Planners as a Medium - Simple but Effective Media

02 Apr 2015 12:13 PM | Louise Stokes
Carbine Media Year Planners provide a simple way to enhance your media strategy by distributing its spread throughout the year. Reach is excellent, with a national distribution that targets your chosen planner segment and a high frequency of exposure through consistent planner utility. This reinforces awareness to aid retention of your brand and its benefits. Through your company's contribution, Carbine Media Year Planners also provide an excellent means of aligning your company to an industry through the support of a product that is tailored to its members. In this way it is similar to sponsorship, with the added advantage of daily exposure in a relevant environment - the work place. Most importantly - unlike journals, diaries and calendars - a planner is never closed.

Benefits to user
  • Receive a free professional resource
  • Useful information e.g. school terms, public holidays
  • Industry events e.g. seminars, conferences, meetings
  • Tailored to their industry for professional use
  • See the entire working year at a glance
Benefits to sponsor
  • Target market through a direct channel
  • Align company/brand with chosen industry
  • Gain high frequency of exposure through regular use
  • Gain extended reach through multiple planner use
  • 12 months exposure for 1 annual spend
Carbine Media is a multimedia and publishing company. They work with associations to generate revenue from corporate sponsorship of printed and digital member products. In addition to providing associations with another revenue channel, their products are positioned to increase engagement and improve renewal rates amongst your members. Their clients include the Australian Medical Association, Australian Veterinary Association, Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons and Royal Australian & New Zealand College of Radiologists.

Get in touch with John from Carbine Media today to find out more about professional planning products.

The Australasian Society of Association Executives (AuSAE)

Australian Office:
Address: Unit 6, 26 Navigator Place, Hendra QLD 4011 Australia
Free Call: +61 1300 764 576
Phone: +61 7 3268 7955

New Zealand Office:
Address: 159 Otonga Rd, Rotorua 3015 New Zealand
Phone: +64 27 249 8677