AuSAE is excited to announce that nine association executives recently earned their Certified Association Executive (CAE) credential from the CAE Commission of ASAE.

They join the growing cohort of CAEs in Australia and New Zealand, with more than 4,600 industry leaders worldwide who hold the CAE credential.
- Jill Brookfield, CAE - Chief Executive Officer, Association of Australian Certifiers
- Kym De Britt, CAE - Chief Executive Officer, Australian Dental Industry Association
- Kim Harland, CAE - Marketing Manager, Skin Cancer Clinics
- Lindsay McGrath, CAE - Chief Executive Officer, Swimming Pool & Spa Association of Australia
- Joanne Phillips, CAE - Director Member Services, Australian Retailers Association
- Jonathan Seller, CAE - Senior Director of Development – APAC, AVIXA
- John Winter, CAE - Chief Executive Officer, Australian Restructuring Insolvency & Turnaround Association
- Allison Delaney, CAE - Executive Director
- Brett Francis, CAE – Chief Executive Officer, Window & Glass Association NZ
Toni Brearley CAE, Chief Executive Officer of AuSAE, says, “We are proud to welcome this new cohort of CAEs and have them join the CAE community.” Earning the CAE demonstrates their commitment to the profession and ongoing professional development and activities in association and not-for-profit management.
AuSAE, in partnership with #ASAE, launched the first localised version of the CAE credential in New Zealand & Australia in February 2021. We are committed to championing this important credential for the sector and advancing the association management profession.
The Certified Association Executive (CAE) credential is an international marker of a committed association professional who has demonstrated the wide range of knowledge essential to manage an association in today’s challenging environment.
For more information about the credential or to register for the September 2022 study group, visit the AuSAE website -