Sector and AuSAE News

  • 02 Dec 2015 9:26 AM | Kerrie Green

    Have you ever had the situation where Board members have tried to directly instruct staff, or have questioned senior management decisions outside of the Board meeting, or have taken partial control of staff functions?

    Have you viewed this as appropriate and advantageous to the organisation, or disruptive, annoying and interfering? Or maybe even both?

    We come across this quite often when we are working with nonprofit Boards and senior executives. We have had late night telephone calls from Directors regarding their concern about management techniques, asking advice about what the Director should do if management isn't doing what the Director expects. We have had emergency meetings with CEOs when they are ready to resign because a Board member has been "interfering". We have seen numerous emails where senior executives complain bitterly about the Board becoming involved in "operational" matters. We have talked with many Boards about their concern that management is not managing. And the list goes on.

    There is not always a clear case of inappropriate interference by the Board or Board Members. 

    On the one hand, Directors have the right to access everything that goes on in the organisation (with some exceptions mainly related to privacy laws), as in the end, the Director is ultimately responsible. It is also appropriate, prudent, and necessary that a Board member take an interest in the operations and management of the organisation, and that they have conversations with staff and ask questions outside of Board meetings.

    On the other hand, the Board members are not staff, and have not been retained to develop operational implementation of strategy. Board members seldom have the specific skill sets required to implement the operational strategies, which is why skilled staff have been hired.

    So, what can be done to satisfy the Directors' need for knowledge and accountability, and the executive leadership and staff’s need for operational autonomy?

    To read the full article please click here

    This article was sourced directly from the Strategic Awareness Essentials website here

  • 02 Dec 2015 9:20 AM | Kerrie Green

    All Queenslanders can now take part in one of the state’s biggest health care surveys, which runs from 9 November to 24 December 2015. The CheckUP Health in Focus survey provides an annual snapshot of primary health care in Queensland. With an overwhelming response in 2014 from the general public, we are again pleased to announce we are opening it to all Queenslanders for 2015, in addition to GPs, specialists, practice managers, nurses and allied health professionals.

    Have your say today to help improve health care for the future, visit

    This information was directly sourced from CheckUP. 

  • 02 Dec 2015 8:52 AM | Kerrie Green

    A bid to standardise trading hours across south-east Queensland will cost jobs, an industrial relations commission has heard.

    The Queensland Industrial Relations Commission began hearing an application by the National Retail Association (NRA) to "harmonise" retail hours in the region today.

    CEO Trevor Evans said the current trading hours were put in place 20 years ago and were out of step in an age of modern retailing solutions and online shopping.

    "At the moment it's split up into somewhere between 15 to 20 different zones, all with different rules, that's a nightmare and very confusing for both customers and retailers," he said outside court in Brisbane.

    "So our hope is to get as close as we can back to one set of rules for south-east Queensland."

    The NRA wants stores to be allowed to open from 7:00am to 9:00pm from Monday to Saturday across the region with the exception of Brisbane City, the Gold Coast entertainment precinct and the Fortitude Valley and Hamilton north shore.

    Mr Evans said it would create jobs and increase consumer certainty, and the impact on independent retailers would be minimal.

    "While there are one or two small businesses that would see these rules as a competitive advantage; i.e. they're forcing their competitors to close and their customers to come to them," he said.

    "The fact is that this is about much more than just groceries.

    "These laws impact all the tenants of shopping centres and shopping strips which are forced to close as soon as the larger stores and the anchor tenants are forced to shut."

    Queensland's independent retailers at risk: MGA

    The move will cost jobs, independent and small business representatives say.

    Master Grocers Australia (MGA) represents 485 independent retailers in Queensland who say their businesses will be at risk if the action is successful.

    MGA advocate Colin Dorber said the move would be damaging to independent retailers and their staff.

    "The granting of this application hurts independent retailers it forces husbands and wives for example to terminate staff and then start working 60-70 hours a week to survive," he said.

    "It takes employment out of smaller independent stores and based on the evidence the NRA are giving, won't necessarily create new jobs for people in Coles and Woolworths.

    "The bottom line is it really hurts and it's not necessary.

    "There's only a limited pie and Coles and Woolworths want that pie to be all theirs."

    The Commission also heard from Professor Joe Branigan, the co-author of a report into the economic impacts of deregulating retail trading hours in Queensland.

    His report estimated that up to 2,000 jobs could be created if deregulation was brought in across the state.

    Mr Dorber questioned the survey method and details of the report findings throughout the afternoon.

    The matter is set down for four weeks.

    This article was sourced directly from the ABC News website here and was written by Kathy McLeish. 

  • 01 Dec 2015 4:28 PM | Kerrie Green

    The Australasian Investor Relations Association (AIRA) is proposing a “fast track” proposal to speed up the release to market of important financial results announcements and other price sensitive information during profit reporting seasons.

    The initiative arises because more listed entities are issuing profit results, annual reports and other important performance announcements through the ASX before daily share trading commences.

    AIRA’s Chief Executive Ian Matheson said today: “We have had a preliminary conversation with the Australian Securities Exchange about developing a fast track system to operate during interim and final results periods because of concerns that releases could be delayed by the large amount of other, non-sensitive announcements.

    “A poll of our members shows that 69% of respondents are lodging their financial results to the ASX between 7:30am and 8:30am to give stock market analysts and investors more time to assess the results before trading commences. This is a critical period of the day, and some companies experienced delays in the latest reporting season.

    “The survey also showed that 90% of those surveyed received acknowledgement of receipt back from the ASX within 20 minutes. The larger companies – particularly those in the ASX50 – attract considerable analyst coverage, and it’s important the analysts’ can provide informed responses to their clients as soon as possible before the market opens. That makes for a more orderly opening and is in the best interests of all investors.”

    A fast track system would prioritize ASX releases so that the most time sensitive ones were made public more quickly. Less sensitive releases on issues such as substantial shareholdings, minor capital changes and change of directors’ interests would be sidelined until the peak period ebbed.

    AIRA’s survey also found that, apart from more companies reporting first thing in the morning, larger ones were also releasing their financial results earlier in reporting seasons. Some 21% said they had already advanced their lodgment date or planned to do so next year. Also, 43% said they had changed their timetable or would do so next year to include release of their annual report with other financial announcements. One benefit of this is that it gives proxy advisers a longer lead time to research their recommendations on voting.

    To read the full media release please click here

    This media release was directly sourced from the Australasian Investor Relations Association (AIRA) website here

  • 01 Dec 2015 4:15 PM | Kerrie Green

    The Australian Association of National Advertisers (AANA) and the Interactive Advertising Bureau of Australia (IAB Australia) have jointly launched best practice principles for online advertising which is in the style of editorial content, commonly known as Native Advertising.

    The Native Advertising Principles are a consumer protection tool for advertisers to reference, aimed at ensuring readers can readily distinguish between what is paid-for advertising versus editorial content in the online environment. They bring together the guidance of both the AANA and IAB Australia at a time when brands are increasingly delivering editorial-style content in digital formats.

    “We are delighted to have been able to work with IAB Australia to deliver these Native Advertising

    Principles. They will help ensure that people know when they are viewing independent commentary and when they are viewing paid-for content in the form of native advertising,” Simone Brandon, Director of Policy & Regulatory Affairs at the AANA said. “Responsible, respected and innovative marketing is at the heart of what our members stand for and these principles will help guide advertisers so that they are transparent and ethical in how they communicate about their brands online.”

    Alice Manners, CEO of IAB Australia commented: “The rise of native advertising and storytelling by

    brands is fundamentally shifting the way in which we, as an industry, need to consider advertising.

    The Native Advertising Principles are an important addition to the IAB Australia’s Advertising Playbook and the AANA’s Code of Ethics and we expect they will provide valuable guidance to

    advertisers and publishers alike.”

    The Native Advertising Principles will require advertisers to provide consumers with a prominently

    visible cue so they immediately know the content is paid-for advertising – for example, these cues

    could be the use of the brand’s logo in or around the content or the use of a different design, font

    or shading to clearly differentiate it from the editorial content.

    “With the increasing potential for blurred lines between editorial and paid-for advertising, it’s timely

    that these principles are being launched to provide guidance to advertisers and publishers about

    how they should guarantee transparency for consumers,” said Matt Tapper, Managing Director

    Global Markets, Lion Beer, Cider and Wine and new Chair of the AANA Board.

    Ed Harrison, IAB Australia Chairman and CEO of Yahoo7 said: “Native advertising is a strategically

    important format for our industry, particularly in our drive towards monetising mobile. Its ability to

    provide a seamless consumer experience is exceptional, but its success will ultimately be defined by ensuring the advertisements are clearly delineated and defined for consumers.”

    This media release was directly sourced from the Australian Association of National Advertisers (AANA) website here

  • 01 Dec 2015 4:05 PM | Kerrie Green

    The Financial Planning Association of Australia (FPA) has welcomed today’s Government announcement of a final reform package for retail life insurance.

    “The Government’s final response to proposals by The Hon Josh Frydenberg MP on 25 June and the FSI Report, is a sensible outcome that will help ensure the sustainability of the industry,” CEO of the FPA Mark Rantall said.

    Mr Rantall commended Assistant Treasurer and Minister for Small Business Kelly O’Dwyer for consulting and listening to the profession and addressing industry concerns that arose from the earlier June announcement.

    A key area of concern for business sustainability had been the new retention (‘clawback’) provision of three years for commissions. As a result of combined representation by the AFA and FPA, the provision will move from a three to a two year clawback period.

    The Government has announced that these changes will apply across all channels, including personal advice, general advice and direct life insurance.

    Mr Rantall said “The FPA supports the need for a model that enables financial planners an appropriate amount of time to transition. We believe that the staged approach to the new commission structure achieves this.

    “The FPA also believes that expanding education, strengthening enforcement and removing other conflicted payments, including volume rebates and payments, is necessary to the overall package of initiatives.”

    The Government also announced that the industry will have responsibility for widening Approved Product Lists, through the development of a new industry standard.

    Mr Rantall concluded: “Today’s announcement is a sensible outcome, and one that will help ensure the sustainability of the industry. We are deeply committed to supporting members through these changes and encourage members to make use of The FPA Life Insurance Advice Guide. This comprehensive resource can be accessed in the FPA Member Centre.

    The final reform package will start on 1 July 2016. The Government has said that ASIC will undertake a review of the reforms in 2018, to assess whether the implemented measures are operating as proposed.

    This media release was directly sourced from the Financial Planning Association of Australia website here

  • 01 Dec 2015 3:33 PM | Kerrie Green

    Chairman of beyondblue Jeff Kennett said today’s announcement by the Turnbull Government is a defining moment for mental health care in Australia and he commends Health Minister Sussan Ley for having the courage to instigate structural reform by dismantling a badly-integrated system in favour of building a regional one that works for people closer to home, wherever they live in Australia.

    “It’s about time someone had the guts and foresight to overhaul the system to focus on the needs of people rather than providers. We need to get the maximum bang for our buck by spending taxpayers’ dollars where they have the greatest impact.

    This is exactly the kind of leadership we need to help the three million people who at any one time have depression or anxiety, and the hundreds of people who attempt to take their lives or the seven who die by suicide every day in Australia – and their families.

    Today’s theme of national leadership with a focus on regional planning and delivery is broadly what individuals and families have been demanding, and what the National Mental Health Commission has recommended.

    Although while still silent on detail, beyondblue supports in principle the Government’s redirection of funds to the Primary Health Networks (PHNs) because they are best placed to understand local needs, and to deliver and monitor performance and outcomes for their communities. The introduction of low-intensity early intervention services is extremely welcome and beyondblue’s successful NewAccess program proves this works. We look forward to assisting the PHNs in any way we can.

    However, we do have some reservations about the level of support the PHNs will need to help them adjust to their rapidly increasing responsibilities. This will demand exemplary governance and having people with personal experience of mental illness and suicide at the table to ensure they understand the complexities of mental health issues in their communities.

    beyondblue has long articulated the need for a single and easy entry point to the system for people with mental health conditions. Today, knowing where to start too often depends on who you know. We think using technology and a central phone line is essential. We look forward to hearing more about how the new mental health digital gateway will direct people to the help they need promptly and compassionately.

    Everyone in Australia should know who to phone or where to go to get help if the need arises, just as they know what to do if they have a physical injury or illness. It should be exactly the same for mental health problems.

    We also applaud the greater focus on protecting and building resilience in children. In particular, we are encouraged by the move to replace the current myriad of school mental health programs by a single initiative serving the early years through to high school to end confusion for teachers and parents.

    We congratulate the Government on its new approach to suicide prevention and the commitment of additional funds to provide team-based support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who are at greater risk of psychological distress and suicide than the broader Australian community. beyondblue’s Way Back Support Service trial, which supports people who are released from hospital following a suicide attempt, is proving to be very successful and we look forward to working with all tiers of government and the PHNs to see how well this would fit into a stepped care model.

    Finally, we commend the Government’s commitment to addressing stigma as a barrier to people getting help.

    We look forward to seeing the detail on all the recommendations and we stand ready and willing to help deliver this innovative and ground-breaking reform package.”

    This media release was directly sourced from the beyondblue website here

  • 01 Dec 2015 3:27 PM | Kerrie Green

    Australian Red Cross is delighted to announce the appointment of Judy Slatyer as its new Chief Executive Officer.

    Born and bred in Australia, Judy is an international leader with a distinguished career spanning roles in the Not For Profit, private and government sectors as well as a passion for humanitarian and environmental advocacy.

    Since 2008, she has been Chief Operating Officer (COO) for Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF) International, based in Switzerland … one of the world's largest conservation organisations, with 6,500 staff working in over 100 countries.

    Her career also encompasses more than five years as CEO of Lonely Planet Publications based in Melbourne and ten years with Telstra, where her most senior role was Chief of Consumer Sales for Telstra Retail.

    Australian Red Cross President Michael Legge said Judy had an outstanding track record and was ideally suited for her challenging new role.

    "I am confident her diverse background of experience and perspectives will underpin her success as our CEO" said Mr Legge.

    "Last year Red Cross celebrated our Centenary of service in Australia and Judy is the ideal person to lead us as we continue to respond to rapidly changing humanitarian needs in our second century of service to the Australian community and beyond" he said.

    Judy will start with Red Cross on Monday 29 February 2016. In the meantime, Australian Red Cross Blood Service CEO Jennifer Williams has kindly agreed to continue in her interim, extended role as CEO of both organisations.

    This media release was directly sourced from the Australian Red Cross website here

  • 01 Dec 2015 3:19 PM | Kerrie Green

    As the longest running Australian survey into family businesses, Family Business Australia and KPMG are delighted to share our 2015 Family Business Survey results - available on the website.

    Since 2005 FBA has sought to better understand the unique nature, opportunities and challenges of family owned businesses, and in this year’s survey we have gone deeper, to identify the characteristics of high performing family businesses in an ever changing business environment.

    Conducted by the University of Adelaide’s Family Business Education and Research Group, our 2015 Survey reveals nearly 80 percent of family businesses are feeling optimistic about their future growth prospects.

    The survey also highlights key trends that are shaping the future of Australian family business:

    • Balancing of family and business issues remains the biggest challenge.
    • Family businesses believe technological change is creating disruptions in the way business is done, but in a positive way.
    • Governance mechanisms are evolving, allowing for greater agreement and communication – 52 percent of family businesses now have a formal board (up from 39 percent in 2011).
    • Although there is still work to be done in exit / success preparation, family businesses are overall much more prepared than in 2013.
    • CEOs believe their successor needs to work on his/her financial management, strategic planning and leadership/management skills.

    We hope you will find the 2015 survey findings of interest. To download it, click here.

    This information was directly sourced from Family Business Australia. 

  • 01 Dec 2015 3:03 PM | Kerrie Green

    The Community Broadcasting Association of Australia has welcomed a new President, Phillip Randall, and bid a fond farewell to Adrian Basso.

    Phillip Randall takes the position in addition to his role as Chief Executive Officer of Hope 103.2, one of Sydney’s oldest community radio stations.

    “I’m delighted to have this opportunity to serve the sector. Community broadcasting continues to play a vital role in Australian media and Australian communities. I look forward to working with the CBAA Board and wider sector to ensure that community broadcasting can continue to thrive,” said Randall.

    After beginning his media career in Albany, WA, in 1977, Randall has had more than 35 years experience in media. Since 2007, he has been involved in the push for a digital radio future for community broadcasting and is the Chair of the Digital Radio Consultative Committee. Randall has been a CBAA Board member since 2008, and was most recently Vice President.

    The CBAA has also farewelled outgoing President Adrian Basso, whose sustained and outstanding contribution to the community broadcasting sector was recognised at the 2015 CBAA Community Radio Awards over the weekend.

    “As well as our ongoing activities to support community radio stations and the wider sector, Adrian has been instrumental in our Commit to Community Radio campaigns and an incredible champion for our cause. To Adrian, I say thank you for your support and confidence, and for the immense amount of time, energy and passion you have put into the role of President,” said CBAA Chief Executive Officer Jon Bisset.

    Basso welcomes Phillip Randall’s appointment. “I’m delighted that Phillip has been elected President. His experience and knowledge of the sector will be invaluable in the role and I wish him all the best.”

    Following the CBAA’s Annual General Meeting, Melanie Withnall and Peter Rohweder retain their roles as Board Members.

    Community broadcasting is a vital part of the Australian media landscape. More than 350 permanently licensed community radio stations across the country provide a diverse range of viewpoints that enrich the social and cultural fabric of Australian society and contribute to public interest outcomes, foster social inclusion, generate a high level of local content and contribute to media diversity. The Community Broadcasting Association of Australia (CBAA) champions community broadcasting by building stations’ capability and creating a healthy environment for the sector to thrive.

    This media release was directly sourced from the Community Broadcasting Association of Australia. 

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