The top challenges faced by NZ AuSAE members

18 Jul 2014 9:56 AM | Louise Stokes

Do you currently face any of the below challenges as an association executive?

  • Creating a powerful membership growth plan 
  • Cultivating a high performing board 
  • Writing effective content for your newsletter and website to increase member engagement 
  • Understanding NFP Legal risks and how you could be liable as an executive 
  • Staying relevant
  • Choosing membership management software and other NFP technology needs
  • Growing your team (do you hire for talent or culture in multigenerational workplaces)
  • Understanding which taxes affect your association and the tax implications of revenue generation
  • Finding sponsors that add value to your membership and keeping them year after year
  • Understanding Gamification – the current buzz word. How do you use game design to influence behaviour and build for the future

Did you know that the above are among the top challenges faced by AuSAE members and thus became the foundation of our 2014 Leadership Symposium Program?

If you haven’t yet had a peek, click here to download the program and register today! It is shaping up to be an engaging and insightful two day event.

Early Bird Registration closes on August 15. I hope to see you there!

Warm Regards,

Brett Jeffery
General Manager - NZ
Australasian Society of Association Executives

The Australasian Society of Association Executives

Contact us:

Phone: 1300 764 576 (within Australia)
Phone: +61 7 3268 7955 (outside Australia)
Address: Unit 6, 26 Navigator Place, Hendra QLD 4011, Australia


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