AuSAE And even better, our organisational memberships now include unlimited team membership, so as a CEO you can be assured your whole team can access opportunities to connect, to upskill, advance their careers and belong to the AuSAE community. | ![]() |
Toni Brearley is our Chief Executive OfficerWith 12 years experience in the Association Sector, Toni brings a depth of skills and experience to the AuSAE team. Prior to her association life, Toni held senior positions in sector peak bodies and community service organisations, Toni has particular expertise in stakeholder engagement, marketing and communications and policy development. |
And we’ve also put on some incredible events From multi-day conferences with expert presenters to informal lunch meetings led by your peers, we have a variety of programs to meet help you do your job better and improve your association. Whats On? |
What is a not-for-profit (NFP) organisation?
NFP organisations exist for a purpose other than to make a profit and are very different from government and business. Common types of NFP organisations include: associations (professional or trade), charities, churches, sporting clubs, cooperatives, foundations, environmental groups, schools, societies, NGOs (non-government organisations) and trade unions. You may also hear the NFP sector referred to as the “Third Sector” or the “Community Sector”.
According to Australian Bureau of Statistics data released in July 2014, the 58,000 active NFPs in Australia employ over one million people, turn over more than $107 billion, have $175 billion in assets and contribute around 4 per cent to GDP. The sector has grown 40 per cent in six years, outperforming most industry sectors [source].
A place where you belong, connect with others, advance your career and be inspired |
Vision and Mission An association sector that is valued and recognised To foster a strong and robust association sector in Australia and New Zealand through the professional development, support and networking of existing and emerging association leaders | AuSAE Board and Constitution |
Contact us: Email: info@ausae.org.au |