On behalf of the AuSAE Board, management and staff, we are pleased to advise members of some important changes and outcomes which occurred over and around the period of our AGM and Board meetings on Monday 27th April. We have a new Board line-up and operationally AuSAE is undergoing change. The following highlights will allow you an overview of these important changes:
Annual Update
- AuSAE Annual Update Publication 2014-2015 – This year’s Annual Update is a special publication providing an overview of the year just gone, the new Board makeup, exciting changes AuSAE has undergone over recent years, a snapshot of AuSAE over the last 60 years and other information that may be of interest.
Changes to the Board
- New President and Vice-President – Congratulations to our incoming President and Vice-President. Nick Hill (CEO, Building Officials Institute of New Zealand) has been appointed as President of AuSAE. Graham Catt (CEO, Australian Veterinary Association) has been appointed as Vice-President.
- New Board members – We are pleased to welcome two new Board members, Chris McGeown (COO, Tourism Industry Association New Zealand) and Lauretta Stace (CEO, Fitness Australia), to the AuSAE Board.
- Departing Board members - The terms of two valued and long serving Board members, Tony Steven (CEO, Australian Medical Association Tasmania and AuSAE Immediate Past President) and Jon Bisset (CEO, Community Broadcasting Association of Australia), have concluded. We thank both these board members for their valuable commitment and service to AuSAE and wish them both all the best for the future.
Operational Changes
- Transfer of AuSAE operations to AuSAE Ltd control – Many members would already be aware that Strategic Membership Solutions (SMS) has been running AuSAE through a secretariat arrangement at their financial risk since October 2012. Prior to the 2015 AGM, an agreement was signed whereby SMS agreed to transfer all secretariat arrangements, staff and assets, over to AuSAE Ltd. This decision predicates the Boards and SMS’s views to expand member support and continue its growth strategy across New Zealand and Australia. This is good news for AuSAE and a background to this transition can be found in the CEO Report section of the AuSAE Annual Update Publication 2014-2015.
- Resignation of Belinda Moore, AuSAE CEO – Belinda Moore as CEO of AuSAE and Director of SMS has been at the forefront of the drive to bring about an AuSAE turnaround. With the transition of the secretariat to AuSAE ownership, Belinda will step down from the position of CEO on 11th May 2015 and take a co-opted director position on the AuSAE Board. AuSAE looks forward to her continued involvement in maintaining the strong growth experienced in recent years. AuSAE will be advertising for a CEO within the next couple of weeks .
So as you can see, we have exciting times ahead, with AuSAE committed to continuing to support and grow the careers of all individuals who work in the not-for-profit sector. Increasingly AuSAE is becoming more relevant to our members across New Zealand and Australia, our wide range of organisational stakeholders and to regulators. The year ahead is part of paving the way to add more value to you our members.
We look forward to being part of this next phase of AuSAE. For the current list of board members, positions and biographies please click here.
Warm regards,
Belinda Moore (CEO) and Nick Hill (President)
Australasian Society of Association Executives (AuSAE)
belinda@ausae.org.au /