• 20 Aug 2021 5:50 AM | Deleted user

    Here are some practical tools to assist you both during, and post lockdown. Please feel free to pass on these tips to your members.

    1. Wellbeing

    It is a ‘buzzword’ synonymous with Covid19, however it is beneficial to your association for you, your staff and members to be as happy as possible! The Mental Health Foundation lists 5 Ways to Wellbeing: Connect . Give . Take notice . Keep learning . Be active.

    • You can go to www.smallsteps.co.nz for more practical tools to improve your wellbeing.
    • Watch the AuSAE Wellbeing webinar here with Dr Angela Lim and Andy Ellis.

    2. Digital – Use Images and Video

    Think about your digital strategy. There are some great, free tools to help you! If you’re making posts and need images sized to different social media platforms, www.canva.com is a good tool. Likewise, consider doing a live Q&A with your members. Keep them engaged.

    3. Content

    New Zealand has been impacted by dramatic change due to social distancing, and the best thing you can do right now is to be a resource to help people cope and navigate these times. Creating content that is not only relevant to the specific impact COVID-19 has had on your industry will help increase the chances of boosting engagement. Things to consider when creating good content:

    • Address a specific issue, relevant to a segment of your wider community
    • Provide valuable information that answers a relevant question for that segment
    • Many businesses and organisations have gone the “easy” route with broad sweeping content during this time. Stand out.
    • Unsure what questions and concerns your members have? Take a leaf from Brett and pick up the phone. Nothing is more powerful than a one on one conversation.

    4. Authenticity

    In the midst of this lockdown, remember above all else, be yourself. Authenticity and genuine care are crucial to online engagement. Putting a human behind the keyboard helps personalise your message. Consider content that covers:

    • Personal Life Lessons
    • Appreciation for others
    • Encouragement
    • Kindness

    Currently, online activity is ramping up, company brand, professional brand, and your personal brand blur into one when everyone is working from home. Understanding this concept is key to engaging your community during this lockdown and beyond.

    5. Learn, Breathe, Grow
    This is the perfect time to learn a new skill, host a webinar or do research that will benefit your association and its members. It is also a time to slow down, take a breath and relax. Catch up on the jobs you’ve put off. We can all grow from this experience, be it personally or professionally. With a positive mindset we can make the most of the opportunities Lockdown provides. You have a ‘captive’ audience – make the most of it!

    By Miriam Dawson, Head of Communications and Engagement NZ - AuSAE

  • 19 Aug 2021 2:42 PM | Brett Jeffery, CAE (Administrator)

    Following this week’s government’s announcement of level 4 lockdown in New Zealand, AuSAE will continue to support you as a member and as part of the association community. We are all about ensuring that the association community is valued, recognised and influential.

    As membership organisations, our members need our support, hence we need to consider the following points. I hope you find value in these engagement ideas that are easily implemented.

    1. Communicate, communicate, communicate

    Your members may be feeling isolated, ensure there is clear awareness and a collective voice delivering positive messaging and opportunities.

    2. Address members immediate concerns

    Directly aim to address your members concerns. Consider what is ‘keeping your members up at night‘ and aim to effectively deliver practical benefits that will help getting back to norm.

    3. Make an impact

    Acknowledge the current situation and actively outline how your Association is making a real impact to contribute to the stabilisation of your members own organisations.

    4. Continue to be kind

    Continue to be seen as ‘kind’. Our members will continue to judge us as we go through this period. If you are able to help vulnerable members during this time then there is a strong likelihood of future advocates (and increased membership).

    5. Project a positive future
    As bad as things may seem right now, we will come through this challenge and it’s important to stay focused on the light at the end of the tunnel.

    6. Ensuring accessibility

    This has always been central to all engagements, and nothing should change. AuSAE prides itself on its willingness to assist and about how to best integrate accessibility and make the experience engaging for members. This is important - what does it look like for you?

    7. Don’t forget the phone

    With all the focus on the new technologies and platforms, we sometimes forget the basics that can help us in a remote engagement process. Sometimes an conversation via phone will make people who are less used to using video more comfortable, and it can be easier for people in rural and remote areas.

    Brett Jeffrey, General Manager New Zealand  19 August 2021

  • 19 Aug 2021 2:37 PM | Brett Jeffery, CAE (Administrator)

    Every membership organisation has members who go above and beyond. 

    They’re the people who show up early to every panel, share every social media post and bring something extra to the table. They’re your biggest fans, advocates, and ambassadors. 

    But as much as you might appreciate your organisation’s super users, it’s not always clear how to bring them into your overall strategy. 

    Here are four ways your organis I trust your judgement until the time of sugar change show you show you change your mind but anyway spine ation can tap the power of super users — and a closer look at the value they can add along the way.

    Support super users who host special events

    Most organizations host several tentpole events each year. This can take the form of an annual fund drive, a conference with big speakers or even a 5K. Tentpole events are an important way to promote your organisation’s visibility within the community and rally members around your cause.

    Because they’re elaborate, tentpole events don’t happen often. In between, your organization can lean on super users to foster community through local events and casual meetups.

    Take stock of where your super users live and who might be part of their networks. Create a few templates for easy events — a happy hour, or a hike — and share these resources with your super users.

    With a little effort and a small budget for refreshments or flyers, your super users can quickly cement local community ties.

    Seek feedback about your onboarding process

    Super users are notable for their generosity and genuine care for your organization. Because they’re deeply invested, they’re often willing to offer critical feedback: The hard truths that, when confronted, can help your organisation improve.  

    If you’re going to choose one area to start with, onboarding is especially critical. Once new members have committed and invested in your organisation, onboarding makes a lasting first impression. 

    Super users often organically engage in the onboarding process, making themselves available to answer questions or locate resources. They have unique insights into how your organization can better set new members up for success.

    Even better — many super users would enthusiastically join a program that welcomes new members and helps them obtain value as soon as possible. Along with asking for feedback, your organization can further support super users by turning their ad hoc engagement into a more coordinated effort. 

    Invite super users to participate in forums

    Super users often believe so whole-heartedly in your organisation that they’re willing to invest their own time and resources into making things better for everyone. 

    Hosting forums, focus groups and even webforms soliciting feedback are excellent ways to make sure super users’ voices are heard. While you shouldn’t expect exclusively positive feedback, you can rely on them for necessary and constructive criticism.

    Understanding when and why super users invest their personal resources can help you identify areas for growth. If members widely embrace unofficial traditions or programs, there may be ways to officially adopt and fund them.

    Tap super users to moderate online communities

    Online communities hosted on Facebook, Slack and other platforms can provide immense value to members. These spaces can provide a place to pose questions, pool resources and signal boost relevant initiatives to many members at once.

    Moderating these online spaces can be time consuming and challenging. A poorly moderated community can quickly be abandoned, or even toxic. 

    That’s where super users come in. They’re already highly engaged in your organisation and deeply familiar with your values and community management. Many would welcome the opportunity to assume a leadership position by voluntarily moderating an online community. 

    Whether you tap super users to gain valuable insights into areas for improvement, or to organize online and in person community events, they’re a powerful asset to any membership organisation.

    Heather Nolan

    Heather Nolan is a marketing specialist at Sidecar. A former journalist and social media manager, Heather lives in New Orleans with her husband, son, and grumpy rescue dog.

    Originally posted here

  • 19 Aug 2021 2:30 PM | Brett Jeffery, CAE (Administrator)

    Integrating risk management into your association’s culture will help you work smarter as your drive toward your mission.

    Accomplishing bigger goals with increased efficiency often means taking a risk on new technology, processes or people. It would be great if your association could know the result of every strategic choice in advance. But your association’s strategic documents aren’t a choose-your-own-adventure book you can replay a dozen ways. Assessing your association’s risk tolerance as business and social risks evolve is essential.

    First, you must understand your industry’s regulatory and operational landscape. Some industries can tolerate more experimentation. Others, such as healthcare or finance, cannot. Know how innovatively and quickly you can ethically respond as you assess your risk tolerance.

    Next, examine the complexity of your organizational structure. How many divergent teams or systems does your association have? The more interconnected your departments or networks, the more likely an adverse event—even a small one—will affect some or all of your association’s operations. Your association’s risk threshold decreases as your departments’ and initiatives’ dependencies increase.

    Closely examine how your teams operate. Emerging risks magnify weak or corrupt roles and processes in your organization, in addition to causing other issues. Correct any off-brand practices according to your strategic plan. Your association will tolerate disruptive change better if there are no unacceptable association practices covertly happening.

    Observe who makes decisions about risk and reaction. Many organizations have a risk assessment board that regularly meets to review risk factors and plans. Empower everyone in your association—from volunteers to board members—to raise potential risk issues and be taken seriously. The more agile your association is about risk, the more effectively you can respond.

    Resolver suggests a few tools for assessing your association’s risk appetite:

    • Know which risk categories would impact your association the most. Prioritize your planned response(s) to them.
    • Set Key Risk Indicators (KRIs) specific to your industry and goals.
    • Create and follow a risk management framework. This document lays out your risk appetite statement, plus who is tasked with responding and how.
    • Integrate risk management into every strategic or operational discussion. Make risk management part of your association’s culture and internal education.

    “We all want to work smarter and drive toward our mission,” says Annette Homan, COO for RIMS. “Defining your risk appetite and tolerance—how much adversity your organization can concede—will prepare your teams to quickly adapt to changes.” Associations can choose their adventures just once, but if those choices are made in a risk-tolerant, innovation-minded way, once is enough.

    Originally posted here

  • 17 Aug 2021 12:28 PM | Sarah Gamble (Administrator)

    ACCI's Workplace Relations and WH&S team have been hard at work preparing a comprehensive guide for employers on COVID-19 Vaccinations and the Workplace.

    This is in direct response to the queries we have been receiving from members around the vaccine rollout and in particular, mandating the vaccine in the workplace.


    ACCI's new guide,COVID-19 Vaccinations and the Workplace - Edition 1 sets out how employers can play their part in the vaccine roll out and how to navigate issues related to vaccinations that may arise in the workplace, including the mandating of vaccines.

    In particular the Guide covers the following topics in detail:

    • Communicating with employees about the COVID-19 vaccine, including tips and tricks and downloadable employer resources;
    • Assisting employees to get vaccinated, including guidance around promotions and giveaways as well as details around any potential liabilities employers may be exposed to when encouraging, promoting or mandating the vaccine in the workplace;
    • Employment and work health and safety law vaccine workplace considerations, including details around implementing a COVID-19 vaccination policy, general workplace relations issues that may arise in relation to COVID-19 vaccinations, the COVID-19 vaccinations in the workplace and dealing with workplace disputes regarding COVID-19 vaccinations;
    • Vaccines and privacy law, including how employers can sight, collect, use and disclose information about an employee vaccination status in line with Privacy Act obligations; and  
    • Work health and safety, including ongoing obligations and steps employers can take to reduce the risks related to COVID-19 in the workplace. 

    The COVID-19 Vaccinations and the Workplace Guide is a working document and will be updated, with new editions, as any new information comes to light and any legal determinations are made.

    Written and Published by the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

  • 17 Aug 2021 10:41 AM | Sarah Gamble (Administrator)

    Generation Z is wary of “fake news,” misinformation, and false advertising. Associations must demonstrate honesty and authenticity to connect with young members.

    Between public health missteps, the visibility of police brutality, and the events surrounding January 6, Generation Z is entering the workforce at a time when our nation has suffered from institutional breaches of trust.

    Their attitudes reflect this: Gen Z’s average trust rating for major institutions fell 10 percentage points across the board in just two months of 2020, and even in 2019, 24 percent of Generation Z said they had 0 percent trust in business leaders. For associations, this is a concern when it comes to attracting young members.

    “When engaging with organizations and institutions, Gen Z leads with skepticism. They operate on the belief that trust should be earned, not assured,” says Phoebe Murray, director of strategic insights and communication at BridgeWorks, a talent firm with a generational focus.

    Associations can connect with young members by demonstrating the kind of transparency and authenticity that rebuilds trust. Use these tips from Murray to develop trust with your Gen Z members.

    It’s clear that Gen Zers are strong advocates for corporate social responsibility. In your communications to members, you’ve probably made commitments to bolster DEI efforts, enact positive social change, and do work in the community. While it helps to get the word out, your young members will probably respond more to action and real-world examples of these efforts.

    Has your organization recently implemented successful internal DEI efforts? Is your association holding charitable events and fundraisers in the near future? Let members know of these initiatives.

    “Gen Z reserves their trust for organizations that share their values and illustrate those values through their actions,” Murray says. “They have a strong sense of social responsibility and expect organizations to demonstrate the same commitment to effect positive societal change.”

    While you’re at it, you can ask some young members to lead or be a part of these initiatives, as Murray says Gen Zers are more trusting of their peers than of institutions.

    Members of Gen Z focus on honesty and transparency, but the majority of them don’t believe brands deliver. And with such an awareness of “fake news,” they’re wary of misinformation and don’t buy into hype.

    Instead of dressing up or sugar-coating something about your organization, be open and honest with members. This approach should start from the top: Give members ample opportunity to reach out to senior leaders in your organization. That way, the inner workings of your association don’t seem opaque and members get a sense for how decisions are made. Creating a member forum could provide Gen Zers with the platform they need to get involved.

    “Gen Z doesn’t just want to see behind the curtain, they want to be backstage. Give Gen Z access,“ Murray says. “Provide a platform for them to ask questions, share their perspectives, and make their voices heard. Listen to their ideas, and let them be a part of the solution.”

    “Don’t talk at Gen Z; talk with them,” Murray says. “Ensure that your communication takes into consideration Gen Z members’ perspectives and invites their feedback so they feel a part of the conversation.”

    Gen Z looks for organizations to value their opinion, and they expect two-way dialogue. When communicating as an organization, seek out your members’ thoughts and invite them to provide feedback. Gen Z also has an expectation of inclusivity, so be sure to use inclusive language whenever communicating with members.

    “Effectively communicating with Gen Z requires two-way dialogue,” Murray says. “Social media has given Gen Z a voice with brands, businesses, leaders, and society at large, and they expect organizations they engage with to extend the same invitation to join the conversation and share their perspectives.”

    Published by Associations Now

  • 13 Aug 2021 5:36 AM | Brett Jeffery, CAE (Administrator)

    AuSAE Premium Alliance Partner, Advanced Solutions International (ASI), a leading global provider of software and services for associations and non-profits, is hosting a live webinar exclusively for Association & Non-Profit Executives on Tuesday, 17 August 2021 at 11am to 12noon AEST/1pm to 2pm NZST on the topic “How do I assure my members their data is safe in the cloud?”.

    The complimentary webinar will offer valuable insights for keeping your member data safe and secure – specifically when you’re working with cloud-based systems - and share advice for ensuring your business practices and processes mitigate risks and provide assurance to your members.

    The webinar will cover:

    • How to undertake a data audit
    • Standards to give your organisation assurances on achieving best-practice with member data security
    • Meeting privacy and other legislative requirements with data in the cloud
    • Data breach risks
    • What you should tell members about their data

    ASI Asia-Pacific Managing Director, Paul Ramsbottom, will explain why your data is safer in the cloud and the steps you can take right away to protect your most valuable association asset – your data!

    Registration at https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/3816262216137/WN_i9wdjtKERhWN-V-zNf1y4g

    ASI’s full schedule of webinars is at www.advsol.com/webcasts.

    Association Executive Webinar
    with AuSAE Premium Alliance Partner, Advanced Solutions International

    Topic: How do I assure my members their data is safe in the cloud?

    Date: Tuesday, 17 August 2021

    Time: 11am to 12noon AEST / 1pm to 2pm NZST

    Register: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/3816262216137/WN_i9wdjtKERhWN-V-zNf1y4g

    There is no cost to attend.

    About ASI

    Advanced Solutions International (ASI) is a leading global provider of products, programs, and services that help associations and non-profits improve operational and financial performance. Since 1991 we've helped thousands of clients grow revenue and reduce expenses by providing industry expertise, best practice advice, and proven solutions. 


    ASI is the developer of iMIS EMS, the world’s #1 association and non-profit software solution, and the only Engagement Management System (EMS)™ – fusing database management and web publishing into a single system – leading to operational efficiencies, revenue growth, and continuous performance improvement. Harnessing the power of Microsoft Azure’s cloud platform, iMIS EMS is purpose-built to meet the most important challenge facing associations and non-profits – Engagement. We have a global network of nearly 100 partners to provide you with a full range of services to implement and support your iMIS EMS platform.

     ASI is proud to be an AuSAE Premium Alliance Partner.  Learn more at www.advsol.com/ausae.

  • 13 Aug 2021 4:50 AM | Brett Jeffery, CAE (Administrator)

    This question can give you hints to your purpose or remind you, in times of confusion, of one way to prioritize your next steps.

    My take:

    I’ve thought a lot about the activities, behaviors, and people who give me energy. But I haven’t thought as much about how I energize other people.

    I’m not sure how to answer this part of the question.

    Do I energize other people? I’ll be thinking about that for a bit.

    How would you answer this question?

    by KiKi L’Italien

  • 13 Aug 2021 4:42 AM | Brett Jeffery, CAE (Administrator)

    The pandemic has ushered in more freedom in the workplace for many employees. Will leaders need to rein that in? An organisational psychologist offers her insights.

    In an era when employees have more leeway than they might have had in the past—and as public health recommendations continue to fluctuate—leaders may be wondering: How much is too much?

    Nicole Lipkin, an organizational psychologist and founder of Equilibria Leadership Consulting, has written about the unintended consequences that can emerge when employees are given too much flexibility in their daily routines. Some of those consequences haven’t changed, such as muddy expectations and unclear communication. That doesn’t mean the rules from before still apply. “[The pandemic has] definitely forced companies and leaders to look at how we treat people—what are people’s needs?” she says. “I also think it’s been a real eye-opener.”

    But the pandemic won’t last forever. So should flexibility be reined in eventually? Ultimately, the issue might not be about flexibility at all. Instead, it could be a matter of setting proper expectations and having a strong understanding of your team.

    “I think understanding that people have different needs, different values, and are motivated by different things—we’ve always known that; I just think it’s become so clear now. That has to be acknowledged,” she says.


    Employees’ varying needs don’t necessarily change the needs of the organization, and the work still needs to get done. This push might lead to some difficult conversations in the coming months. The possibility of returning to the office could also raise questions about how flexible leaders should remain once conditions look more like 2019 than 2020.

    Handling the return too prescriptively could cause problems. In the case of Apple, for example, employees have raised concerns about its strict approach. Lipkin says leaders are in a sensitive place at this time as they try to reset parameters.

    “One of the most important things for leaders to do is have very clear conversations around expectations, like what is expected of this time period versus the future,” she says.


    Lipkin says many issues that surface around flexibility are the result of unclear or incomplete communication between staff and supervisors. It’s something she says she struggles with herself.

    “We as a society tend to suck at communicating and do a lot of mind reading or expect a lot of mind reading to happen,” she says.

    For example, if expectations weren’t properly set and clearly communicated in the first place, employees have to guess what their managers want. She adds that it can be harder than it sounds to set expectations.

    “Collaboration on expectations—of work product, what it’s like, deadlines, all of that—is imperative,” she says. “We’re just so busy and so rushed that we often leave that part out.”


    Of course, given what we’ve learned during the COVID-19 pandemic, expectations and communication need to be mutual, especially as the delta variant creates more ambiguity.

    That conversation will require a lot of clear expectation-setting on both sides, Lipkin says. For one thing, leaders will need to set a path forward—and it won’t look like the path that existed before the pandemic.

    “It’s important for leaders to understand this is not the time to be stuck in the same old ways,” she says. “This is the time to be agile. This is the time to think differently and to gather perspective and to co-create what the future looks like with employees to let them be part of it. And that’s a much longer conversation.”

    Showing flexibility can help workplaces support their teams. But communication around flexibility is more about developing a mutual understanding of what each side needs to get things done. Employees and leaders alike will face challenges with stress and tough decisions in the months to come. By accommodating employees while being clear about what has to change, organizations face a better chance of making sense of this unusual time.

    “We need to give each other a little grace and room,” Lipkin says. “It’s OK not to be at 100 percent.”

    Originally posted here 

  • 13 Aug 2021 4:37 AM | Brett Jeffery, CAE (Administrator)

    A communications strategy that clearly defines your organization’s values and how you bring them to life can help young members connect with your association.

    Even as members of Generation Z have little trust in institutions, they’re also optimistic about their ability to shape a better future. Sixty-two percent of Gen Z-ers say they have the potential to change the world, a figure that rose even amid the chaos of 2020.

    Yet only 27 percent of employees strongly believe in their company’s values, and less than half strongly agree that they know what their organization stands for. One way associations can let Gen Z know that they have a partner in positive change is to highlight their missions and core values in their communications.

    “You have to build a creative strategy on intention, purpose, and authenticity,” says Ellen Kim, founder and creative director of Graphek, an agency that works with associations and nonprofits to generate purpose-driven work. “We’ve asked ourselves, ‘What’s in it for me?’ as we think about what members want, but that question has shifted through the lens of Gen Z. Now the question we must ask ourselves is, ‘How does this impact everyone for the greater good?’”

    Consider these tips from Kim to help your organization find opportunities to leverage its purpose using strong branding and communications.


    Before communicating your organization’s purpose, define and articulate your values so you can clearly communicate them to members. One way to broadcast your mission effectively is to show how members are a part of it.

    Successful purpose-driven companies such as Lululemon see customers as more than buyers, said Bill Theofilou, senior managing director for Accenture Strategy, in a Forbes interview. They treat customers as stakeholders, take time to develop relationships with them, and involve them in future decisions.

    In the same vein, associations should see members as more than people who pay dues. They’re also individuals who are important to the association and its values. Once Gen Z-ers see that their voices are heard, they’ll probably feel more connected to your organization’s mission.

    “Invite them to be stakeholders and be part of the decision making,” Kim says.


    Communicating your organization’s mission or core values may seem inauthentic without tangible examples. And your values probably won’t mean much if they’re just sitting on your association’s website in a bulleted list. Instead, demonstrate how you’re implementing those values. Showing real-world instances of your association benefiting members and helping them enact positive change can prove to Gen Z that there’s meaning behind your maxims.

    “[Gen Z] responds to branding and communication that leave an emotional imprint. Without the emotional imprint, your call to action is useless,” Kim says. “Actions speak louder than words. Use your digital platforms to get the word out.”


    How you share those stories and messages is just as important as the messages themselves. If you want to show Gen Z what kind of organization you are, then you need to communicate in a way that engages them. Kim recommends social campaigns with targeted messaging, eye-catching visuals, and snackable content on platforms that are most popular among Gen Z, such as Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube, Twitter, and TikTok.

    “Be bold in your messaging. Get your communications team to understand the latest digital trends,” Kim says. “It’s refreshing to see more associations revisiting their social media outlets and being more intentional in building a social media strategy.”

    Originally  posted here 

The Australasian Society of Association Executives (AuSAE)

Australian Office:
Address: Unit 6, 26 Navigator Place, Hendra QLD 4011 Australia
Free Call: +61 1300 764 576
Phone: +61 7 3268 7955
Email: info@ausae.org.au

New Zealand Office:
Address: 159 Otonga Rd, Rotorua 3015 New Zealand
Phone: +64 27 249 8677
Email: nzteam@ausae.org.au