• 06 Aug 2018 8:44 AM | Brett Jeffery, CAE (Administrator)

    Whiteboards for sale - all all all you NZSTA - Wellington and Christchurch

    New Zealand School Trustees Association (NZSTA) is changing the technology it’s using at present and as a result we have three whiteboards (with HP printers) available for sale.  Are you able to send out some sort of notice advertising that they are available.

    The asking price for the whiteboards is $575 ono. Two of the whiteboards are about three years old (both available in Wellington), one is a little less than two years old (available in Christchurch), and they are all in excellent condition.

    A picture of the whiteboards and the HP printers they come with is attached.  All of the whiteboards allow printing to hard copy (HP Printer) and to USB drive.

    Contact: Steve Williams, General Manager, Business Services – 
    New Zealand School Trustees Association
    Lambton Quay, Wellington
    Phone 04 4716411            Email: swilliams@nzsta.org.nz

    Office Space Available  - Auckland CBD 

    IBANZ has shared office space for six years with the Professional Advisers Association (PAA) which is merging into Financial Advice NZ.  And are keen to find a replacement organisation/association.The space is a total of 260sqm of which we occupy half.  There is a joint boardroom and kitchen plus utility room with some storage space.

    Anyone looking for office space in the Auckland CBD (Level 5, 280 Queen St), please feel free to be in contact. The space will be available in the next few weeks.

    Contact: Gary Young, chief executive officer
    Insurance Brokers Association of New Zealand Inc
    Auckland - Central Business District
    Phone: 09 306 1734 Email: gary@ibanz.co.nz

  • 03 Aug 2018 7:16 AM | Brett Jeffery, CAE (Administrator)

    The Sir Howard Morrison Performing Arts Centre is a step closer to opening its doors now Rotorua Lakes Council has appointed an architect to carry out the work.
    Following a competitive detailed tender process, Council has appointed Shand Shelton to complete the design for the seismic strengthening and refurbishment of the building.

    The category one heritage building, situated in the heart of Rotorua’s CBD, closed in November last year, when a seismic assessment identified the building was earthquake prone. At the same time, a detailed business case had just been completed giving clear direction for changes needed to ensure optimal use of the centre for performing arts.

    Rotorua Lakes Council’s Arts and Culture manager, Stewart Brown, said the project team was impressed with Shand Shelton’s focus on improving and enhancing the spaces for performing arts – from acoustic design through to easy operation, flexibility of spaces and high quality theatre services. As a firm that specialises in theatre design, they also have an impressive track record of working in performing arts spaces and heritage buildings.

    “Key elements of the design which really stood out included Shand Shelton’s hugely respectful treatment of the building’s original heritage features, its strong use of wood throughout, and the way the team integrated and connected all the spaces with uniquely Rotorua stories,” said Mr Brown.

    “We are really confident, that when the project is completed, we will have a fantastic building where our local performing arts groups can showcase their talents, and a facility that will enable Rotorua to attract many of the top quality touring shows from around the country and internationally,” he said.

    The Sir Howard Morrison Centre stage one enhancements will include:
    •    upgrade of the Concert Chamber to a flexible performance space able to seat 100 to 300 people
    •    upgrade and extension of the Civic Theatre to 1,000 seats
    •    general refurbishment of the main foyer, Banquet Room, and other spaces
    •    refurbishment of the building exterior, and external landscaping and lighting

    Our design seeks to weave together the past and the future in wood, stone and glass. Working with iwi and whānau we hope to capture the spirit of Rotorua in a building that will resonate with performers and patrons alike.  We are cognisant of both the privilege and the responsibility a project like this entails,” says Roger Shand of Shand Shelton. 

    During the recent long term planning round, Rotorua Lakes Council agreed to commit $4.5million towards the seismic strengthening of the Sir Howard Morrison Centre, with the balance of funds for the project to be sourced externally. The project team has already had additional funding commitments of $6million and is working hard to reach the estimated stage one project cost of $18million.

    Earlier this year Sir Owen Glenn pledged $3million towards the project, Rotorua Energy Charitable Trust has committed $1.5million and New Zealand Community Trust has approved $750,000. Further commitments in principle totalling $750,000 have been received from a number of other trusts.

    The Shand Shelton concept design also included a further stage two option, to replace the curved Banquet Room with a built-for-purpose performance space, storage space, and truck dock. Stage two will only be undertaken if the additional estimated ­­funding of $4.8million can also be sourced externally.
    Since 2014, when the focus of use for the Sir Howard Morrison Centre changed from business events to performing arts, extensive consultation has taken place, particularly with existing and potential users of the venue.
    President of Rotorua Musical Theatre, Natasha Benfell, said 'As one of the biggest local users of the Sir Howard Morrison Performing Arts Centre, we are looking forward to the continued progress Council are making to give us a safe and functional work space. We have attended, where possible, all of the discussions with Council and felt very included in the process and it has been a long one. An upgrade to provide the community with the best possible outcome has been an enormous project. We have tried to convey our personal requirements and hope that the end result will reflect a space we can all be proud of.’

    In addition to the stakeholder consultation, a business case was also completed, which explored a range of options for the investment in the development of the centre – from simple seismic strengthening to a complete rebuild.
    Information from the business case and the broad community and stakeholder engagement, has been key in both developing the design brief for the refurbishment, and also in the selection process for the successful concept design.
    The tender process, to select the architect, received nine expressions of interest, which were narrowed down to two companies. The two architects were asked to put forward concept designs for the Sir Howard Morrison Centre. The architects were asked to design a contemporary fit-for-purpose performing arts centre, reflecting Rotorua’s identity, with flexible spaces for both smaller niche productions through to large mainstream shows.

    The design phase is expected to take the remainder of this year with construction due to start in the first half of 2019.

  • 01 Aug 2018 10:33 AM | Deleted user

    Tuesday, 31 July 2018, Melbourne: A recent consumer survey has revealed that Optometry Australia’s flagship consumer awareness campaign, Good vision for life, has influenced more than 2.3 million Australians to make an appointment with an optometrist since its launch in September 2016.

    The survey has highlighted that 1.3 million Australians aged 18 years and over were influenced by the campaign in the last 12 months to make an appointment with an optometrist compared to 1.07 million in 2017. Simultaneously the number of Australians who would now see an optometrist first for a range of eye conditions has also increased, meeting a primary goal of the campaign to influence key household decision makers.

    Optometry Australia launched the Good vision for life campaign in September 2016, to ensure the community understands the value of good eye health, the need to have regular eye examinations throughout life and the role optometrists play as primary health care providers.

    Optometry Australia’s National Campaigns Manager Trinity Scarf said the campaign, now in its second year, is continuing to hit its mark among consumers and members alike.

    “Awareness campaigns are designed to foster understanding and create habits, so it is pleasing to see this upward trend, reflected by the results of the consumer survey,” she said.

    The annual omnibus consumer survey, conducted by respected social research company i-View, is designed to reflect the broader view of Australians. The survey sample size was 1,158 people with results applicable to represent the entire population aged 18+ (19.1m).

    Ms Scarf said “We are delighted with the results given that our budget is modest for a national awareness campaign of this nature. This means that we have had to be smart where we have allocated our promotional spend to ensure the campaign messages reach our targeted consumers.”

    “We have worked closely with our media agency to carefully select progressive and innovative media channels, coupled with high-reaching traditional media, to grow our audience incrementally.”

    Free-to-air radio remained a core channel for the campaign, and spreading the eye health message across two major networks, via a 30 second ad as well as repeated air checks delivered a strong increase in reach compared with the launch year.

    Campaign messages also expanded into audio streaming via Spotify and iHeart Radio in the second year, to reach an additional audience, with an added objective of building a consumer database.

    “In lieu of a TV-sized budget, a robust video strategy was required to continue to harness our strong video materialcreated in the first year of the campaign,” Ms Scarf said. “Cinema was identified as the main outlet for this strategy, due to its scale and targeted relevance to the audience, and we also introduced in-home catch up TV.”

    Optometry Australia is encouraged by these strong campaign results and is focused on continuing to grow awareness and change consumer behaviour in the year ahead.

  • 26 Jul 2018 1:13 PM | Deleted user

    Culture Eats Strategy for Breakfast: A Leadership Masterclass in Leading Self and Leading Others with Dr Neil Carrington.

    Take advantage of this exclusive opportunity to learn from Dr Neil Carrington at his sellout Leadership Masterclass. Dr Carrington will challenge your thinking to create and sustain a high-performance team culture in complex, ever-shifting workplaces. You'll look beyond traditional performance systems and learn advanced techniques to generate powerful feedback environments with a strong emphasis on leader as coach.

    Leading Self and Leading Others

    • Reflect deeply on your organisation’s culture and the relationships you build with your colleagues and staff. Are you deliciously delusional?
    • Explore the difference between leaders and managers and examine the impact of alignment vs agreement
    • Understand how teams can plan and develop together - building-in ongoing, authentic feedback
    • Challenge your pre-existing mental-models
    • Create and sustain a high-performance team culture in complex, ever-shifting workplaces

    Who should attend?

    Dr Carrington’s insights on leadership translate across all sectors and offer real-life examples and practical techniques so that attendees walk away with a toolkit of essential leadership skills. Whether you are a CEO, director, manager, supervisor, team leader or emerging leader, this masterclass will take you to the next level.

    About the Presenter:

    Dr. Neil Carrington is a much sought-after speaker in the area of leadership and organisational culture. Dr. Carrington was the Harvard Club of Australia Fellow for 2012/2013, a prestigious scholarship to attend the CEO program at Harvard University’s Graduate School of Business. Dr Carrington was the Australian Institute of Management Business Leader of the Year in 2016 and also a finalist in the Queensland Philanthropist of the Year. In 2017, he was one of only 22 Business Leaders selected from around the world to attend the London School of Business International Leaders Program in London.

    Neil is currently the CEO of a national charity ‘Act for Kids,’ an organisation dedicated to supporting abused and neglected children. He most recently was the Foundation National Director of the Leadership Centre for the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER). Dr Carrington was the Foundation Director of Education for Mater Health Services in Brisbane. He has presented at over 600 conferences throughout Australia, the UK, Middle East, USA, NZ and across Asia. His featured presentation in the business strand of the ‘World Conference on Thinking’ in Malaysia sold out.

    Dr Carrington’s speaking fees and all profits from this event will go directly to Act for Kids to help abused and neglected children in Australia. Dr Carrington's speaking fees and leadership coaching have generated more than two million dollars for Act for Kids to date.

    What are people saying about Dr Carrington's workshops? Why do they sellout?

    Neil’s leadership workshop was the best I have ever attended.” – Graham Henry, Coach NZ All Blacks

    Dr Neil Carrington is probably one of the best leadership facilitators we have come across. Neil is easy to relate to and the things he shared with us can be used equally in the business environment or at homeHis presentation is very enlightening, engaging and entertaining.” – Garry Gray, General Manager Fuji Xerox

    Neil is entertaining, beautifully fluent in his presentation, and the content is well researched, well thought out, relevant, outcome oriented, practical and a picture of perfect pedagogy." – Dr John O’Donnell, Former CEO Mater Health Services

    Neil’s presentations are always inspiring, creative and humorous but most of all he challenges me to think and act differently as a leader!” – Dr Peter Steer, CEO Great Ormand Street Hospital for Children London

    I have seen Dr Neil Carrington engage our staff in thinking about leadership in deep and powerful ways. He has enabled real change in behaviour and a genuine sense of ownership by these leaders.” – Wade Haynes, Executive Principal Brisbane State High

    All profits from this event go directly to Act for Kids to help abused and neglected Aussie children. Please contact Act for Kids for any questions and to advise any dietary requirements on 07 3850 3201.

    Register Now

    Cairns - Monday 30th July 9:00am - 12:00pm

    Brisbane - Tuesday 31st July 9:00am - 12:00pm

  • 23 Jul 2018 4:24 PM | Deleted user

    The Networking - We invite you to take a couple of hours out of your day to connect with others in the industry to discuss high level topics of real importance, develop new relationships and gain critical information. Attending this AuSAE event is also a great opportunity to connect with leaders from associations, charities and other not-for-profits. You will get the opportunity to discuss current workplace challenges and other issues of importance.

    The Deep DiveStay for a few minutes afterwards…  this newly introduced deepdive session, which should be held after the lunch, in which the speaker will expand on their topic further and answer any burning questions that you have.

    Topic to be Confirmed... 

    Attending this AuSAE event is also a great opportunity to connect with leaders from associations, charities and other not-for-profits to discuss current workplace challenges and other issues of importance.

    To register, click the links below. 

    Auckland l Thursday 8th November 11:30am - 2:00pm

    Wellington l Tuesday 20th November 11:30am - 2:00pm

  • 23 Jul 2018 4:18 PM | Deleted user

    We are officially in the second half of the year (only 22 weekends until Christmas!) and there is certainly a flurry of activity in the sector at present and here at AuSAE is no exception.

    We have recently released a number of events including networking lunches, executive briefings, webinars and our New Zealand Conference (LINC) is right around the corner. LINC is being held in Auckland, 10th – 11th September, if you haven’t already I encourage you to take a look at this year’s program and join us for two days of networking, learning and collaborating to walk away with the tools you need to advance the goals of your organisation. For a full list of our events visit here.

    We are also working hard at developing our “non-event” offering with a revamped resources area on the website and are trialing an exclusive Member Only “Events” discussion forum.

    Next month I am excited to be joining our US partner organisation (ASAE) as I travel to Chicago to participate in the 2018 ASAE Annual Meeting. As well as participating in the many educational sessions and visiting the ENORMOUS exhibition of association solution providers, I will also be progressing some exciting projects we have been working on with our US counterparts – more information on that soon!

    To help you stay up to date with AuSAE news, events and activities, I encourage you to follow us on social media. You can find us on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook (and me personally on Instagram @ausaeceo). Also, did you know we have a closed Facebook group, exclusive to Association professionals where you can seek advice from our executive community.

    We are proud to be the only not-for-profit association that serves association executives. This means that AuSAE, just like you, is genuinely owned by members, run by members and exists for members. Each and every activity we undertake is with the sole motivation of supporting you to achieve positive outcomes for your organisation.

    I look forward to telling you all about my learning from the USA on my return and hope to see many of you at the upcoming networking events.

    Have a great month


    Toni Brearley

    Chief Executive Officer

    Australasian Society of Association Executives

    P 1300 764 576 

    A Suite 19, 101 Wickham Terrace, Spring Hill Q 4000

    E toni@ausae.org.au

  • 23 Jul 2018 4:12 PM | Deleted user

    AuSAE Executive Briefing events provide an exclusive environment for motivated association executives to gain insights and advice from other industry professionals. Executive Briefing events enables members to raise and discuss critical issues affecting industry and network with other professionals from the not-for-profit sector.

    Topic: Delivering Value to Your Membership Using Engagement Strategy 

    Increased engagement is a top goal all the studies tells us so. Has engagement become just a numbers game? How do you achieve engagement that is truly meaningful to your organisation? While studies are good, proven best practices are better.

    Join us for this Brisbane Executive Briefing to explore the creation of and execution of an effective engagement strategy. Following this session, you will be able to focus on creating a member engagement strategy that will guide all engagement efforts helping to achieve key strategic goals. Case studies will be highlighted.

    Paul Ramsbottom

    Managing Director - Advanced Solutions International (Asia Pacific)

    Over the last 20+ years Paul has worked with more professional bodies, industry associations, charities and fundraisers than most people would gather in several lifetimes. He is passionate about helping Associations and Not-For-Profits reach their goals, through adopting new and innovative solutions to help them run more efficiently. He is Managing Director of ASI Asia-Pacific which has more than 600 Not-For-Profit clients in the region. Paul enjoys working everyday with great staff and great clients and is rewarded by seeing great things ASI clients using iMIS, Association Online and Donman systems do in and around the community and knowing that ASI is able to contribute to that.

    Register on the links below.

    Sydney l Tuesday 31st July 3:00pm - 5:30pm

    Brisbane l Wednesday 1st August 3:00pm - 5:30pm

    Canberra l Thursday 2nd August 3:00pm - 5:30pm

    Topic: AGM 101

    It is quite common for a not-for-profit organisation to incorrectly convene on AGM, or attempt to pass resolutions at AGMs which are legally invalid.

    This seminar will cover:

    • Is your organisation legally required to hold an AGM? (Some not-for-profits are exempt.)
    • What are the basic legal requirements to correctly convene an AGM?
    • Which resolutions need to be special resolutions and which can be ordinary resolutions?
    • How do you count 21 days?
    • Voting in modern times and using technology generally.
    • What do you need to do after an AGM?

    Vera Visevic, Partner, Mills Oakley

    Vera Visevic is a Partner and head of the Charity and Not-for-Profit team at national law firm, Mills Oakley Lawyers.

    Mills Oakley has a genuine understanding of the not-for-profit sector and the increasingly complex legislative issues surrounding not-for-profits. Its dedicated team provides education, advice and specialist legal counsel to some of Australia’s leading not-for-profit organisations including charities, religious organisations, community groups and professional associations. Vera and her team expertly guide clients through the specific legal challenges facing their sector with simple, easy-to-understand language (not legal jargon) and a no-nonsense approach. The team at Mills Oakley are one of only a few specialised legal firms in Australia with the experience and know-how to provide advice and assistance to not-for-profits looking to undertake commercial activities. Their expertise in the not-for-profit field means they have first-hand knowledge of current issues affecting the sector and upcoming changes that may impact your organisation.

    Register on the links below.

    Melbourne l Thursday 23rd August 7:30am - 9:00am

    Canberra l Wednesday 29th August 7:30am - 9:00am

  • 23 Jul 2018 3:58 PM | Deleted user

    We are officially in the second half of the year (only 22 weekends until Christmas!) and there is certainly a flurry of activity in the sector at present and here at AuSAE is no exception.

    We have recently released a number of events including networking lunches, executive briefings, webinars, and are in the final stages of negotiating an exciting international guest at the end of the year. The date and location for #ACE19 has been announced (Brisbane, June 11-13 2019) and our New Zealand Conference (LINC) is right around the corner. LINC is being held in Auckland, 10th – 11th September, I encourage you to take a look at this year’s program and as a special offer for our Australian community, we are offering a discounted rate of $350 to attend LINC in its entirety. If you would like to access this rate, please email andrea@ausae.org.au. For a full list of our events visit here.

    We are also working hard at developing our “non-event” offering with a revamped resources area on the website and are trialing an exclusive Member Only “Events” discussion forum.

    Next month I am excited to be joining our US partner organisation (ASAE) as I travel to Chicago to participate in the 2018 ASAE Annual Meeting. As well as participating in the many educational sessions and visiting the ENORMOUS exhibition of association solution providers, I will also be progressing some exciting projects we have been working on with our US counterparts – more information on that soon! If you were considering travelling to the conference, AuSAE has obtained a very generous delegation rate from ASAE. Please email me for the code. 

    To help you stay up to date with AuSAE news, events and activities, I encourage you to follow us on social media. You can find us on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook (and me personally on Instagram @ausaeceo). Also, did you know we have a closed Facebook group, exclusive to Association professionals where you can seek advice from our executive community.

    We are proud to be the only not-for-profit association that serves association executives. This means that AuSAE, just like you, is genuinely owned by members, run by members and exists for members. Each and every activity we undertake is with the sole motivation of supporting you to achieve positive outcomes for your organisation.

    Lastly, I would like to bid farewell to our membership officer Judith Hocking. Judith has been with AuSAE for the past 3 and a half years and has made an enormous contribution to the organisation with her friendly phone manner and genuine commitment to member satisfaction. It is fortunate that Judith will remain in the sector and I look forward to seeing her on the other side of the membership desk!

    I look forward to telling you all about my learning from the USA on my return and hope to see many of you at the upcoming networking events.

    Have a great month


    Toni Brearley

    Chief Executive Officer

    Australasian Society of Association Executives

    P 1300 764 576 

    A Suite 19, 101 Wickham Terrace, Spring Hill Q 4000

    E toni@ausae.org.au 

  • 23 Jul 2018 1:48 PM | Deleted user

    You can’t buy much for $1 these days – an apple, a lollipop, a can of Coke-like substance from Aldi.

    But what you can buy for a $1 is a copy of the hottest eBook on tech start-ups to hit the shelves this year.

    ‘How to Build an Online Business’ is the new book from best-selling author Bernadette Schwerdt (author of Secrets of Online Entrepreneurs) and you can grab a Kindle version of it for just $1.

    That’s right, $1.

    This book is rocketing up the best-seller charts and hit the Top 10 in its first week of release. Everyone’s loving it and I know you will too but you’ve only got 24 hours to take advantage of this offer, so don’t delay. Offer runs from 9am Tues July 24th to 9am Wed July 25th.

    To grab your copy, click here.

  • 20 Jul 2018 2:11 PM | Deleted user

    Bill Moore has announced his retirement after two and a half years in the role of CEO of Fitness Australia, the peak national fitness body.

    “It’s been an absolute thrill to lead the Association over the past couple of years, but I’ll be sixty five in a few weeks and it was time for me to take a look at my future as I head into retirement age” says Bill.

    “I plan to continue my interest in board and governance roles and my involvement in FILEX. Outside of that, I’m looking forward to spending more time with my other passions – my wife and family, training and messing around with motorbikes.”

    “I’ve been very fortunate to work with such a talented, hard-working group of passionate people, and with a tremendously supportive Board of Directors that have allowed the Association to transition to meet the contemporary fitness industry.”

    Moore retires on the 10th of August 2018, the day before his sixty fifth birthday.

    “The board and team thank Bill for his time and energy, in steering Fitness Australia through the last two and a half years.” David Allan said.

    “A robust recruitment process has commenced to find a new CEO for Fitness Australia, who will work closely with the board and assist the Fitness Australia team in the evolution of the association.”

    Originally published on Fitness Australia. 

The Australasian Society of Association Executives (AuSAE)

Australian Office:
Address: Unit 6, 26 Navigator Place, Hendra QLD 4011 Australia
Free Call: +61 1300 764 576
Phone: +61 7 3268 7955
Email: info@ausae.org.au

New Zealand Office:
Address: 159 Otonga Rd, Rotorua 3015 New Zealand
Phone: +64 27 249 8677
Email: nzteam@ausae.org.au