Status of ACNC Legislation

16 Oct 2012 10:43 PM | AuSAE Admin (Administrator)

The ACNC is due to commence on 1 October 2012. In this Not for Profit Alert we update you on the status of the legislation which will establish the ACNC.

Background: The Assistant Treasurer, The Hon David Bradbury MP, referred draft legislation to establish the ACNC to the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Economics (“the Committee”) for its consideration on 5 July 2012 (see our 6 August 2012 Not for Profit Briefing for details).

The Committee’s Report: The Committee delivered its report on the draft legislation on 15 August 2012. A link to the ‘Report on the Exposure Draft of the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission Bills’ is contained here . The Committee made 11 recommendations which are listed at the beginning of the Report... Read more

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