a new Food Safety Guide for Farmers’ Markets in collaboration with Food Safety Australia New Zealand to help stallholders and managers understand their duty of care and comply with regulations.

    AFMA spokeswoman Jane Adams said the guide is the first of its kind and will help the more than 180 farmers’ markets trading regularly across Australia.

    “AFMA ranks food safety as a major priority,” Jane said. “To date there has not been a commonsense farmers’ market-specific document to help facilitate the delivery of a strong food safety culture in farmers’ market settings.”

    The guide covers regulations for horticulture, poultry, dairy, seafood, meat, wine, food sampling, food handling, labelling and nutrition panels.

    This media release was originally sourced from Weekly Times Now.

  • 20 Sep 2016 10:55 AM | Deleted user

    The SMSF Association welcomes the Government's proposed changes to their non-concessional contribution (NCC) lifetime cap policy, believing they represent very positive and sensible policy that will reduce administrative complexity and increase opportunities for adequate retirement savings.

    SMSF Association Managing Director/CEO Andrea Slattery was responding to the Government's statement today that it is amending its super package by replacing the $500,000 lifetime NCC cap with a new measure that reduces the annual NCC cap from $180,000 to $100,000 up to a superannuation balance of $1.6 million.

    She says an annual cap of $100,000, with a three-year bring-forward of up to $300,000, will give people a better opportunity to save an adequate superannuation balance for retirement than that afforded by the lifetime cap.

    "The move to cap NCCs to people who have super balances under $1.6 million is an appropriate compromise in light of the original proposal outlined in the 2016 Budget, with the policy goal of making the system more sustainable and better targeted still intact.

    "In addition, the new proposal's prospective application date is a welcomed move, removing the lifetime cap's issue of counting contributions back to 1 July 2007."

    Slattery says the Association will work with the Government to ensure that the deferral of the ability to carry forward contribution caps made to offset the loss of revenue from the NCC cap shift can still be implemented by 1 July 2018.

    "The Association has been a long-time advocate of allowing the carry-forward of concessional contribution caps because they assist women and people with broken work patterns achieve adequacy.

    "We believe that this change was a positive element in the 2016 Budget package as they increased the flexibility of the superannuation system and allowed further opportunity for people to make catch-up contributions closer to retirement."

    This media release was originally sourced from SMSFA.

  • 20 Sep 2016 10:50 AM | Deleted user

    The Royal Automobile Association of South Australia (RAA) has selected Empired as their primary partner to build a new digital platform to help RAA deliver on its digital transformation strategy.

    According to RAA group information officer, Mike Walters, Empired was chosen for its “right mix of skills and culture” to aid the association in its customer engagement digital overhaul.

    As part of the three-year deal, Empired will develop a platform that will allow RAA to offer a strong, personalised customer experience to its existing membership and potential customer base.

    The company is committed to the key strategic objective of developing a new platform based on the Sitecore Experience Platform and Microsoft’s Azure cloud service that will boost customer engagement and accelerate the association’s membership acquisition.

    “Empired is thrilled to be selected as RAA’s primary partner in helping them drive their digital transformation strategy,” Empired client executive, Tim Kelly, said.

    “We look forward to working with RAA by leveraging our national digital capability to help them drive member engagement, retention or acquisition and deliver a competitive advantage to RAA in the growing digital marketplace.”

    Walters said whilst RAA is well known for its physical service to members on the road, in calls centre or shops, a digital presence will enable both customer acquisition and retention.

    “Transitioning to a new digital platform will also allow us provide best practice, customer-centric, personalised and seamless services in the digital environment,” he added.

    This article was originally sourced from Arnnet and was written by Holly Morgan.

  • 20 Sep 2016 10:44 AM | Deleted user

    Rural Doctors seek to avert more closures of Tasmanian rural health services

    The Rural Doctors Association of Tasmania (RDAT) and Rural Doctors Association of Australia (RDAA) are calling on Tasmania's Health Minister, Michael Ferguson MP, to meet with rural doctors to discuss the need to strengthen his Department's engagement with the Tasmanian rural health workforce to develop a statewide strategy on retaining and enhancing rural hospital and health services across the state.

    The move follows RDAT's continuing concern at the imminent closure of Mersey Community Hospital's maternity unit — and the impact of further service downgrades on the health needs of North West Tasmanian communities.

    "After we highlighted our concerns about the closure of the Mersey maternity unit, Minister Ferguson asked the Tasmanian Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to brief us on arrangements regarding the closure" the RDAT Executive's North West representative, Dr Peter Arvier, said.

    "While we appreciated this briefing, we remain very concerned at the continuing erosion of services at the Mersey Community Hospital and other rural locations, and the impact this will have not only on the recruitment and retention of future doctors but also the health of rural communities across the state.

    "Further downgrades in rural hospital and health services in Tasmania will simply result in a continuing reliance on expensive specialist and locum-based care, and the loss of more and more of Tasmania's future rural doctors to the mainland.

    "RDAT believes there is a unique opportunity to develop the Mersey Community Hospital as a Centre of Excellence for a 'Rural Generalist' model of medical care to deliver a wide range of essential and sustainable health services in the North West, including obstetrics, anaesthetics, emergency care, general surgery, palliative care and advanced mental healthcare. Under this model of care, a patient’s GP / Family Doctor could also continue to be actively involved in caring for their patient during the hospital admission.

    “In partnership with the University of Tasmania, the Mersey would also have a pivotal role in training Tasmanian medical students and junior doctors in the Rural Generalist model of medical care.

    "We are determined that rural hospital and health services across Tasmania should be retained and expanded, underpinned by well-trained and highly motivated rural doctors supported by other health professionals to deliver the best access to medical care across the state.

    "We hope the Minister and DHHS are as determined as we are on this issue.

    This media release was originally sourced from RDAA.

  • 20 Sep 2016 10:40 AM | Deleted user

    Thousands of charities have received a “red mark” from the national charities regulator, the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC), for failing to lodge their annual reports on time.

    The red mark will now appear on the ACNC's Charity Register listing of more than 3,500 charities that were more than six months overdue with their annual reporting to the Commission.

    Commissioner of the ACNC, Susan Pascoe said the majority of the charities were required to submit their 2015 Annual Information Statement by 31 January this year.

    “Submitting an Annual Information Statement to the ACNC each year is a legislative requirement for registered charities,” Ms Pascoe said.

    “This group has failed to meet that obligation.”

    She said all charities that were more than six months overdue with their reporting would receive a red mark on their Charity Register listing.

    Ms Pascoe said that while the submission date remained on the Charity Register, the red mark could be removed.

    “Once the charity submits its overdue 2015 Annual Information Statement, the red mark will disappear,” Ms Pascoe said.

    “We have published a list of charities that have recently received a red mark to encourage them to act fast and submit their outstanding Annual Information Statement.

    She urged them to join the 42,700 registered charities that had submitted their statements.

    Ms Pascoe said that the ACNC would continue to take steps to improve compliance with reporting requirements in the interest of public trust and confidence.

    This article was originally sourced from PS News.

  • 20 Sep 2016 10:24 AM | Deleted user

    The Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia (ASFA) has appointed Dr. Martin Fahy as its chief executive, effective 1 November.

    Fahy was currently a partner at management consultancy, KPMG, where he worked with clients across the financial services and other sectors to drive transformational change.

    His role at KPMG saw him work with investment banks, wealth management organisations, superannuation funds, and service providers to the super industry.

    From 2007 to 2011, Fahy was CEO at Finsia where he led the organisation's transformation post the sale of its education business.

    Commenting on the appointment, ASFA chair, Dr. Michael Easson, said: "Martin has a deep understanding of the issues and challenges facing the superannuation industry and will bring the considered, evidence-based policy insights that can help shape the long-term success of superannuation in Australia".

    "Martin will lead ASFA into its next period of growth, expanding its role in supporting robust policy debate, and raising capability across the sector," Easson said.

    Interim CEO, Jim Minto, will continue until Fahy commences his new role.

    "The Board and I would like to thank Jim for stepping in during this interim period. We could not have asked for a better person to ensure a seamless transition during such a critical time for superannuation," Easson said.

    This article was originally sourced from Money Management and was written by Jassmyn Goh. 

  • 20 Sep 2016 10:18 AM | Deleted user

    In a sign that the fight for the future for the Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS) is far from over, the ADA has appeared at a Greens-initiated Informal Senate Hearing on Government funding of dental services in Australia.

    While the Government continues to treat the closure of the CDBS and its replacement by the Child and Adult Dental Benefits Scheme (caPDS) as a foregone conclusion, the ADA is determined to keep applying the pressure to retain the CDBS, arguing that the oral health of Australia's children is at stake.

    In their opening remarks to the hearing, ADA Federal Vice President, Dr. Hugo Sachs and Deputy CEO Eithne Irving underscored that good oral health is fundamental to optimum overall health, not to mention a productive and cohesive community.

    And while the Government often notes the cost savings to be made from closing the CDBS, which the Budget Savings Bill has identified as $52 million over four years, the reality is that this amount pales in comparison to the costs that will result from withdrawing the preventive oral health benefits of the current scheme.

    In fact, it's been estimated that the cost to Medicare for patients visiting medical practitioners with dental problems is anywhere from $10 million to $300 million per annum, testament to how much preventive schemes like the CDBS save the community in the long run.

    While the proposed annual investment in the caPDS of $420 million is being promoted as more than adequate substitute for the CDBS, the fact remains that it amounts to only $42 per person when the average amount spent per capita is in the region of $360 per head.

    Additionally, the caPDS will be delivered via the under-resourced and over-stretched public dental system, which will not only mean longer waiting times for treatment and increased out-of-pocket expenses for patients, but increased travel for rural and remote people to receive the care they need.

    By every conceivable yardstick, the new scheme fails to measure up to the existing CDBS which allows families to access care where they live in a timely manner, makes uses of existing infrastructure and dental workforce, and works preventatively to keep people out of hospital with chronic health issues from untreated dental issues.

    It is the ADA's firm opinion that if the Government is serious about delivering oral health care to disadvantaged children and adults, that it should not only retain the CDBS but it is a template to develop additional specialised progressive directed at needy adult populations, all of whom have substantial unmet dental need.

    This article was originally sourced from ADA

  • 20 Sep 2016 10:14 AM | Deleted user

    The AMA has intensified its call for increased Federal Government investment in rural training opportunities for doctors amid mounting evidence that it would improve access to health care for rural communities.

    A study published in the latest edition of the Medical Journal of Australia highlights that doctors who have a rural background and train in a rural area are much more likely to practice in a rural area in the long term.

    The study, Vocational training of general practitioners in rural locations is critical for the Australian rural medical workforce, found up to a 90 per cent chance that doctors who grew up and trained in a rural area would still be practising there five years later, helping redress persistent shortages of GPs in rural areas.

    AMA President Dr Michael Gannon said the findings showed that the right investments by Government could make a real difference to access to care for rural communities.

    This study provides some important lessons for policy makers looking at how we can ensure that Australians living in rural areas have access to medical care,” Dr Gannon said.

    The problem isn’t a shortage of medical graduates. With medical school intakes now at record levels, we don’t need more medical students or any new medical schools.

    “What we need are more and better opportunities for doctors, particularly those who come from the bush, to live and train in rural areas. The evidence shows that they are the most likely to stay on and serve their rural community once that qualify.”

    Dr Gannon said the AMA has developed a number of policies that would substantially boost access to care in rural areas, including:

    • for the targeted intake of medical students from rural areas to be increased from a quarter to a third of all new enrolments;
    • the establishment of a Community Residency Program to give prevocational doctors, particularly those in rural areas, with access to three-month general practice placements;
    • an increase in the GP training program intake to 1700 places by 2018;
    • an expansion of the Specialist Training Program to 1400 places by 2018, with priority given to rural settings, under-supplied specialties and generalist roles; and
    • access to regional training networks to support doctors to train and remain in rural areas.

    “The Federal Government has a wonderful opportunity to make a real and lasting difference by adopting these sensible, effective, evidence-based measures,” Dr Gannon said.

    This Media Release was originally sourced from AMA

  • 19 Sep 2016 1:50 PM | Deleted user

    AuSAE have now released the dates for the final round of Networking Luncheons for 2016.

    AuSAE's networking luncheons are a great way to connect with others in the industry to discuss high level topics of real importance, develop new relationships and gain critical information. This is a rare opportunity to network with other CEOs and senior management professionals from charities, associations and other non-profit organisations. Ample opportunity will be given for you to discuss issues and network with others.

    See dates below for the final round of Networking Luncheons for 2016:

The Australasian Society of Association Executives (AuSAE)

Australian Office:
Address: Unit 6, 26 Navigator Place, Hendra QLD 4011 Australia
Free Call: +61 1300 764 576
Phone: +61 7 3268 7955
Email: info@ausae.org.au

New Zealand Office:
Address: 159 Otonga Rd, Rotorua 3015 New Zealand
Phone: +64 27 249 8677
Email: nzteam@ausae.org.au