Sector and AuSAE News

  • 25 Jul 2016 11:33 AM | Deleted user

    Tuanz — Telecommunications Users Association New Zealand — wants better consumer protection when the government revisits the Telecommunications Act.

    Earlier this week Communications Minister Amy Adams published what she calls an “options paper”. This asks for feedback on the government’s proposed utility-style model for regulating fixed line telecommunications services after 2020.

    The paper forms part of the government’s review of the 2001 Telecommunications Act. The Telecommunications Act 2001 review options paper is online at the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment website.

    One of the goals of the review is to bring telecommunications regulation more into line with utlities such as electricity lines and gas pipelines. Fresh mobile regulation is possible with potential provisions for infrastructure sharing.

    In a press release Tuanz CEO Craig Young says:

    “Tuanz has been arguing strongly for significantly stronger consumer disputes processes under the current mandatory code regime. However, the options released today leave this important function with the TCF.

    "There may be no choice but to push for the alternative option of an independent dispute and complaint model to ensure that management of disputes is user-friendly, and focused on their rights.

    This is important. The recent media stories about poor UFB installations highlight how powerless consumers feel when dealing with large, faceless telecommunications companies.

    New Zealand’s access model with separation between network companies and retail service providers is good, but there is a danger of finger-pointing when problems occur. An independent referee would restore confidence.

    “It is also disappointing that calls for a properly funded consumer advocacy group, and end-user focused research, have been ignored.

    This has worked well in other counties. In the past Tuanz has done a lot of the consumer advocacy work, but that isn’t the organisation’s primary purpose and not what it’s member pay subscriptions for. Likewise the research.

    With adequate funding, the organisation could do more work in both departments. Or it could play a role setting up a new separate, consumer-oriented body. It wouldn’t be expensive and would be cost-effective.

    As Young goes on to say:

    "The successful Australian model proves that contestable funds are an effective way of providing these important services and that leaving it up to the support from corporate entities is unrealistic.”

    In the recent past government has looked to an industry levy to fund its rural broadband project and certain services for disabled users. While it would be better to ditch the levy — the telecommunications industry is unfairly targeted in this way — it wouldn’t hurt to set aside a small share of this money to fund an independent consumer-oriented body.

    Disclosure: Bill Bennett is working on a writing project for Tuanz.

    Tuanz calls for better consumer protections was first posted at

    The article was originally sourced from Scoop and was written by Bill Bennett.

  • 25 Jul 2016 11:07 AM | Deleted user

    The Professional Advisers Association, whose 1,200 members work in the insurance, investment and mortgage industries, is wary of plans to make large firms offering financial advice accountable for the actions of their agents rather placing the onus on the agents themselves.

    Commerce Minister Paul Goldsmith this week announced proposals to reform legislation governing financial advisers in an effort to streamline the different types of advisers and advice, which had been confusing clients, and to require customers' interests to put first. The new framework would replace the existing two tiers: advisers, who are individually accountable for meeting their obligations; and agents, whose employer is accountable for their actions.

    PAA chief executive Rod Severn says the reforms adopt a number of things his organisation was pushing for, but that the lack of accountability for agents means there's a disconnect with the goal of putting the consumer first.

    "If you're giving advice, no matter what that advice is, you've got to be responsible for your own actions," Severn said. "Where you hide behind an advisory firm or the old QFE (qualifying financial entity) model, which is basically ongoing here under a different guise, I think that's disappointing."

    In a Cabinet paper, Goldsmith said agents will be limited in practice "to types of advice where the financial advice firm could demonstrate it as appropriate for the firm to hold accountability". This treatment for financial advice firms would be "similar to the current QFE model and makes sense in a large organisation, like a bank, where representatives are required to follow the firm’s processes with limited individual discretion" and would manage risk "through the setting of advice processes and incentives."

    QFEs are licensed entities that take responsibility for the sale of less complex financial products by their staff and are typically large organisations such as banks and insurers. More complicated products still needed to be sold by an authorised financial adviser, who can be employed by a QFE.

    The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment's regulatory impact statement on the proposed changes said concerns were raised during consultation about the QFE model and the lack of incentives for QFE advisers to meet conduct and client care standards.

    "It is unclear whether the problem arises from the different accountability arrangements applying to QFEs (alternatively, it could arise because QFEs are not subject to the consumer first obligation in most situations, in which case this problem would be addressed by extending the consumer first obligation as discussed in the previous section)," MBIE officials said.

    The officials recommended against making all advisers accountable for their actions because it could limit the advice provided by QFEs, impose undue costs on the entities' advisers and the Financial Markets Authority supervising the sector. It also didn't reflect the business models of some providers and would put accountability on a party with limited ability to manage the risks. Those detriments were deemed as outweighing the potential benefit of a consistent framework for consumers and stronger incentives for QFEs to put clients first.

    Agents are expected to be the dominant provider of advice under the new regime, with MBIE predicting there will be between 20,000 and 25,000 of them compared to 3,000 to 8,000 advisers. The industry is currently made up of 23,000 QFE advisers, 6,400 Registered Financial Advisers, who only need to sign up to register to sell simpler services, and 1,860 Authorised Financial Advisers, who are required to meet certain education and ethical standards to sell more complicated products.

    PAA's Severn said the bulk of the reforms are "squarely aimed" at RFAs, who will have to decide whether they want to meet new competency and conduct requirements to be an adviser, or align themselves with a big firm to become an agent.

    The article was originally sourced from Scoop and was written by Paul McBeth.

  • 22 Jul 2016 10:43 AM | Deleted user

    People&co. is a valued partner of AuSAE and are best known for our success in the Search and Recruitment of Directors, Chief Executives and professional people. We also provide services and advice related to aspects of the Recruitment process and HR services.

    We’re in the business of people, and we’re passionate about people being the best that they can be. If you are looking for the right leader or professional for your organisation, contact Michele or Warren at people&co.

    If we’re not searching out and recruiting people, we’re helping individuals progress their careers through a range of development opportunities by providing tailored advice. In doing this, individuals thrive, and organisations benefit. We’ve got a long track record in Search, Recruitment and specialist HR solutions. Since 2004 in fact. So we have a very deep knowledge of the Wellington market and we provide our services nationwide. 

    The secret, (and it’s no secret) to our success as a leading Search, Recruitment and HR services business is having an interest in people. That means understanding their skills, aspirations and strengths.

    We provide preferential pricing for AuSAE members. Please contact Michele or Warren to discuss your needs at

  • 22 Jul 2016 9:54 AM | Deleted user

    Air gapped backups, contingency plans for failed internet or mains power and a paper backup of the disaster recovery contact and manual process records are now safely stored, all safety systems are in place and tested. There is nothing more to do. Continuity is guaranteed, business profits certain and a future well assured.

    But wait let's consider the viability your business plan. The following "real world business plans" make the point.

    In Wisconsin the justice system uses automated software to set the severity of issued prison sentences, for over 10 years. The software controlled decision making processes is not transparent to either its users (judges) or the recipient (prisoners). Thus all sentences issued in that period are being challenged and the software suppliers are in risk of losing their business.

    TP-Link, one of the world's biggest sellers of Wi-Fi access points and home routers, "forgot" to renew their Domain Name. Their oversight temporarily allowed "criminals" to take it over, create a fake administration page to get clients to upload bogus Trojan firmware to their router.

    Nurses, doctors, and other medical workers so often bypass information security controls in a bid to administer rapid health care that the shortcuts are taught to other staff. Entire hospital units have shared a single login for a medical device and passwords are plainly displayed on sticky notes everywhere.

    The US Air Force's Automated Case Tracking System storing investigations from whistle blowers of waste and fraud became corrupted, rendering over 100,000 case files dating back to 2004 unreadable. Although the database was backed up, it did not have a tested recovery function. Investigations are now being done in the "hope" that the data was backed up in another uncorrupted location.

    And finally, a car driver has been killed while using the Tesla Autopilot feature. Many Tesla drivers, including the deceased, had filmed themselves playing Jenga, Checkers or simply sleeping while using the feature despite specific Tesla instructions to "keep your hands on the wheel at all times and stay alert".

    Who could have foreseen any of the above?

    Failures in business are quite often neatly explained by Goodhart’s Law which states clearly: “when a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure”. All of the above failures are in this category.

    Would you like to discuss this further. Contact IVT at

  • 22 Jul 2016 9:24 AM | Deleted user

    Guest Blogger: Debbie Bradley, Group Account Director, Zadro Agency.

    Recently I have been working with numerous Associations and not-for-profits on strengthening their member communications. The same questions arise over and over again:

    1. How do we better retain and engage our members?

    2. How do we acquire new members?

    Members are, of course, at the very core of why Associations exist and therefore if you can create a strong membership base this is the very crux for future success. The best way to create strategies to retain and engage your members and acquire new members is to ask the following questions:

    1. Who are my members?

    a. What are their demographics?

    b. What jobs do they do?

    c. What are their roles in their organisation?

    d. Are they a company or an individual?

    This information will help you profile and segment your audience. It is likely there are a number of different membership groups that your organisation may serve for instance: student, active career members, and life-time members – therefore you should segment and discover how many of these members you have already and also which is the most valuable to your organisation in the future.

    2. What reason do they have to engage with my organisation?

    a. What are their workplace challenges?

    b. What are their training and education needs?

    c. Do they want advocacy or representation in the macro environment?

    d. Do they want to network and connect with their industry peers?

    e. Are they looking for thought-leadership, advice and/or tools to help them better do their jobs?

    f. Are they looking to us to help them further their career?

    Here is where you can start thinking about what you offer your members and how much they value your service? Again you will need to look at different member segments and decide if they want different things from you - segmentation is key. An example would be that new entries to the industry may want different levels of education, while active career members may be looking for networking events rather than training.

    3. Where do they do business?

    a. How do they engage with us?

    b. What type of communications channels do they use?

    c. Is their business on social media for work?

    d. Do they like email newsletters?

    e. How do they engage with media – newspapers, digital media, trade magazines?

    f. What other activities and wider stakeholders do they connect with?

    Answering these questions will help you understand the types of communication channels that are relevant for your audience. If you have a younger demographic they may no longer want to receive a print journal or publication, they may want digital messages. However the reverse may also be true – your printed publication may be very valid for some audiences and therefore creates a great add value for members.

    Once you have fully understood your audience you can begin to establish a strong product and service offering and also demonstrate membership benefits and value.

    The next step to engaging your audience is to create solid membership offerings and communications. Make three lists:

    1. The products and services you provide to members
    2. The products and services you provide to non-members
    3. The benefits of being a member of your organisation

    Creating these three simple lists will clarify exactly what you offer and don’t offer your members and wider customers. It will also help clarify what your key membership benefits are so you can clearly communicate to your audience the value of joining your organisation.

    In conclusion

    You now know who your members are, what they want and how they like to be communicated with. By ensuring your products and services are tailored to what professionals in your industry need this will present a strong value proposition for future membership growth.

    If your communications and value proposition are membership centric then you are well on your way to successfully retaining, engaging and acquiring new members.

    About Zadro Agency

    Zadro are an integrated communications agency working with Association and Not-for-Profit organisations across Australia and specialising in strategic planning, member research and surveys, marketing, public relations, branding and graphic design.

    If you want to activate a member marketing strategy today then call Zadro on 02 9212 7867 or email

  • 21 Jul 2016 2:57 PM | Deleted user

    AuSAE has welcomed new members from the following organisations this month.

    Is your organisation on this list? If your organisation is on this list as an AuSAE organisational member but you are unsure if you are part of the membership bundle, please contact the friendly AuSAE team at

    Not on this list? To join AuSAE today please visit our membership information page here.

     Organisation Membership Level
    Association of School Business Administrators Association Executive (Individual)
    Audiology Australia
    Association (Organisational - Small)
    Australian Association of Gerontology Association Executive (Individual)
    Australian Association of Social Workers Association (Organisational - Small)
    Australian Childcare Alliance Western Australia Association Executive (Individual)
    Australian Dental Association NSW Association (Organisational - Small)
    Australian Wound Management Association Board or Committee Participant
    Caravan Parks Association of Queensland Young Association Professional
    Family & Relationship Services Australia Association Executive (Individual)
    Gastroenterological Society of Australia Association Executive (Individual)
    Group Training Association of NSW & ACT Association Executive (Individual)
    Hire and Rental Industry Association Association Executive (Individual)
    Institute of Financial Advisers Association Executive (Individual)
    Institute of Internal Auditors - Australia Association (Organisational - Small)
    Law Institute of Victoria Association Executive (Individual)
    Life Education Trust NZ Association Executive (Individual)
    Meetings and Events Australia Association Executive (Individual)
    New Zealand Council for Infrastructure Development Association Executive (Individual)
    Nursery & Garden Industry South Australia Association Executive (Individual)
    Pharmacy Guild of Australia - VIC Association Executive (Individual)
    Planning Institute Australia Association (Organisational - Large)
    Property Council of Australia Association Executive (Individual)
    Recruitment & Consulting Services Association Association (Organisational - Small)
    Risk Management Institution of Australasia Association Executive (Individual)

  • 21 Jul 2016 11:41 AM | Deleted user

    New members are great, but as you know, they can be hard to find. So where, oh where is the best place to look? Here are five places we recommend:

    1. Start with your current members

    When looking to recruit new members, always start with your current member base. Do you have any upcoming meetings or events? Encourage your members to invite their friends/colleagues. Word-of-mouth marketing is the BEST weapon against obscurity.

    2. Reach out to companies within your industry

    Companies within your industry are a GREAT resource for you. Consider reaching out to them (via phone or email - your choice) and seeing if they’d be willing to work with you. You could either go by their office and drop off a few flyers or send them a promotional flyer via email and encourage them to share it with their employees. Since your association helps advance the profession, many companies are more than willing to help out.

    3. Stay active on social media

    An active presence on social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.) is good for multiple reasons. First, tweets now show up in Google desktop search results, so the more you tweet, the better it is for search engine optimization. Second, an active social media presence gives your organization credibility, which is huge when it comes to online member recruitment.

    4. Take advantage of events

    Events are a great way to engage your organization’s membership, but did you know they’re also a great way to grow your organization’s membership? By following a few best practices (planning an event with value, bundling event registration and membership, simplifying the non-member event registration process, etc.), you can actually maximize the impact of your events. (More about that here.)

    5. Work your website

    Your website is a HUGE tool for online member acquisition. People are constantly searching for information online, so if you provide valuable content on your organization’s website, people are more likely to be driven to your page. And if they see value on your page, they’ll see value in your organization (Helloooo new member!).

    Now the “work your website” process is actually a little more complicated than that, but definitely still doable! For a list of next steps/best practices, check out our free guide to Online Member Acquisition below!

    This article was originally sourced from memberclicks and written by Callie Walker.

  • 21 Jul 2016 11:15 AM | Deleted user

    As the biggest expense in B2B marketing budgets, events are an integral part of the go-to-market strategy for most companies. While many marketing teams use events, strategies vary widely from company to company. The term “event marketing” is used to describe everything from promoting a huge conference to hosting a customer dinner, making it tough to pin down what event marketing should mean for B2B marketers. To get a better picture of what your event strategy should look like, it helps to look at the definition, goals, and types of B2B event marketing.

    What is B2B Event Marketing?

    To understand what event marketing means to B2B marketers, let’s look at a couple definitions of the term:

    Event marketing is the activity of designing or developing a themed activity, occasion, display, or exhibit…to promote a product, cause, or organization. Also called event creation.” – Business Dictionary. 

    That definition is pretty broad and can apply to any type of event marketing. It zeros in on the design or development of events instead of just the marketing of an event. Beyond that, we know that B2B events require more than just the creation of the event itself. There is a lot more strategy involved.

    Event marketing describes the process of developing a themed exhibit, display, or presentation to promote a product, service, cause, or organization leveraging in-person engagement.” –Marketo

    The “in-person engagement” part of that description is important. B2B event marketing is most successful when it takes full advantage of the opportunity to connect with customers and prospects in-person.

    At Attend, we’ve defined a new type of event marketing specifically for B2B called Revenue Event Marketing (check out our Complete Guide To Revenue Event Marketing), which focuses on using in-person events to build and accelerate pipeline and ultimately drive revenue. It’s all about getting the right people to attend, maximizing the opportunity for in-person interactions with your sales team, following up and tracking ROI.

    What are the major goals of B2B event marketing?

    Here are six common event goals for B2B marketers:

    Customer engagement

    Events are a great way to connect with customers and strengthen relationships that boost retention, upsells, and advocacy. Whether you are providing education on your product, thought leadership in the your industry, or simply showing appreciation to your customers with a VIP event experience.

    Lead Generation

    While 80% of marketers list lead generation as the primary objective of their event programs (Regalix), new research from Forrester suggests that using events to “find buyers” isn’t the most effective strategy

    Brand awareness

    Sponsoring a big booth at a conference or hosting a big party filled with attendees from your target accounts can definitely help you raise awareness of your brand, but remember that it’s ultimately face-to-face interactions that will help you drive revenue!


    Events have been ranked as the #1 Content Marketing tactic by CMI for the past 5 years. They give you a chance to get your message across to a highly engaged audience without the usual online distractions.

    Pipeline Creation and Acceleration

    Event marketing has the biggest potential to help companies build and accelerate sales pipeline. Focusing on creating opportunities with your target accounts will help you boost your ROI. Events are also an excellent tactic for moving deals deals forward that are stuck in your pipeline.

    What Types Events Do B2B Marketers Use?

    There are a lot of options for types of events to include in your strategy, but here are five popular options:

    Tradeshow and conference sponsorships

    While tradeshow sponsorships may not be the most effective event marketing tactic, they aren’t going anywhere. There will always be tradeshows that your company needs to sponsor since you are expected to have a presence there.

    The biggest takeaway for effective tradeshow sponsorship is that they require just as much strategic planning as hosting your own event. You need to make sure you are only sponsoring the tradeshows that your target audience actually attends and develop a strategy for getting the most face time possible with your top prospects.

    Dinner / lunch / breakfast events

    Inviting a select group of customers and/or prospects to restaurant for a meal is an excellent way to strengthen relationships and accelerate deals. This can work well around larger events as an opportunity get more face time.

    Depending on the size of the group you want to be there, you can have a presentation during the meal or just give sales time to talk with their contacts. Either way, it’s important to arrange seating so you have people from your company spread out to maximize your ability to chat with attendees.


    Hosting one event is great, but you need a full strategy to scale it. Developing a roadshow strategy is the perfect way to scale your hosted event strategy and engage your target accounts across the country. A series of roadshows reaches a large group of high quality prospects and customers.

    A roadshow that takes place in your prospect’s own city is a much lower level of commitment than traveling to your annual conference, but still a huge form of engagement. Investing even two hours to attend an event in-person is a LOT of engagement.

    Customer events

    Hosting an annual customer conference provides a great way to keep your customers educated on industry best practices and your product. Many B2B companies have transformed their customer events into industry events that provide thought leadership in addition to customer-specific content.

    These events can vary a lot in size. Some have over ten thousand attendees (HubSpot’s INBOUND) while other aim to attract numbers in the hundreds (Wistia’s Wistiafest). No matter what size your event is, what matters is that you provide useful content relevant to your audience and give your sales team the time to engage with attendees in-person.

    Micro events

    Industry events are still a great place to find a high concentration of your target audience in one place, but it’s hard to predict booth traffic and even harder to have an in depth sales conversation on the trade show floor. Hosting your own micro event is a great way to engage directly with your target prospects and customers around a conference. Check out this story of two different types of micro events around marketing conferences in Las Vegas.

    You’re often better off cutting back on your conference sponsorship to focus on a targeted micro event like a cocktail hour, dinner,or after party to get more face time with the prospects and customers that matter most.

    Events should be a key part of your B2B marketing strategy. To make sure you are getting the most out of them, download our free Event ROI Handbook. Are there other types of events you include in your marketing strategy? Let us know!

    This article was originally sourced from Business 2 Community and was written by Garrett Huddy.

  • 21 Jul 2016 11:07 AM | Deleted user

    What costs employers $300 billion per year? Workplace stress. According to the American Institute of Stress, workplace stress can cost employers more than $300 billion annually in medical care, turnover, absenteeism, and diminished productivity.

    That staggering number, coupled with the health problems that stress causes, is a major motivator to try to cut down on job stress.

    Associations, unfortunately, are no strangers to stress and the problems it causes. With a full slate of member communication, board, dues management, acquisition and retention responsibilities associations often experience high turnover, and many have stressed staff.

    Data from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) even found that up to 40% of workers report that their job is extremely stressful, and more than a quarter of workers say they are often stressed or burnt out at work.

    To reduce these numbers and improve employee satisfaction and retention, it’s important for association executives to understand the source of job stress, and take steps to alleviate it.

    What Causes Job Stress?

    According to the CDC, “job stress results when the requirements of the job do not match the capabilities, resources, or needs of the worker.”

    Disconnects between workers and their skills, the tools they use every day, and their own personal needs, are usually unintentional. Maybe your industry shifted, or your association started using a new membership management system, and your staff didn’t quite keep pace.

    The bad news is that these changes will never fully go away. The good news is that associations can keep up with them and reduce employee stress with a few simple, everyday practices.

    Let’s look at four easy ways association executives can relieve employee stress.

    4 Ways to Reduce Staff Stress in Your Association

    Method #1) Find the Right Tools

    Your employees can’t do their jobs and provide value for your members without the right tools. Making your employees try to do too much with too little can cause problems. In a study from the University of Plymouth, workers listed a lack of equipment and resources as one of the top reasons why they felt stressed at work.

    It’s essential that your employees have everything they need, like an AMS platform, event system, member database, and email engine, among others. Despite being necessary, however, all these different systems can get tangled up and potentially even cause more stress when employees have to manually maintain and transfer data between your different tools. Whenever possible, try to reduce this problem by consolidating systems.

    For instance, many associations are implementing all-in-one membership management solutions that provide all the tools and services employees need without adding stress. That usually means a system that’s affordable, allows data to flow seamlessly, and has excellent customer support, so no one stresses out if a sudden problem comes up.

    Method #2) Train Your Employees

    The value of ongoing training is often underestimated. Not only does ongoing training make your staff more skilled and efficient, it also helps alleviate workplace stress. Along with the need for proper tools, the University of Plymouth found that another top reason workers felt stressed was a lack of “adequate training to do the job.”

    Ongoing training on technology platforms such as your association management software, industry shifts, and member needs will help employees keep up with the changes your organization goes through. As they gain the skills they need to succeed and learn more about your association and its tools, employees will become more confident and less stressed over job-related tasks.

    Method #3) Communicate and Delegate

    Encourage your employees to express concern, ask questions, and communicate scheduling issues. If someone needs help, or has expertise to offer, they should be comfortable speaking up.

    When employees feel that their thoughts and opinions, including their concerns, are heard, then they feel like they have a say in the organization and their jobs. That’s a great way to reduce stress and make your staff feel valued, so be sure there’s open communication between you and your entire team.

    Make the most of your employees’ and volunteers’ abilities by delegating as well. Your association has a wealth of experts, from staff members to committee volunteers and technology providers. Use them. Delegating projects or breaking them up into pieces for different team members to complete will help you accomplish your tasks faster and more efficiently. The teamwork will also foster positive interpersonal relationships between staff members, further reducing stress.

    Just think. If you empower your members to plan events, let your staff oversee retention campaigns, and use your AMS provider’s association management services for technical maintenance, then you’ve drastically reduced your daily task list – and your stress.

    Method #4) Recognize Achievement

    Once you’ve started an ongoing conversation with staff, make sure to keep the lines of communication open and build on positive staff experiences. Recognizing the achievements of your association and individual staff members is one way to do this. According to the Mayo Clinic, positivity is a major stress reducer. By highlighting initiatives that have gone well and valuable staff contributions, you create a positive work environment.

    Pointing out achievements ensures that you don’t fall into the trap of being a manager that’s “forever finding fault” – another of the stressors listed in the University of Plymouth study.

    Start by telling staff when your association achieves a major milestone and pointing out how employees helped you do it. Take things a step further by congratulating employees who complete big projects, or whose work clearly makes an impact. Your recognition shows staff that their contributions are valued.

    Bonus Tip: Prioritize

    The projects that cause the most stress are often the ones that are most important. Many experts believe that the key to relieving that stress is to prioritize effectively. The most important tasks should be completed first, with less essential projects done later. By finishing the important project first, employees will relieve the stress that comes with them.

    Relieving Stress Takeaway

    Stress might be inevitable in today’s quickly changing, multitasking world, but there are ways to reduce its impact on your association’s staff and create a positive, productive environment. Help your team get the tools and skills they need to do their jobs well, and foster an open, positive environment where everyone can contribute, build relationships, and feel valued.

    These everyday practices will reduce stress, trickling down over time to have a positive impact on productivity, work quality, and employee retention.

    This article was originally sourced from Socious and was written by Julie Dietz.

  • 21 Jul 2016 10:52 AM | Deleted user

    Despite popular sentiment that millennials are disinterested in joining traditional professional associations, young people are uniquely positioned to benefit from association membership in important ways. Many of the things millennials (those born between 1980 and 2000) value most, including connection, collaboration and community outreach, can be integral aspects of membership.

    Recent research from Naylor’s Association Communications Benchmarking Survey suggests that more than half (56 percent) of associations admit they have trouble engaging young professionals, and 55 percent of associations have trouble customizing their communications for different member sub-groups. However, this disconnect can be overcome if association professionals better understand the motivations of millennials and are willing to target their marketing campaigns to attract them.

    Don’t make the mistake of lumping all millennials together or thinking they’re not joiners. 

    Your online presence should be professional, in step with the times, and most of all, authentic. 

    Millennials are a natural fit for associations—they value social and professional networking, personal branding, growth and community outreach. 

    Here are five reasons why millennials join associations and five ways associations can attract and retain millennial members:

    Five reasons why millennials join associations

    1. Networking: Opportunities for networking abound within professional associations, and millennials tend to value the chance to make new personal and professional connections. millennials are used to blending work and social life, and associations and events provide ways to connect with both peers and industry leaders. Unlike the individualistic Generation X, born into the tumult of the 1960s and 1970s, young people today are joiners. In my experience, we want to be part of a group that is working toward something meaningful and bigger than ourselves. The value we place on collaboration and teamwork, combined with our desire to make a difference, heightens our interest in connecting to a community of people with shared interests and common goals.

    2. Gaining new skills: In addition to connecting with new people, millennials are keen on discovering new opportunities for individual learning and growth. In spite of their reputation as apathetic and entitled, today’s young people, like those of previous generations, are motivated, optimistic, and forward thinking. Millennials looking to learn new things and accelerate their professional development can find ample support within professional associations.

    According to Matthew Harrington of New Directions Consulting, the number one post-recession career plan for millennials is to enhance their skill set. While millennials are working at their entry-level day jobs, associations can offer practical lessons on the side—like strategic thinking and public speaking—that are useful stepping stones toward a dream career.

    3. Educational and professional resources: millennials love to learn. As Bravetta Hassley of Chief Learning Officer explains, “millennials are hankering for development… and learning is in a prime position to keep millennial talent from heading out the door.” Associations provide access to an abundance of members-only resources that are attractive to young people trying to expand their skill sets and establish a career trajectory. These professional resources make association membership a valuable tool for personal branding. millennials are enthusiastic about personal branding, which describes how people market themselves and their careers as brands.

    For example, my peers and I groom our Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr pages daily as a form of self-expression. Taking cues from pop culture, we recognize the power and importance of cultivating a recognizable and unique image of ourselves to advertise to the world. This interest in personal branding extends to the professional sphere as well. Associations give millennials a valuable opportunity to work on personal branding and career advancement.

    4. Jobs: Of special importance to millennials is finding satisfying and well-paying jobs, as many of us are saddled with college debt and struggling to find a career that matches our skills with our passions—and still pays the bills. Associations often offer members-only job listings that can help companies tap into the immense talent and insight of young people. As an added bonus, members of associations may have a leg up in the hiring process as some companies find that candidates who belong to associations are pre-vetted in a sense and more serious about their careers.

    5. Community outreach: Millennials have been dubbed “The Giving Generation” because we are very likely to participate in charity work and view donations as investments in causes we care about. Research shows that millennials are likely to engage in company giving, so if associations participate in community outreach efforts, there’s a good chance this will be a plus for young people thinking about becoming members.

    Five ways associations can attract and retain millennials better

    1. Market your association as mission-focused. Millennials have a desire to make a difference. We need to feel that the work we’re doing has real value and that associations support issues or provide services we believe in. Associations should try to project an atmosphere that emphasizes innovation and teamwork, with an end goal of contributing to society in a positive and important way.

    2. Flexibility and affordability are essential. Many young people are in debt, and with endless free opportunities for social networking online, it is essential that associations set membership prices as low as possible and make joining worth our time and money. In-person connection is valuable for building quality relationships, but some young people simply cannot afford the cost of membership and are forced to stick with online networking. Rethinking your revenue model to break down—or at least lower—the cost barrier is one way to make your association more accessible and more attractive to young people.

    3. Interact with millennials in a meaningful, authentic way. Learn to master social media and become technologically innovative. Avoid, however, coming off as trying too hard to be “hip” or using too much internet lingo. Your online presence should be professional and in step with the times, engaging your younger audience in a way that feels natural. Be intentional, not aggressive, with your tech strategy.

    4. Make your association’s events interactive and fun. Emphasize hands-on activities and collaborative learning. Cultivate an atmosphere at your events that fosters creativity and camaraderie; make your events a place that is welcoming for young people and offers a variety of experiences, from mentoring programs to workshops to entertaining learning labs.

    5. Avoid stereotyping. When it comes to millennials—a group of more than 80 million people—we are not a lazy, tech-obsessed monolith. Rather, millennials have unique perspectives and skills that make us great assets to professional organizations. Simply get to know us and value us as part of your association, and a mutually beneficial relationship is sure to develop.

    In many ways, millennials are a natural fit for associations. They value social and professional networking, personal branding and growth, and community outreach, all of which are well within the function of professional organizations. If associations market themselves in a way that is accessible, inviting and low-cost, millennials are more likely to become members. And once associations start gaining the membership of millennials, a positive feedback loop develops. Young people want to be involved in groups with their peers; the more young people an association has within its ranks, the more young people will want to join, and the stronger your association will become.

    This article was originally sourced from Associations Advisor.

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