Meet the New Faces on the AuSAE Board of Directors | Leigh Catley

05 Aug 2020 4:24 PM | Kerrie Green

AuSAE recently concluded voting for elections to the AuSAE Board of Directors and we are delighted to introduce you to our new Board who were announced at the AuSAE Annual General Meeting on Thursday 30 July.

There were four available positions for appointment, and we are delighted to welcome back continuing and re-elected Directors, Damian Mitsch, CEO, Australian Dental Association and Holly Morchat Stanko, General Manager, Association of Consultants & Engineers New Zealand. We are thrilled to also introduce and welcome to the AuSAE Board of Directors; Leigh Catley, General Manager Communications, Federated Farmers and Paula Rowntree, Head of Events & Experience, Royal Australian College of General Practitioners.

We sat down with Leigh this week and in a short interview discussed Leigh’s previous experience and history with associations, her passion for the sector and what she is looking forward to as she starts her term with the AuSAE Board. Read the full interview below.

An overview of current role and previous experience

I am the GM Communications for Federated Farmers of New Zealand, the country’s peak industry body for farmers and growers. My career background is in journalism, sales, business development, communications and marketing.

My governance experience includes holding board member roles for the New Zealand Agricultural Journalists & Communicators Guild, the New South Wales Public Relations Institute and the New Zealand Registered Hairdressers Association.

I have significant experience working for associations, including the Employers Association of New Zealand, and both the Australian and New Zealand Press Associations. My event management experience includes running conferences for Horticulture New Zealand and Federated Farmers, plus the development of the Primary Industries New Zealand Summit in 2019. I founded the New Zealand primary sector Primary Industry Communicators Day and was a committee member for the International Federation of Agricultural Journalists Guild Congress held in New Zealand in 2015.

How long have you been a member with AuSAE

About 10 years

How long have you been involved with associations

I have been involved with associations for most of my career, almost 30 years. I fell into the association sector by accident, and in my third role within the sector realised that I had become a career association professional.  

Why associations, what has kept you in the sector

I have always been a believer in the power of a united voice. From very early on in my career I found a passion for advocacy work and ensuring the voice of members is heard, well represented and front and centre. I enjoy working with the facts and information that we collate from members to ensure our industries have a strong voice at the table.

During this time of uncertainty and change, associations and the role we play for industries and communities has never been more important and recognised. The impact and effect that we have to influence and connect to governments has been critical during this crisis, and is vital in delivering member value and providing what members need now.

Three words you would use to describe an Association professional


What are you most looking forward to as you start your term on the AuSAE Board

I am looking forward to meeting the members and broader community, learning more and gaining further insight into association management best practice.

This year has presented many challenges and opportunities for us all, I am looking forward to exploring the opportunities that are now available to AuSAE and thrilled to be a part of the Board during this time of change as we pave the way of new direction.

The Australasian Society of Association Executives (AuSAE)

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