IPWEA Australasia President, Michael Kahler, has announced on behalf of the Board that Mr Robert (Rob) Fuller has been appointed as the incoming Chief Executive Officer of IPWEA.
In brief from the Official Announcement:
"Robert Fuller is highly experienced across construction, infrastructure, fleet and government sectors having been in management at BP Australia, Honeywell Engineering, and Master Builders Association (MBA). Being on project management teams and leading the construction industry for over $0.5b of critical government infrastructure including defence, health, education and energy sectors for more than two decades provides the blended depth of knowledge and coal-face experience that IPWEA requires in order to proactively engage with its members and government."
“Critically for IPWEA, in addition to his government and industry expertise, Robert brings a wealth of professional Association management experience to assist the Board in the business transformation that all contemporary businesses are currently undertaking. As former CEO Newcastle Master Builder Association, NSW GM and Deputy CEO Printing Industry Association of Australia, QLD State Director CEDA (Committee for Economic Development of Australia), and CEO Hunter Valley Training Company, Robert will now lead the dedicated team of professional IPWEA staff across Australia and New Zealand in meeting the current and future needs of our members."