Member Assistance - The effectiveness of an online training course in work health and safety (WHS) for volunteer committee members in community organisations

10 Sep 2014 5:22 PM | Louise Stokes

From AuSAE Member Charles Hardy, Community Management Solutions

"I am completing a Masters (Thesis) in Safety Science, through Central Queensland University.

The topic of my Thesis is “The effectiveness of an online training course in work health and safety (WHS) for volunteer committee members in community organisations.”

While this is targeted at Committee members / Board members, it equally applies to CEO’s who in many instances are either ‘Persons in Charge of a Business or Undertaking’ (PCBU’s), or are deemed as ‘Officers’ under the Qld Work health and Safety Act (2011).

For the most part the terminology (PCBU’s / Officers) is common across Australia irrespective of the state you are in, however the focus (from the Act ) is based in Qld.

How to get involved? Participants will need to:

  • Send back a consent form
  • Participate in 3  (1 minute) surveys 
  • View a 17 minute Webinar
The benefits of participation (and assisting me) are:
  • An increased awareness of WH&S
  • Increased knowledge of obligations with the view to ,
  • Creating a safer workplace, and
  • The best of all….. Its Free.
All emailed responses are kept confidential. Only the statistical numbers are being used in the results once tabulated. Happy to publish and make available my final paper (once marked) to both participant and AuSAE."

Please contact Charles on 07 3251 2010 or email

The Australasian Society of Association Executives

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