Check out what Brisbane has to offer your event

04 Feb 2013 10:46 AM | AuSAE Admin (Administrator)

Brisbane Marketing is running an event to showcase Brisbane to association event planners on March 14-15. If your role includes arranging or influencing conferences, and you are interested in checking out what Brisbane has to offer, then we invite you to register your interest today. Successful registrants will receive: return economy class airfare from your home city to Brisbane, overnight accommodation for one night, all meals and transfers as part of the famil itinerary (two days) and a site inspection of various hotels and venues. Click here to register your interest.

The Australasian Society of Association Executives

Contact us:

Phone: 1300 764 576 (within Australia)
Phone: +61 7 3268 7955 (outside Australia)
Address: Unit 6, 26 Navigator Place, Hendra QLD 4011, Australia


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