5 Questions to Better Market your Career Center

20 Dec 2016 1:37 PM | Deleted user

Nothing promotes a career center like putting relevant, niche jobs in front of professionals. When it comes time to look for a new job, professionals turn first to associations, which are among the best places to start. That’s because they know employers savvy enough to recruit via their relevant association channels are looking for exactly the type of skills possessed by your pool of members.

With the holidays upon us—a time when folks focus on next year’s goals and dreams, you should already be proactively promoting your career center to help support your members’ professional advancement. Ultimately for you, marketing your career center to members is vital to your association’s economic success. Without candidate engagement, employers who pay you to expose jobs to highly-qualified talent, won’t get the ROI they’re expecting.

And, nothing markets a career center like putting relevant, niche jobs in front of professionals. They see the jobs in your messaging and click to find out what other jobs are available. Your members are then constantly reminded to use your site when they are hiring within their department or having a bad day at the office and consider moving on. Non-members also see that employers want to hire your members, giving them another reason to think about joining as a member.

5 questions to answer.

To successfully market your career center, answer and act upon these five questions:

  1. Do you share jobs from your career center through your newsletters?
  2. Do you print out flyers and share them at your onsite events?
  3. Do you communicate to your members how many employers and job seekers you have looking for the right candidates and job opportunities?
  4. Do you tweet on Twitter and share on Facebook the various jobs that will help your members know you have a job board available to them?
  5. Do you have dedicated emails of open job opportunities regularly sent to your members?

If you aren’t doing these things, easy ways to increase engagement with your career center and get folks using it are passing you by. The good news is that these tactics, for the most part, can be automated. You can distribute jobs via widgets, RSS feeds or other automated methods.

Living in an age of information overload, I don’t want to just add more information to your day. So, I leave you with this thought: Apply the information you have learned; go, look at your career center and then think about where else you can promote jobs. You have a valuable, relevant resource to offer your members. Make sure you are successfully sharing it today!

This article was originally sourced from Your Membership and written by Tristan Jordan.

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