Bill introduced to give Inland Revenue better information to help customers

30 Apr 2017 9:09 PM | Deleted user

In early April, the Taxation (Annual Rates for 2017–18, Employment and Investment Income, and Remedial Matters) Bill was introduced into Parliament. The Bill includes proposals requiring employers to provide Inland Revenue with information about their employees’ income and deductions on a payday basis, rather than on the current monthly basis. This will allow employers to take advantage of modern digital systems to integrate the PAYE process into their normal business processes of paying their employees and to reduce compliance costs. The Bill also proposes that financial institutions, such as banks, would provide more frequent and detailed information about the income earned by investors (such as interest, dividends, and taxable Māori authority distributions) and tax withheld. With more up-to-date information Inland Revenue will be able to make sure that people are getting their tax withheld correctly throughout the year, and reduce the number of people who find themselves having over or underpaid tax at the end of the financial year. It will be easier for customers to access the information that Inland Revenue holds about them. It also means that Inland Revenue can improve how it administers Working for Families, child support and student loan repayments, making these payments more certain and simpler for customers. The employment and investment income proposals have resulted from earlier consultations in the Making Tax Simpler series on Investment Income Information and Better Administration of PAYE and GST. More information is available on our Tax Policy website.

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