Members of AuSAE will notice this site looking substantially different from previously. This rebrand is part of a comprehensive suite of changes implemented as a result of a recent member survey taken to better understand the needs of our members.
We were overwhelmed with the response and truly appreciated the significant number of members who took the time to respond. Thank you to all those who responded.
We listened to what was said and understood that some significant changes would be required to ensure your membership delivers value far in excess of the membership fees charged..
Exciting changes at AuSAE
I am pleased to report that these changes are well underway including:
A new management company
There are still more enhancements to come and we will keep you informed as these happen. To assist us to make these changes we have engaged the services of a new management company. The team at Strategic Membership Solutions are coordinating the implementation of a range of strategies designed to assist you to be more successful in your career.
Questions, Comments or Suggestions
Please feel free to contact myself or the team at SMS with any questions, comments or suggestions on 1300 764 576 (Australia and New Zealand) or at info@ausae.org.au.
Tony Steven