A Message from the AuSAE President:

19 Mar 2013 9:57 AM | Deleted user
Well here we are in March already and half way through the first round of lunches featuring our new Executive Officer speaking on her latest paper, Membership is Dead? The numbers at these functions have been extraordinary! There are still four lunches to go in New Zealand and Australia and most of them are fully booked out.

When I took over AuSAE last year I knew the reputation it had in the past and now that we have appointed Belinda and her team it seems we awakened a sleeping giant.

The enormous amount of work done by Simon Prior in the past, building the foundations and bringing Australia and New Zealand together, has paid off and now with the new wave of hard work and energy being supplied by Belinda and the SMS team we are taking off big time.

Membership has really increased, activity is high and all the work done to bring on the CAE and other education modules is paying off. There are plenty of reason to be a member now, but mostly, for me at least, it’s to be with others who live the same working life I do, managing up as well as down.

So next we have a few more goals to achieve, they are:
  • To collate the history of the society
  • To build a strong and well supported advocacy system to represent the NFP sector to Governments
  • To build international links
So if you feel you can help please contact me and we’ll have a talk about a fantastic future for AuSAE.

Tony Steven
AuSAE President and CEO of AMA Tasmania
Ph: 03 6223 2047, ceo@amatas.com.au

The Australasian Society of Association Executives

Contact us:

Email: info@ausae.org.au
Phone: 1300 764 576 (within Australia)
Phone: +61 7 3268 7955 (outside Australia)
Address: Unit 6, 26 Navigator Place, Hendra QLD 4011, Australia


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