New ADAVB president announcement

21 Jun 2022 2:19 PM | Sarah Gamble (Administrator)

Congratulations to ADAVB President Dr Warren Shnider and the new ADAVB Branch Council following our recent branch elections. Dr Warren Shnider is a registered specialist in special needs dentistry. He is Head of the Integrated Special Needs Dentistry Unit at the Royal Dental Hospital of Melbourne and is in specialist private practice in Hawthorn. Dr Shnider is also Academic Lead, Special Needs Dentistry at La Trobe University and a fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons. Dr Shnider is an examiner and an accreditation assessor for the Australian Dental Council and a specialist advisor for the Australian Health Practitioners Regulation Agency.

We also welcome our new Branch Executive team: Dr Jonathan Teoh (Vice President), Dr Jeremy Sternson, Dr Andrew Heredia and Dr Carolyn Ng and congratulate newly elected first time council member Dr Conny Qian (2019 La Trobe University graduate). Stay tuned for more information in July’s Victorian Dentist.

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