• 07 Apr 2016 3:07 PM | Kerrie Green

    Young Hobart professional, Naomi Searle, is the only Australian shortlisted for the Association Network’s Young Association Executive of the Year Award for her work with the Australasian Military Medicine Association (AMMA).

    The international award recognises association executives in the first ten years of their career who are making outstanding contributions to the sector. Naomi is the Conference and Association Manager for AMMA and also manages their quarterly journal, the Journal of Military and Veterans’ Health. Naomi was nominated for the award after a great first year in the role that saw her increase the Association’s conference profit by over 20% and maintain strong connections with its national and international members. “I was expecting a kind email saying that I was unsuccessful as I had only been in the role nine months,” said Naomi. “So it was amazing when I made the top three alongside two highly accomplished international young association professionals.”

    Paula Leishman, Managing Director of Leishman Associates who have managed the association since 1996, says that Naomi’s shortlisting in the top three Young Associations Executives was well deserved. “Naomi has worked with us for the last two years and during that time she has demonstrated a maturity well beyond her years, together with a capacity and willingness to learn. Providing her with the opportunity to reinvigorate AMMA has been a great decision. This achievement is further testament to the young talent that we have here in Tasmania.”

    Naomi will travel to Berlin on the 9th April to attend the award ceremony and the annual Association Congress. “I’m excited to network with other association professionals and see how they are tackling challenges such as member retention, corporate sponsorship and new innovations in Association Management,” said Naomi.


    AMMA is an independent, professional scientific organization of medical and allied health professional. AMMA promotes the study and research into military medicine and veterans’ health throughout Australasia. For further information please visit http://amma.asn.au/

    Media Enquiries:

    Naomi Searle – Conference and Association Manager

    03 6234 7844


  • 07 Apr 2016 2:07 PM | Kerrie Green

    This year at the AuSAE Conference and Exhibition (ACE) we have partnered with Air New Zealand to provide you with the best opportunity to walk away with two return Business Premier Tickets to your choice of one of four Air New Zealand destinations in North and South America - Buenos Aires, Los Angeles, San Francisco or Houston. Flying Business Premier with Air New Zealand you will enjoy a world-class flying experience with a lie flat bed, gourmet meal options and friendly kiwi service.


    To go in to the draw to win this fantastic prize, simply travel through the ACE exhibition hall, and collect stamps for your ACE Passport. Each time you make a business connection at one of our exhibition destinations you are one step closer to jetting off to one of four Air New Zealand destinations.

    ACE promises to be an action packed two day event featuring presentations from over 30 industry sector leaders, 4 keynote speakers, 60 exhibitors and 2 social functions. 

    To register for the most valuable, diverse and challenging association professionals event for 2016 register here.

  • 05 Apr 2016 11:08 AM | Kerrie Green

    The Community Broadcasting Association of Australia (CBAA) is now accepting workshop proposals for their 2016 conference, taking place in Melbourne from 10 – 12 November.

    The premier event in the community broadcasting calendar, the conference is the largest annual sector gathering, and a unique event that brings broadcasters together to develop and strengthen their skills, knowledge base and network.

    Proposals are encouraged from people and organisations from within and outside the community broadcasting sector that focus on capacity-building within community radio stations and effective not for profit business practices.

    Submissions from interested speakers should focus on the following topics:

    • Conflict resolution
    • Volunteer management
    • Financial viability
    • Technology development
    • Community engagement
    • Governance
    • Engaging with rural and regional communities

    Submissions are open until 5pm AEST on Sunday, 24 April 2016.

    Find out more and submit your proposal here: https://www.eiseverywhere.com/eSites/167231/Homepage

    Find out more about the Conference at www.cbaa.org.au/conference

  • 29 Mar 2016 2:50 PM | Deleted user

    Do you currently face any of the below challenges as an Association professional?

    • Growing and retaining membership
    • Management of Boards
    • Attracting high value sponsorships
    • Diversifying income streams
    • Personal leadership growth and opportunities

    The 2016 AuSAE Conference and Exhibition (ACE) will address the above issues and many more faced by Association Executives. To view the full ACE Program please click here.

    Over 30 high calibre industry leaders will share their knowledge and experience together with distinguished keynote speakers to inform and inspire you. Network and connect with like-minded industry professionals throughout the conference including two engaging social functions.

    Early bird registrations close in 3 days, don't miss out - register here today.

    We look forward to welcoming you to the most valuable, diverse and challenging association professionals event for 2016.

  • 18 Mar 2016 4:08 PM | Deleted user

    This month AuSAE welcomes Julie O'Donovan, Membership Manager, Diabetes Queensland as our Member in Focus. Julie recently spoke with AuSAE about her role, challenges and membership strategies at Diabetes Queensland and her suggestions for anyone looking to join the not-for-profit sector.

    How did you first become involved with Diabetes Queensland?

    Joined AuSAE in 1985 and awarded Fellow in 1998. With over 30 years’ experience in the not-for-profit sector as an association executive, and membership specialist, I have had the opportunity to work, network and engage with many within the association sector. In 2011, it was perfect timing to take up the role of Member Manager at Diabetes Queensland. Almost 5 years on, a role which has been both challenging and rewarding.

    Can you tell me a bit about Diabetes Queensland and the goals they strive to achieve as a not for profit organisation?

    Diabetes Australia - Queensland is a trusted Queensland Charity, devoted to improving the health and wellness of people living with all types of diabetes and to reduce the incidence of preventable diabetes in the community. We have an engaged membership base of 40,000 members through raising awareness, education and support service delivery. (Member retention 90.4%)

    What are Diabetes Queensland’s most successful membership strategies to increase engagement and membership retention?

    The most successful acquisition strategy has been the Helpline and outbound call strategy. Outbound marketing greatly increases the probability of that “first contact”, so that a connection and relationship can thereafter develop.

    What do you personally feel has been the biggest challenge that Diabetes Queensland has overcome in your time with the organisation?

    For any membership team, we all know that data is king. In this digitised information age, every device, service and connection potentially provides unique information-based opportunity. Effectively leveraging information better prepares us to capitalise on opportunities by creating differentiated value and improve our strategic decision making.

    How does the future look for the Diabetes Queensland (or what exciting projects are underway at Diabetes Queensland)?

    Within the next month we will go live with our newly implemented CRM. As Product Owner, it has been an incredibly challenging experience adopting a whole of business approach and an Agile project method, encouraging rapid and flexible response to change, very fast and focused.

    What would you say to someone starting out in the not-for-profit sector with a view to become a future leader?

    Create action and share success. Seek out a buddy, someone you openly share and reflect your behaviours. But mostly have conversations, get out of the office and meet leaders outside your circle of influence.

    Julie can be followed on Linkedin and Twitter

  • 18 Mar 2016 9:35 AM | Deleted user
    These special AuSAE Workshops are suitable for anyone involved in managing and implementing Membership strategies.

    This educational program is a fantastic way to gain knowledge and insights in how to attract the next generation of members, influencers, decision-makers and super-users to your organisation. In addition to Membership Managers, this program would be useful for Boards and Senior Management seeking to gain a better understanding of the innovative ways to structure membership programs and improve member response rates. 

    The Presenter

    Sheri Jacobs, President and Chief Executive Officer, Avenue M Group.

    Sheri started her Association career in 1994 when she became the Director of Membership and Marketing at the American Academy of Implant Dentistry. Sheri went on to become Chief Marketing Officer and Director of Membership at Association Forum of Chicagoland where she produced award-winning campaigns which resulted in double-digit membership and meeting attendance growth. 

    Sheri is a top-rated speaker and a contributor to various associations and publications including the renowned ASAE publication “Decision to Join”. She currently serves as chair of the ASAE Foundation Development Committee and a member of the Professional Development Council.

    Sheri’s success in the field has led her to become an accomplished author. She is the co-editor and a contributor to ASAE’s best-selling membership book, Membership Essentials (ASAE 2007) and author of the marketing book 199 Ideas: Powerful Marketing Tactics That Sell (ASAE 2010).

    Join Sheri  at one of our upcoming or find out more about the event details by clicking on your location below. For AuSAE Members to attend is $395 AUD and non-member, not for profit professionals is $595 AUD

    Sydney| Association Educational Program: The Art of Membership - How to Create and Cement Lifelong Relationships on Friday 22 July 2016 [more]

    Melbourne | Association Educational Program: The Art of Membership - How to Create and Cement Lifelong Relationships on Monday 25 July 2016 [more]

  • 17 Mar 2016 2:52 PM | Deleted user

    “The national new home building sector has made an outstanding contribution to overall economic activity in Australia over the last four years, as the latest Housing Industry Association National Outlook*- released today - clearly demonstrates,” said HIA Chief Economist, Dr Harley Dale. “Without this contribution from residential construction the domestic economy would have been considerably weaker than has turned out to be the case over recent years.”

    “Looking beyond the current cycle, a strong focus on housing supply and policy reform is crucial to Australia’s future economic and social prosperity as we look to successfully house a growing and ageing population, along the way reducing pressures on the nation’s burgeoning health budget,” said Harley Dale.

    “Australia will fail to achieve this objective without federal government leadership and involvement in housing policy reform, including strategic planning for the future housing and residential infrastructure requirements of our growing and ageing population.”

    “Tinkering with negative gearing and capital gains tax provisions doesn’t represent real reform, but risks damaging confidence towards the housing industry at a crucial juncture in the cycle. A key finding in the latest HIA National Outlook is that a peak in new home building activity will be followed by a significant cyclical downturn extending to 2017/18.”

    New dwelling commencements are forecast to decline from a record peak of 220,000 last year to a trough of around 160,000 in 2017/18, while the growth in residential property prices will continue to slow.

    “The outlook for renovations investment, which is recovering from a 12 year low, is looking a little brighter,” said Harley Dale.

    “Having grown by just 0.9 per cent during the 2014/15 financial year, renovations investment is forecast to grow by 2.8 per cent in 2015/16. Growth is anticipated to increase by a further 1.7 per cent in 2016/17, with activity then projected to see modest yet steady increases out to the end of the decade.”

    “This outlook for the renovations sector doesn’t look like shooting the lights out, but it is considerably more promising than what we have faced for some years now,” concluded Harley Dale. “As with the new home building outlook, if we delve below the national surface there will continue to be a wide divergence in conditions for renovations activity across states and territories over coming years.”

    This Media Release was sourced directly from Housing Industry Australia online here.

  • 17 Mar 2016 1:20 PM | Deleted user

    AuSAE has welcomed new members from the following organisations this month.

    Is your organisation on this list? If your organisation is on this list as an AuSAE organisational member but you are unsure if you are part of the membership bundle, please contact the friendly AuSAE team at info@ausae.org.au.

    Not on this list? To join AuSAE today please visit our membership information page here.


     Organisation Membership level 
    Planning Institute of Australia Association (Organisational - Large)
    LPG Association of New Zealand Association Executive (Individual)
    Queensland Law Society Association (Organisational - Small)
    Arbitrators' and Mediators' Institute of New Zealand Association Executive (Individual)
    Institution of Professional Engineers New Zealand Association Executive (Individual)
    Monte Cecilia Housing Trust
    Association Executive (Individual)
    New Zealand Recreation Association
    Association Executive (Individual)
    Diabetes NSW
    Association Executive (Individual)
    Community Colleges Australia
    Association Executive (Individual)

    Note; To respect the privacy of our members, we only release membership type and organisation details publicly each month.

  • 17 Mar 2016 11:06 AM | Deleted user

    Even though membership is their core business model, not as many associations have membership staff as you might expect. Here’s a look at some of the varying ways associations do, or don’t, build membership into their staff structures.

    It’s time for another edition of “Possibly Surprising Information About Staffing Practices at Membership Organizations” here at Associations Now.

    In our previous installment, we pondered why most executives at membership organizations, it appears, don’t have previous work experience in a membership role. Today, we find out that perhaps that’s because not as many associations as you’d think even have membership departments.

    Let’s begin with some data from ASAE benchmarking and compensation research conducted in the past few years (thanks to my ASAE colleague Terri Ashton, manager, research and intelligence, for help in gathering this):

    • 43 percent of associations report at least one staff member devoted to member recruitment and retention (28 percent among associations with 1-10 staff; 67 percent among those with 11 or more staff).
    • Between 30 percent and 47 percent of associations with 11 or more staff report having a membership chief or director position in their staff structure (varying in that range with staff size), while just 11 percent in associations with 10 or fewer staff have such a position.

    For as long as I’ve been observing associations (going on nine years now with ASAE), I hadn’t thought much about this, mainly because I simply assumed that associations, as diehard membership organizations, had membership staff. That, evidently, was a bad assumption.

    There’s a noteworthy follow-up data point from the benchmarking research:

    • 5 percent of associations report outsourcing member renewals. No other membership function was reported as outsourced by more than 3 percent of associations.

    Do the math: If 43 percent of associations have membership staff and 5 percent (at most) outsource membership work, that leaves more than half (52 percent) where membership functions such as recruitment, retention, engagement, and customer service are distributed among other staff.

    Clearly two general philosophies exist, more evenly matched than I would have guessed, about operating a membership association: One view is that membership needs a champion on staff, someone specifically assigned as caretaker of the business model. The other view is that membership is a part of everyone’s job.

    Each of these approaches comes with ups and downs, and they are not mutually exclusive. The nature of any particular association likely dictates some of the decision.

    A small-staff association, for instance, probably can’t dedicate a full staffer to any one single function, let alone membership. In a pair of discussions in ASAE’s Collaborate forum [member login required], one association said it was considering either significantly rescoping or simply not refilling a vacant membership director position because it enjoyed a high market penetration and high retention within its niche industry. A commenter in the discussion suggested this may be common in trade associations, where member relations can be taken on by the CEO, dues processing is handled by the finance department, and recruitment and retention are handled by marketing staff.

    The “champion” model, on the other hand, fends off the problem of responsibility. As the saying goes, “If it’s everyone’s job, it’s no one’s job.” Dan Ratner, former director of membership development and industry outreach at the American National Standards Institute (who has since moved on to the Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges), embodies the champion role well. In 2014, he characterized his role at ANSI as such: “I am the guy staff members don’t want to make eye contact with in the hallway. I’m constantly pestering staff about what they are doing for members.”

    The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology has adopted the distributed model, having decided not to refill its membership director position after it became vacant in 2014. Joanne Olson, deputy executive director, says ARVO opted instead to elevate its customer service role to the senior-manager level, and it created its first marketing manager position, as well, which soon became assistant director of marketing. The customer service manager handles much of the transactional functions of membership as well as database management and member service, while the marketing staffer manages recruitment and retention efforts. Olson herself oversees both positions and sets membership strategy. While membership is clearly stated in their job descriptions, no one at ARVO has a job title with “membership” in it.

    Olson says the new structure came at a time when ARVO was re-evaluating its broader strategies for membership after the federal budget sequester significantly affected its members’ funding. Redistributing the membership functions went hand in hand with a more “proactive” approach to recruitment, retention, and engagement.

    “So far we’ve never looked back,” she says. “We haven’t felt a lack because we were very careful to redistribute the processes. The job was all process. It was all transactional. There was very little strategy involved. So it was almost easy to farm out the transactions but also up the game in terms of strategy.”

    The transition was not without hiccups, though, as Olson recalls an instance when a change to the renewal-notice schedule affected the organization’s overall cash flow, but so far membership numbers are steady. And, while there is no membership staff by title, Olson says the membership torch has not been dropped. “I have a great champion with our senior manager for customer service. We’ve actually made sure she’s at the table a lot more,” Olson says. As the person most closely interacting with members on a daily basis, the customer service manager’s presence maintains a clear connection between ARVO’s various programs and the membership experience. “There’s almost no example where we don’t want her at the table,” says Olson.

    In one of the Collaborate discussions about the membership director position, another commenter suggested keeping the position but focusing it on enhancing the member experience, getting members engaged in the association’s “purpose and programs” so retention remains high.

    All of these approaches show a varying range of possibilities for staffing the membership operation at an association. The question of dedicating staff to “membership” by job title may be a matter of semantics, or symbolism, or perhaps something more, but it shines a light on the sometimes peculiar nature of associations, in which the core business model, membership, is a unique combination of several professional disciplines.

    How does your association staff its membership functions? Do you have membership job titles? Or do all staff have membership responsibilities? How might that change in the future? Share your thoughts in the comments.

  • 17 Mar 2016 10:18 AM | Deleted user

    You know your meeting’s attendees. You even love them—well OK, some of them. But are you unintentionally doing them a disservice? As a frequent meeting-goer, here are some traps I see planners fall into all too often. But they don't have to!

    1. Thinking about your attendees as “attendees.”
    Sure, you want them to physically show up at your meeting, but is their body the only thing you want to check in? What about their hearts, their minds, their attention, their intentions? If you want all that to show up at your event, you have to think holistically about the people who are coming to experience what you’re offering. And that starts with what you call them, especially in your own mind.

    Instead: Think about what you want them to get from the experience, then walk it back to who you’re appealing to. Do you want participants? Learners? Connectors? How you think and talk about them will, intentionally or not, color how you craft the experience you want them to have.

    2. Thinking you can please all the people all the time—if you just throw enough stuff at them.
    Do you have so many concurrent sessions scheduled that people complain that they have to miss some they really need? Do you pack sessions in back to back with barely a bathroom break in between? Do you keep them partying until midnight, and then expect them to show up for an early morning yoga session followed by a networking breakfast and then straight into session after expo hall after session? I get that planners feel they have to pack every minute to give people their money’s worth, but all that really does is exhaust them, shut down their ability to learn, and ultimately frustrate them as they drag their overcooked brains home to try to make some sense of it all. Or, more likely, forget pretty much everything they learned.

    Instead: Think again about the people who are coming, and what will bring value to their experience. What will make it a successful experience for them? Then provide just those things, along with quiet time to let what they’re learning sink in, to discuss solutions with peers, and to translate how what they’re learning could play out in real life.

    3. Missing opportunities to connect them with your organization, the content, and each other. 

    Is your registration line just a line of people avoiding eye contact and shuffling their feet? Are your hallways between session rooms just spaces to pass through as quickly as possible?

    Instead: Think about all the blank spaces in your event as perfect opportunities to make connections. Can you put thought- and conversation-inspiring objects along your hallways and lining-up spots? Give each person entering a line something that connects with the conference theme or your organization’s goals that they can compare and discuss with others? Hold a trivia contest with questions relating to your market?

    4. Assuming they want continuity and tradition above all else. Also known as the “We’ve always done it this way” syndrome, you’re right, “attendees” who have been coming to the same meeting for years do expect to get the same meeting they’ve always gotten, even if it doesn’t really do much for them in the long run.

    Instead: Show them what they’ve been missing, how much more effective—and interesting—it is to be a participant than an attendee. Sure, some long-timers may grumble at first, because change is uncomfortable. Until they see how much better their experience can be.

    5. Assuming that, because they’re highly trained professionals, they want their meeting to be deadly serious at all times. I hear this one a lot in relation to medical meetings in particular, that docs don’t want to be bothered with anything but the latest research results delivered by a key opinion leader from the stage. “They won’t stand for anything else,” I hear. Oh, but even the most serious-minded will if you give it to them!

    Instead: Inject a little fun. I’ve seen docs go into a competitive frenzy trying to outdo each other solving cases they work on in teams, have a ball doing a Jeopardy-style session, and connecting topics and treatments to patients through the use of art and music. Don’t underestimate your audience’s basic human needs, such as humor, storytelling, connection, competition, and physical movement. Whatever their profession, your participants are people first and foremost.

    What participant-related challenges do you see, either as a planner or at meetings you go to?

    This article was sourced directly from Meetings Not online here.

The Australasian Society of Association Executives (AuSAE)

Australian Office:
Address: Unit 6, 26 Navigator Place, Hendra QLD 4011 Australia
Free Call: +61 1300 764 576
Phone: +61 7 3268 7955
Email: info@ausae.org.au

New Zealand Office:
Address: 159 Otonga Rd, Rotorua 3015 New Zealand
Phone: +64 27 249 8677
Email: nzteam@ausae.org.au