John Quinlan

Carbine Media Pty Ltd


Member profile details

First name
Last name
Job Title
Managing Director
Carbine Media Pty Ltd
Work Phone
02 9476 5933
Mailing Address 1
Unit 1 / 18 Salisbury Road
Mailing City

Personal Profile

Profile photo

Organisational Information

Organisation logo
Short description
Carbine Media is a multimedia and publishing company. We work with associations to generate revenue from corporate sponsorship of printed and digital member products.
Carbine Media is a multimedia and publishing company. We work with associations to generate revenue from corporate sponsorship of printed and digital member products. In addition to providing associations with another revenue channel, our products are positioned to increase engagement and improve renewal rates amongst your members. Our clients include the Australian Medical Association, Australian Veterinary Association, Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons and Royal Australian & New Zealand College of Radiologists.

The Australasian Society of Association Executives (AuSAE)

Australian Office:
Address: Unit 6, 26 Navigator Place, Hendra QLD 4011 Australia
Free Call: +61 1300 764 576
Phone: +61 7 3268 7955

New Zealand Office:
Address: 159 Otonga Rd, Rotorua 3015 New Zealand
Phone: +64 27 249 8677


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