Sector and AuSAE News

  • 06 Feb 2015 10:02 AM | Louise Stokes
    The Australasian Society of Association Executives (AuSAE) are seeking the use of boardrooms around Australasia to hold our member Executive Briefing’s in 2015. If your office has a boardroom or meeting room available that can seat 10-15 people, we would love to hear from you. Please email me at We value our members support.

    Warm regards,


    Toni Brearley
    Deputy Chief Executive Officer
    Australasian Society of Assocation Executives

  • 30 Jan 2015 11:45 AM | Louise Stokes
    For immediate release
    Friday 30 January, 2015

    Visitor arrivals hit new high in 2014

    International visitor arrivals for December have rounded out an impressive year of growth with total arrivals for 2014 up 5.1 per cent.

    December saw over 400,000 arrivals, marking the highest number of visitors ever recorded for any month, pushing total arrivals total arrivals to over 2.8 million.

    The data, released today by Statistics New Zealand, reveals that total holiday arrivals for the year ending December are up 6.9 per cent topping off a great year for the tourism industry.

    Tourism New Zealand (TNZ) Chief Executive Kevin Bowler says, “It has been a stellar year of growth which we expect to see continue into 2015.”

    Overall growth has been supported by strong holiday arrivals from Western markets with holiday arrivals from Germany and the US up 18.8 per cent and 11.6 per cent respectively.

    “These figures are outstanding for the industry as both Germany and the US are long-staying, high-value visitors. We know that these results are strongly linked to our efforts in promoting New Zealand as the real Middle-earth.”

    Holiday results are also strong out of the Asian markets of Singapore (up 9.9 per cent), Japan (up 6.7 per cent), Korea (up 9.9 per cent) and China (up 15.2 per cent).

    "The year has seen a significant shift in the China market, with holiday stay days having increased by 29.9 per cent for the same period," says Kevin.

    “These are great indicators of a shift towards higher quality and higher value Chinese travellers as we approach the Chinese New Year in February – a peak travel period for the market.

    “We can see that the industry is reaching capacity and over this peak period, the ‘no vacancy’ sign-is out. As far as problems go, it’s a positive one to have.

    Tourism New Zealand’s priority emerging markets are performing well with total arrivals from India up an impressive 20.7 per cent, Brazil up 15.2 per cent and Indonesia up 11.6 per cent year-on-year.

    “The new year brings with it a number of key opportunities to further leverage New Zealand on the international scale,” says Kevin.

    The 2015 International Cricket World Cup which kicks off in two weeks will see New Zealand broadcast live to a global audience of a billion people.

    “Tourism New Zealand is working to leverage this exposure of New Zealand in our key markets of the UK, Australia and the emerging market of India.”

    Contact Georgina Maguire, Communications Advisor, Tourism New Zealand; phone +64 21 478 659

  • 30 Jan 2015 9:47 AM | Louise Stokes
    Western Sydney’s prime facilitator of business engagement, The Western Sydney Business Connection (WSBC), is proud to announce the promotion of Michael Sugg from General Manager to CEO as part of the organisation’s continued transformational process.

    WSBC’s President Troy McPhee said “the new appointment marks the first stages in the process of WSBC’s transition from incorporated association to a company limited by guarantee, as voted by the members at our recent AGM”.

    “Michael has delivered on his proven reputation for transforming and growing member organisations both here in Australia and overseas. His engagement with our members and the wider community over the past 18 months has allowed WSBC to transform and deliver more relevant programs to its members and reinvigorate its presence in Western Sydney”, added WSBC’s jnr Vice President Brendon Noney.

    “The new structure of WSBC will enable the organisation to continue to grow into a larger not-for-profit organisation, providing for a greater diversity of membership. It also better aligns with the new strategic direction of WSBC to be an organisation that not only connects the businesses of Great Western Sydney, but engages in industry support initiatives and advocates for and provides education to those businesses”.

    Michael’s role will include leading and managing the organisation’s growth and ensuring it remains progressive, productive and relevant to its membership base. He will also lead the organisation’s new advocacy role, beginning with the campaign to ensure that the businesses of Greater Western Sydney directly benefit from the proposed billions of investment dollars being injected into the region.

    “I very much look forward to continuing and leading the great work of the WSBC team”, commented Sugg. “The last year has been an incredible year of evolution and transformation here at WSBC as we strive to bring our members a modern and relevant business community that supports their growth and connections. WSBC continues to develop and make itself more and more relevant in Sydney’s West and I look forward to even more progress in 2015”.

    Further information on WSBC can be found on their website at

    Michael Sugg can be contacted at and on 02 8896 6045 or 0401 326161.


    Western Sydney Business Connection is the prime facilitator of business engagement and growth in Western Sydney.

    We exist to support the growth and connectivity of the Western Sydney business community.
    We do this by delivering an innovative vehicle of engagement, collaboration, branding, regional promotion, thought leadership and a 'Voice' for Western Sydney business.

    We promote and connect the people, places & businesses of Western Sydney.

    Michael Sugg:
    Michael is an entrepreneurial leader and experienced in engaging organisations with their audiences.

    He is well known for his client and member engagement as well as his energy, passion and professionalism. A key strength he brings to WSBC and its members is his commerciality and knowledge of association management and the challenges and opportunities facing membership based organisations in today’s economic climate.

  • 16 Jan 2015 10:02 AM | Louise Stokes
    Did you know Perth Convention Bureau offers a range of professional development awards on an annual basis?

    And did you know that WA has an organisation whose role is to assist you and/or your staff in securing and hosting conferences in your field of endeavour?

    Perth Convention Bureau is a non-profit government and industry-funded organisation that promotes WA to attract national and international conferences.

    The aim of this workshop is to assist potential award recipients with the application process, educate attendees on the role of the Bureau and answer any questions you may have.

    The 2015 Aspire Program Awards will be awarded to the successful applicants from our associated partners of the program. The awards aim to assist in the professional and personal development of applicants, through attendance at a relevant international conference relating to their chosen field of endeavour. Awards are up to $10,000.

    WHEN: Friday 6th February 2015 12pm - 2.30pm
    WHERE: Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre
    RSVP: Full name and dietary requirements by Friday 30th January 2015 to Jacqui Roberts - Stakeholder Relations Officer at Perth Convention Bureau Email:

    Please find attached full event information here.

  • 14 Jan 2015 2:25 PM | Louise Stokes



    The Australasian Society of Association Executives (AuSAE) is calling for nominations from members interested in serving as a Director of the Board. 


    The positions of NSW/ACT Regional Director and New Zealand Regional Director are due for election. Current financial members are invited to express their interest for appointment to fill this vacancy for a two year term commencing in April 2015.


    To express an interest for the Board positions you will need to provide by 5pm 10 February 2015.  

    • a completed nomination form
    • a statement outlining why you would like to be appointed as an AuSAE Director that would be suitable for circulation to all members.

    All nominations must be received by 5pm Australian Eastern Standard Time on Tuesday 10 February 2015.


    Appointment to the board will be determined by election from the members within the region.  Please note that the nominee must be a current financial member of the association on application.

    Please click through for a copy of the AuSAE Constitution, By-Laws and Governance Manual.

    Questions and nominations may be submitted electronically or by post to:


    Nominations Committee Liaison Officer
    Australasian Society of Association Executives
    PO Box 752
    Stones Corner Q 4120

    Warm Regards,
    Toni Brearley
    Deputy Chief Executive Officer

    Australasian Society of Association Executives

  • 12 Jan 2015 11:01 AM | Louise Stokes

    Local community groups throughout Australia have received a bright start to 2015 after being granted funding as part of nib foundation’s sixth annual Community Grants Program.

    The 14 charities will share in $350,000 worth of funding that will support a range of grassroots health programs aimed at young people and carers across the country.

    nib foundation Chairman, Keith Lynch, said the foundation partnered with organisations that deliver practical approaches to meeting the unique health and wellbeing needs of these groups.

    “Healthy communities are the key to improving the lives of Australians now and for future generations, which is why we focus our support on initiatives that deliver real health outcomes for local communities,” Mr Lynch said.

    “Whether it is through expanding current services or introducing new programs that help reduce the gaps in existing services each of these funded projects give young people and carers the opportunity to live healthy, happy lives,” he added.

    Individual program funding ranged from between $2,000 to $50,000. The 2014 beneficiaries and their programs are:
    • Act for Kids: Adapt Learn to be Safe with Emmy, to be a culturally appropriate protective behaviours program for Aboriginal children in Queensland.
    • Ausee: Print and distribute a children’s book for siblings of children with eosinophilic gastrointestinal disorder.
    • Australian Catholic University: Deliver the Healthy Mothers, Healthy Families health education program to mothers of children with disabilities in Victoria and New South Wales.
    • Cooks Hill Surf Life Saving Club: Implement water safety and awareness program to assist Newcastle’s refugee community participate in beach activities.
    • Disabled Surfers Association Australia: Acquire new equipment to support volunteers at the Hunter branch hold surf days for people with a disability.
    • Families Supporting Families Inc: Support the 2015 Carers Café Plus events enabling carers of special needs children in Newcastle to connect with peers, services and information.
    • Good Cycles Limited: Establish Cycle Smart, a bike education and work experience program for disadvantaged youth in Melbourne.
    • Guide Dogs NSW/ACT: Deliver a Mobility Adventures Program for blind and vision-impaired children in Sydney and regional New South Wales.
    • Inclusion Melbourne: Develop a plain English resource to support oral health care for young Victorian people with an intellectual disability.
    • Learning Links: Run Train the Trainer workshops to assist disability providers in the Hunter region to deliver the Parents as Case Co-ordinators program to local families.
    • Men's Resource Centre (Inc): Establish a Positive Mentoring Program to encourage disadvantaged youth in Albany, Western Australia to engage in a healthy active lifestyle.
    • Police Citizens Youth Club NSW Ltd (PCYC): Support the youth training and skills program at PCYC’s Citizens Cafe in Blacktown, New South Wales.
    • Inspire Foundation: Create audio content information resources to improve the mental health of young people with low literacy.
    • Villa Maria Society: Establish a new Young Carers Mentor Program in the Hume region, Victoria.
    More than 450 applications for funding were submitted for the foundation’s community grants program, up 150% on the previous funding round. Mr Lynch said the unprecedented rise in applications was a reflection of the increasingly competitive environment for private sector support.

    “We know that 2014 was a tough year for Australia’s social sector with charities seeing an increase in demand for their services while at the same time Government funding for many programs was diminishing,” Mr Lynch said.

    “The number of applications we received demonstrated the significant demand for funding programs such as our Community Grants program, to help the many wonderful organisations continue their good work for our community,” Mr Lynch said.

    Since its establishment nib foundation has committed more than $12 million in funding to help change the lives of almost 45,000 people who have participated in their partners’ programs.

    More information about nib foundation and partners can be found at

  • 18 Dec 2014 11:10 AM | Louise Stokes
    The Chairman of beyondblue Jeff Kennett today announced that former Prime Minister Julia Gillard has accepted the invitation of the Board of beyondblue to join its Board as a Director.

    The Board ratified Ms Gillard’s appointment at its meeting last Tuesday.

    Mr Kennett said: “We are particularly honoured that Julia Gillard has seen fit to join our organisation as we continue to serve those in the community suffering depression and anxiety and who are at risk of suicide.

    “Julia Gillard will not only bring a great deal of experience to our Board, but importantly the passion for the sector that drove her in government to establish the National Disability Scheme, which if professionally and compassionately introduced could be the most important social reform of the century.

    “For many of those who suffer disability, and their carers, depression can be an ever present condition.

    “Julia Gillard has always been a kindred soul of our work.

    “So much of the success of beyondblue has been that it has received bi-partisan support from politicians and governments since its inception in 2000.

    “Ms Gillard’s appointment only reinforces that bi-partisanship.”

    Ms Gillard said: “As the daughter of a psychiatric nurse, I have always understood the need to talk openly about mental health and respond to those in need. In government, I was proud to extend services to help and treat young people battling depression and other conditions. Like Jeff, I believe the NDIS has great potential to assist those in our community who face the most profound mental health challenges. In my life now, I am delighted to be able to continue to make a contribution in an area I feel so passionately about by joining beyondblue."

    Ms Gillard will attend her first beyondblue Board meeting in February next year.

  • 17 Dec 2014 9:55 AM | Louise Stokes

    Expressions of interest are being sought from NFPs interested in Space29 - the new office space for NFPs in Kensington, South Australia. Total space available is around 115 sqm with possibility for partial or full tenancy. Lease term is for 18 months from January 2015, with options for shared reception, other back office services and fit-out - perfect for new Not for Profits and social enterprises. Ample off-street parking. Further information and enquiries, please email Michael Colmagro ( or call 08 8444 9700.

  • 04 Dec 2014 8:34 AM | Louise Stokes
    The Perth Convention Bureau’s (PCB) 2015 Aspire Awards are now open to individuals involved with not-for-profit associations who can apply for the City of Perth, the City of Mandurah, Giving West Scholarships.

    The aim of the Aspire Program is to assist the individual’s personal and professional development through attendance at a relevant international conference. The funding covers travel, accommodation and registration expenses to the maximum value of the award. The scholarships, funded by PCB under its Aspire Program, are awarded to individuals involved with not-for-profit associations and academics across a variety of industry sectors and designed to assist personal and professional development.

    The selection criteria for applications are now available at with the deadline to receive applications being 31st March 2015. A wide range of assistance and advice is available to help you apply by contacting PCB’s Director Stakeholder Relations, Tracey Cinavas-Prosser on +61 (0)8 9218 2925 or email A free workshop lunch will be hosted on 6th February 2015 at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre; interested parties are welcome to attend.

  • 03 Dec 2014 10:40 AM | Louise Stokes

    the Australian Human Resources Institute (AHRI), and the Human Resources Professionals Association (HRPA) in Canada. HRPA is the professional regulatory body and the professional association for HR professionals in Ontario, Canada. It oversees more than 21,000 members in 28 chapters across the province. AHRI is the national association representing HR and people management professionals. It has around 20,000 members from Australia and across the globe.

    HRINZ said the agreement is the first step toward a closer working relationship between the three organisations and that it signals an ongoing commitment to building connections and strengthening the profession through global networks.

    They anticipate the agreement will bring a number of benefits for each organisation in potential areas such as programmes, product and resource sharing across geographies, exchanges and international study tours, joint research and the mutual recognition of professional designations.

    HRINZ Chief Executive, Chris Till said the organisation was “honoured” to be partnering with the Australian and Canadian associations.

    "We truly live in a global village, and as the professional body for human resource practitioners and people managers in New Zealand, it is important that HRINZ has strong, broad and valuable connections and networks worldwide... We are certain that this will have many benefits for our members as well as for the human resources profession as a whole in New Zealand and globally," he said.

    The leaders of HPRA and AHRI echoed his sentiments, with Bill Greenhalgh, HRPA CEO, commenting "we live in an increasingly interconnected world economy. While each country has its unique cultural and legal characteristics, the professionalisation of HR needs exchangeable, valued and credible designations based on a global body of knowledge. The understanding with Australia and New Zealand that we announce reflects this need".

    AHRI CEO Lyn Goodear, added: "In view of the increasing impact of global influences on the economic and business context within which professional associations operate, it makes a great deal of sense for associations of like mind to work in unison to achieve common objectives. Representing the Australian HR profession, I am therefore delighted to be entering into a partnership with our HR counterparts in Canada and New Zealand to explore opportunities and synergies to work in collaboration for our mutual benefit".

The Australasian Society of Association Executives

Contact us:

Phone: 1300 764 576 (within Australia)
Phone: +61 7 3268 7955 (outside Australia)
Address: Unit 6, 26 Navigator Place, Hendra QLD 4011, Australia


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