The Move to Online Learning

13 Jan 2022 12:01 PM | Sarah Gamble (Administrator)

Professional education is changing.  With advances in technology, the delivery of online training has really come into its own. Once the poor cousin of face-to-face workshops, online delivery is now offering a much better experience with immersive learning environments and the ability to progressively assess understanding of key outcomes.   

Professionals also increasingly expect to be learning via the internet. They expect on demand access to information including learning, to be able to take part in professional development wherever and whenever they need to learn - and on any device they choose, from traditional computers through to tablets and smart phones.  

Research conducted by Professional Associations Research Network (PARN) of 1299 professionals about online learning found that the reason for choosing e-learning was clearly led by convenience. 

Reason for Choosing E-learning  

  • I can do it at a time to suit me 76%  
  • It is cost effective 59%  
  • I don’t have to travel 57%   
  • The learning I wanted was only available via e-learning 28%  
  • I prefer this mode of learning 17%  
  • It is fun 10%  
  • I don’t have to talk to other people 6%  
  • Other 11%  
  • No reply 1%  

Base 1299  

The march of technology in elearning 

The advances in online learning design tools as well as a raft of new technologies including Alexa, Amazon Comprehend, Google Natural Language, Augmented and Virtual Reality are driving a revolutionary change to the landscape of learning. And it is happening faster than we ever expected.   

What were once abstract and futuristic ideas about education are delivering unexpected opportunities, with current and emerging technologies able to deliver deep, immersive learning experiences unlike anything that have come before.  In the near future, it will be commonplace to use a learning system that picks up that you have not understood a concept prior to moving onto the next idea. Instead of leaving you behind, the system may add in a series of questions to ascertain how much or little you have understood, and then design an individual pathway to the learning outcome that suits you.  It may even use that understanding to tailor the delivery method of the rest of the course to your personal cognitive proficiency. 

Finding the capacity to harness elearning opportunities has never been more important. As larger global players, unconstrained by a borderless digital world, move into local markets, Australian professional bodies are challenged to assert their own ability to deliver professional training.  

AuSAE has partnered with Pointsbuild, an Australian owned e-learning company to design, build and deliver the new Learning Hub and new staff induction course, ‘Association Essentials’ and have more courses in development. 

Pointsbuild works with associations to develop to transform learning content into engaging online learning experiences, delivered on a robust, online platform that puts learning at the forefront of thinking.  To find out more about Pointsbuild, visit  

The Australasian Society of Association Executives

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