CEO's Message

24 Aug 2016 4:46 PM | Deleted user

Artificial intelligence is the next big thing in the IT world, and we’d all better be prepared for where it’s going to take us.

According to the founder of the US based Geek Squad, Robert Stephens, all of the big IT players are investing heavily in AI to improve efficiency and provide enhanced customer service.

Messaging is the fastest on-line behaviour in the history of IT and Robert predicts that 85% of all interactions with an organisation will be messaging by 2020. This will have profound implications for Associations.

Have you heard of Deep Text (Facebook uses it to customise your newsfeed and ads) or Machine Learning (a type of AI that provides computers with the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed)? These are two of the game changing developments being fast tracked by the likes of Google, Facebook, Apple and Microsoft.

So why the buzz around this? The whole world is going mobile. Less and less phone calls are being made while messaging is trending upward on a steep trajectory through applications like Facebook Messaging, Whats App, Skype Twitter, SnapChat etc.

The question Robert posed to the audience at the ASAE Annual Meeting in Salt Lake City in mid-August was “where would we use messaging to take steps out of a process, reduce time and effort for customers and provide a better service”.

It’s certainly made me think about the future IT infrastructure and capabilities for AuSAE and not just relying on a website, LinkedIn and Twitter. For those of us who are Gen X or Baby Boomers, it’s going to require a lot more thought, discussion and consultation with thought leaders and our IT providers.

Click on the below links for more insights and learning from the ASAE Annual Meeting:

Why does Innovation challenge Associations so much?

Astronaut Twins tell #ASAE16 attendees to "do the hard thing"

Listen to the Key Insights from some Australasian attendees

Brendon Ward

Chief Executive Officer

Australasian Society of Association Executives

The Australasian Society of Association Executives (AuSAE)

Australian Office:
Address: Unit 6, 26 Navigator Place, Hendra QLD 4011 Australia
Free Call: +61 1300 764 576
Phone: +61 7 3268 7955

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Address: 159 Otonga Rd, Rotorua 3015 New Zealand
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