The new Singapore Airlines flight into Wellington will help deliver on the tourism industry’s goal of growing total annual revenue to $41 billion by 2025, says the Tourism Industry Association New Zealand (TIA).
The new air route linking Singapore and Wellington via Canberra will launch in September 2016, with four flights per week, adding 110,000 additional seats to New Zealand’s air links with the world.
“This new service connects Wellington to Australia’s capital city and to one of Asia’s most important aviation hubs,” says TIA Chief Executive Chris Roberts.
“It will open up a lucrative visitor pipeline into the capital, delivering an estimated 25,000 visitors a year to New Zealand, spending $95 million.”
The tourism industry’s Tourism 2025 growth framework identifies increases in sustainable air connectivity as critically important to boosting the industry’s value, from its current $30 billion a year to $41 billion.
“We know that new airline routes help stimulate demand, so we look forward to seeing more visitors arriving in Wellington year-round,” says Mr Roberts.
Tourism 2025 identified that when new air connections are established the whole tourism industry benefits.
“To ensure new air services are sustainable, it’s also vital that tourism operators on the ground get in behind them, by offering fantastic activities and experiences that appeal to that market.”
This media release was directly sourced from the Tourism Industry Association New Zealand website here.
For further information, please contact:
Ann-Marie Johnson
Communications Manager
Tourism Industry Association New Zealand
DDI: 04 496 5001
Mobile: 027 600 4565