State of Volunteering

25 Sep 2017 3:18 PM | Deleted user

This important contribution to the New Zealand literature on volunteering is a report written by Volunteering New Zealand and the Department of Internal Affairs.

The report contains:

  • Recommendations
  • The current state of volunteering and volunteer-involving organisations
  • Issues affecting volunteering in New Zealand
  • The decline in volunteer hours
  • Other observations about changes to the nature of volunteering
  • Issues/barriers for volunteer-involving organisations and volunteers
  • Issues/barriers for volunteer-involving organisations
  • Issues/barriers for volunteers
  • Looking to the future: possibilities for support, and other opportunities
  • Proactive responses
  • Better support for volunteering
  • The need for Government to lead by example
  • Improved Research
To download the full report, click here

This article was sourced from Volunteering New Zealand.  

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