Association Influencers 2023

What is Association Influencer?

AuSAE’s Association Influencers program highlights and recognises the outstanding contributions of individuals in the association community across Australia and New Zealand.

When faced with the rapidly changing environment, the Association community stood front and centre to support, protect and advocate for their members.

Associations work tirelessly to collect, curate and disseminate information, advocate to the government in developing impactful policy advice and provide support and assistance for the professions, industries and communities they represent.

AuSAE is your home of associations. As a community, outstanding association professionals must have the opportunity to be recognised, inclusive of AuSAE members and non-members alike – the people behind the associations, connecting the tribes.

Meet our 2023 Association Influencers

Meet our Association Influencers for 2022

Meet our 2020 Association Influencers

Who can be nominated?

AuSAE is seeking nominations for individuals at all levels of responsibility who have demonstrated influence, exemplary leadership, unrivalled guidance, strength in resilience and service to the sector.

This person may be an Association CEO, pivotal manager, rising star and / or someone who:

  • has been part of a high performing team,
  • has led an innovative project or  initiative,
  • has shown dedication to building partnerships with stakeholders,
  • is an exemplar role model to their peers.

You can nominate any amazing Association Professional today! 

    This award is open to the nomination from any peer and excludes the self-nomination of candidates. 

    All candidates must reside in Australia or New Zealand. However, the person making the candidate's nomination may be located anywhere globally. Nominees must be a current employee or director of an association or not-for-profit organisation to be eligible for inclusion. Current AuSAE Board of Directors are not eligible for nomination.

    "It is our privilege to recognise outstanding individuals making a significant and lasting impact within our tribe and setting the benchmark for association professionals into the future". 

    Toni Brearley
    Chief Executive Officer
    Australasian Society of Association Executives (AuSAE)

    Nominations are now closed

    How to get involved?

    STEP 1:


    An individual nominates another individual by completing the the Expression of Interest to Nominate, followed by the completing the nominations questions via Survey Monkey.

    Criteria 1. Evidence on how the nominee has influenced and positively impacted the association landscape (Weight 80%)

    Influences and engages by:

    • Portraying high levels of integrity, ethics and inclusion through consistent behaviours
    • Being brave and demonstrating a willingness to take appropriate risks, challenging the status quo
    • Raising levels of morale, well-being and engagement and addressing and resolving conflict

    Inspires and motivates:

    • Others to achieve unexpected and remarkable results; to achieve more than they believed they could

    Supports creativity and innovation by:

    • Working with others to identify areas of necessary change, approaching problems in new ways
    • Working collaboratively to seek new ideas and solutions and fosters an environment to support this

    Has measurable impact:

    • Demonstrates impact and achievement within the association sector

    Criteria 2: One supporting referee who will endorse the nomination (this may include a colleague within the nominee’s organisation and/or an industry peer outside of the nominee’s organisation). (Weight 20%)

    STEP 2:


    The awards will be judged by a select panel, carefully chosen and vetted to ensure no conflict of interest. The panel comprises a group of prominent leaders in Australia and New Zealand with knowledge, experience, and passion for the association sector. The panel will be chaired by AuSAE President - Lyn McMorran.   

    Each nominee is advised of the outcome by using a set criterion for each entry after gathering the scores. After much debate, the top applicants for 2023 will be selected based on the scoring of the set criteria. The judges may limit the number of winners should they find it appropriate.

    All entries must comply with the following:

    • All submissions must be submitted online through the allocated portal, Survey Monkey.
    • Nominees are to reside and work within Australia or New Zealand only.  International submissions outside Australia and New Zealand will not be considered.
    • Nominees must be current employees of a not-for-profit Association to be eligible for inclusion.
    • All submissions must be nominating another applicant – self-nomination will not be accepted.
    • AuSAE must receive submissions before the final deadline to qualify - Sunday 12 February 2023.
    • You must provide evidence that the nomination information regarding the criteria has been carried out within the 12-month period leading up to the final entry deadline.
    • Entrants accept that information provided has the right to be published after the finalisation through various AuSAE channels.
    • Advised referees must verify the nominee’s application  to be valid and continue through the judging process.
    • The judge’s decision IS final.

    STEP 3:


    All nominees are advised of the nomination outcome. Top nominations informed of a successful outcome and next steps.

    All reviewed and approved top nominees will be featured on the AuSAE website and promoted throughout the community.

    The top nominees for 2023 will be featured throughout 2023 in AuSAE publications, events and spotlight opportunities.

    The top influencers selected will receive, in addition to recognition amongst their peers:

    • Featured on AuSAE Association Influencers website.
    • A certificate of recognition is presented at an appropriate AuSAE Event.
    • Industry profile piece written or recorded and published to the AuSAE audience – an industry behind the scenes featuring the influencer.
    • Exclusive chair /speaking opportunities throughout 2023 as available and relevant.
    • Relevant and available profile opportunities
    • Inclusion in developing and shaping the 2023 recognition platform
    AuSAE looks forward to announcing and celebrating the Association Influencers in March 2023.

    All nominees are to be advised of the outcome of the nomination - Top nominations advised of successful outcome and next steps.

    All reviewed and approved top nominees will be featured on the AuSAE website and promoted throughout the community.

    The top nominees for 2020 will be featured throughout the 2021 in AuSAE publications and spotlight opportunities.

    The top influencers selected will receive, in addition to recognition amongst their peers:

    • Prominent feature on AuSAE Association Influencers website
    • A certificate / badge of recognition presented at an appropriate AuSAE Event.
    • Industry profile piece written or recorded and published to the AuSAE audience – an in industry behind the scenes exposé featuring the influencer
    • Exclusive chair / speaking opportunities throughout 2021 as available and relevant
    • Relevant and available profile opportunities 
    • Inclusion in developing and shaping the 2021 recognition platform
    AuSAE look forward to announcing and celebrating the first group of Association Influencers in February 2021.

    For further information about Association Influencers 2023 program or to make an enquiry, contact: 

    The Australasian Society of Association Executives

    Contact us:

    Phone: 1300 764 576 (within Australia)
    Phone: +61 7 3268 7955 (outside Australia)
    Address: Unit 6, 26 Navigator Place, Hendra QLD 4011, Australia


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