Sector and AuSAE News

  • 22 Oct 2014 11:08 AM | Louise Stokes

    After reading the article ‘United we stand, divided we fall’ in INsite, it is evident that those outside the sector are not conversant with the enormity of the situation that the aged care sector has been battling for decades – this is the chronic underfunding that was identified in the Grant Thornton report, Aged Residential Care Service Review, 2010. A much earlier report by Price Waterhouse Cooper identified the level of underfunding at 32 per cent.

    Despite continued underfunding, the Ministry of Health and the DHBs continue to amend the contract and more expenses are expected to be absorbed by the sector at a time when delayed entry means that the level of acuity is rising steadily. The cost is to the provider who must continue to expend more income to provide more incontinence products, greater levels of transportation, more ambulance costs, more dressings – many of which are extremely expensive for complex wounds – more doctors’ visits, a new and compulsory assessment system (interRAI), more costs for KiwiSaver, higher costs for certification and other compliance requirements. Costs have escalated so much without a consequent, proper increase to funding that many of the smaller stand-alone aged care facilities are forced either to close down, or if they are able, to convert to hospital or dementia facilities. Anecdotal evidence suggests that some facilities do not always accept residents who are deemed to be high-cost as it is not viable for a facility to continue to pay for such costs in view of the low level of funding.

    All this flies in the face of the Grant Thornton report that found that there is a need for more, not fewer, facilities with the over-65 population increasing by 84 per cent by 2016. The number of facilities need to increase in this period by between 78 and 110 per cent to accommodate this increasing number of aged people. The return on investment is, however, too low to support an increase in building more capacity. Most of the recent growth in investment has been targeted at those who have the financial capacity to make private contributions.

    The workforce is predicted to increase by at least 50 per cent by 2026. Many highly qualified RNs continue to leave through stress and to seek better wages elsewhere. All providers desire to pay staff more and would definitely do so if the sector received the same funding that the DHBs receive – there is currently a $3 per hour differential. Apart from religious and welfare homes and retirement villages, the majority of facilities have no other additional or alternative funding or income stream to provide better wages. Providers and the aged in their care would benefit immensely from increased pay rates through improved staff morale and reduced staff turnover – but this can only happen with better funding.

    In addition to an already stressed sector, interRAI, whilst in theory a great system, is in practice crippling the sector by increasing the RN’s workload and taking the RN away from the ‘hands on’ approach. Though some costs have been met by the funders, the real cost of interRAI implementation is far greater than the funding allocated to date. With the interRAI funding currently inadequate, the sector has yet again been pushed in a corner and expected to come up with the goods and take on board a system that the Government wants for the data it can generate.

    We hear time and time again from families who are denied access to long-term aged residential care and are seriously concerned about the longer delays to entry to care. Families express anxiety at having aged parents at home alone, where they are lonely or fearful at night, or parents not drinking enough fluid for fear of going to the toilet too often, or not mobilising and losing muscle strength, or not eating nutritious and regular meals – the list is endless.

    To protest is the sector’s only way of bringing their desperate plight to the fore so that those in a position of power are aware of just how inequitable it has become to expect the aged care sector to provide quality care with so little funding year on year. This is not a recent problem but one that has been compounding through never having been addressed, and it is now taking its toll on a much undervalued sector. The sector initially united and decided that they needed to bring their desperate plight to the attention of the Ministry by not signing the increase for one per cent.

    However, it was a catch-22 situation, hence the change of direction. If an aged care facility didn’t sign, they would not get any increase for a whole year and would have to sign to the changes in any subsequent increase in the following year. Many facilities also wanted to take advantage of the ‘premium charging’ clause that was part of the Variation. Though this problem has been partially alleviated by the announcement of the 5 per cent increase for rest homes from 1 October, it is almost too little too late. Last year, rest homes received a 0.89 per cent increase.

    Pleas for better funding have unfortunately fallen mostly on deaf ears. With successive governments ignoring the dire financial situation, the sector is left to find alternative ways of surviving despite increasing compliancy, operational costs and rising inflation. Every increase thereafter has been way below what is acceptable for the sector to be expected to provide the very best for our elderly. The premium charging clause will assist some of the sector to charge more to incoming residents but not all are in this happy position.

    Many providers do this job because they are passionate about the elderly, not because it is financially rewarding. We wonder how much more the aged care sector has to do before its pleas are heard. The evidence is very real and the Ministry does not need interRAI to determine the level of funding required when evidential reports have been submitted in the past and totally ignored by successive governments. Many of New Zealand’s longest serving residential aged care providers are not retirement villages. This group includes privately owned and operated facilities along with charitable trusts whose focus is on providing care to the most frail in our communities. As they are not retirement villages, they have no alternate revenue stream, so any expectation of cross-subsidisation by the Ministry is inappropriate and erroneous. These providers are left to fund a service that cannot break even from resources that do not exist. What does this mean in terms of impact on capacity to deliver service to the community?

    In the greater Auckland region alone, there are 211 residential aged care providers. Of that total, 71 are also retirement villages but 140 are not. So 66 per cent of the Auckland residential aged care providers are unable to tap into alternate revenue streams to cross-subsidise what is already seriously underfunded. Why then is the Ministry listening to the ‘Big 10’ when 66 per cent of the market providers aren’t being listened to?

    What does this mean in terms of impact on capacity to deliver service to the community?

    The 71 providers who are also retirement villages hold 2488 of the total 9046 aged care beds (27 per cent). The Ministry interpretation that residential aged care providers are able to cross-subsidise service costs from their retirement village activities is placing 72 per cent of the total care capacity significantly at risk.

    The public need to be aware of this. The Ministry’s perception is flawed, and because of it, more than 70 per cent of the service capacity in the community is being placed at risk due to underfunding.

    We all know the sector as a whole goes way beyond the call of duty to provide premium care to our elderly, and there can be times when it is a thankless job, yet we all soldier on with a smile on our face and grin and bear any unjustified negatives. Stand-alone facilities, as much as the corporate, provide a standard of care that can be exceptional. Clients should still be given a choice of going to either a small or larger facility as one size does not fit all. Therefore, dealing with the corporates to advocate for the good of the entire sector is not the answer as we need representation from both sides.

    Although there is now no real ‘quick fix’ for the sector, someone must take responsibility for ensuring that the sector does not go backwards any further. Enough is enough!

    CANZ is the Care Association New Zealand. This article was written by the CANZ Executive with input from members.

  • 22 Oct 2014 10:39 AM | Louise Stokes

    Firefighter Scott Shadbolt was supposed to finish painting his bedroom on February 22, 2011.

    Instead, his heroic actions during Christchurch's devastating earthquake have led to him becoming the fourth person to receive the rare Valour Medal by the United Fire Brigades' Association.

    Shadbolt, Australian urologist Lydia Johns-Putra, police sergeant Danny Johanson, and anaesthetist Bryce Curran together worked to save the life of Brian Coker in the collapsed PGC building.

    Coker's legs were pinned under rubble and had to be amputated by the group with a hacksaw and a Leatherman knife to save his life.

    The New Zealand Valour Medal has been presented three times since its inception in 1880.

    It is awarded to those who show "exceptional personal courage while saving, or attempting to save, human life and in doing so they may have placed their own life in danger".

    Eighty-three firefighters have received valour certificates.

    Shadbolt said he was painting his bedroom in Rangiora when the quake struck. He raced to pick up his children from school and kindergarten and rang his wife, Melanie Mark-Shadbolt, who was making her way out of the central city.

    "She told me all hell had broken loose and I best get myself to work. I went to the station grabbed some equipment and met up with some of the others there and we headed to the central city.

    "I was assigned the task of going to the PGC building - it could've been anyone."

    There he met up with the group who would save Coker's life.

    "All they knew about me was the patches on my shoulder - that was enough for them."

    Other events that day also played on his mind, he said.

    "There were other tragedies which weighed heavy on the heart that day.

    "I remember when we were in the dark breaking the cathedral apart trying to find people - the quietness and the darkness of the city - it felt like a war zone. There was just the birds and us," he said.

    He remembers the sound of the car and burglar alarms screeching and the smell of hand sanitiser takes him back to that day.

    "Our training as firefighters got us through. Getting to a situation problem solving it," Shadbolt said.

  • 22 Oct 2014 10:35 AM | Louise Stokes

    For immediate release
    Wednesday 22 October


    New Zealand Fans Middle-earth bound for The Hobbit Trilogy dream journey

    Gearing up for the 11 December release of The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies, a production of New Line Cinema and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures (MGM), four of New Zealand’s most passionate and dedicated Hobbit fans are about to set off on an adventure, for a real life Middle-earth experience they would once have only dreamed possible.

    Fans will have the opportunity to meet Sir Peter Jackson and watch a preview screening of the highly anticipated third and final film in the filmmaker’s epic The Hobbit Trilogy at his private studios in Wellington. 

    Watching the massive battles of the Trilogy’s epic conclusion unfold on screen will have added impact for fans who will have just visited some of the actual filming locations where Sir Peter and his filmmaking team captured the character and sweeping beauty of Middle-earth in adapting the timeless masterpiece for the screen. 

    The lucky four New Zealanders are among up to 75 global winners of The Hobbit Fan Fellowship Contestundefineda collaboration of Warner Bros. Pictures and its filmmaking partners New Line and MGM, as well as Air New Zealand - the official airline of Middle-earth - and Tourism New Zealand, the government tourism body responsible for hosting the fans in New Zealand.

    The New Zealand winners are Ash Meredith and Hazel Childs-Coulson from Wellington, Tess McGregor from Auckland and Floris Van Gaalen from Hamilton.

    Asked about his first thoughts when told he had won a place on The Hobbit Fan Fellowship Trip, Ash Meredith said it was one of those once in a lifetime wish list journeys which he is both proud and humble to have been selected for.

    “It is going to be amazing to meet fellow Hobbit fanatics from all over the globe right in my own back yard.”

    “We’re thrilled to engage with Hobbit fans around the world on this grassroots level,” said Sue Kroll, President, Worldwide Marketing and International Distribution.  “These are fans with passion and a sense of adventure, and we’re thrilled to invite them to experience the wonder of this last trip to Middle-earth with Peter Jackson himself in New Zealand.”

    More than 140,000 thousand people from approximately 30 countries registered for The Hobbit Fan Fellowship Contest, to find the most ardent fans of The Hobbit Trilogy. The contest invited fans to complete a series of Hobbit film-related challenges, including sending a postcard to Sir Peter Jackson explaining why they belonged in the Fan Fellowship, answering a Hobbit-themed quiz and a supplying a video message sharing their passion for all things Hobbit-related.

    Each of the winners was invited to choose a fellow fan, friend or family member with whom to share this once-in-a-lifetime journey, which begins when they step aboard an Air New Zealand aircraft bound for Middle-earth. The fans will arrive in Auckland on November 2 and embark on a five-day expedition.

    As well as meeting Sir Peter, the group will also visit locations and see landscapes made famous by both The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit Trilogies throughout New Zealand’s North and South Islands. The journey will show fans that the backdrops they’ve seen on the big screen are real locations they can experience as part of their holiday.

    About the journey


    The multi-national Fan Fellowship will fly in to Auckland, rated the third most liveable city in the world, and travel on to Rotorua, New Zealand’s famous, long-standing tourist destination,  where they will be welcomed with a Maori cultural performance and traditional hangi banquet (cooked in an authentic underground oven).

    Their next stop will be the Hobbiton Movie Set near Matamata in the Waikato region for a private tour of the picturesque shire which is the big-screen home of Bilbo Baggins.

    Fans will be treated to feast fit for any Dwarf before continuing their journey to Queenstown in the South Island the following day.

    Queenstown is New Zealand’s adventure capital and the scene of countless battle scenes from The Hobbit Trilogy. The Fan Fellowship will not only have the chance to walk in the footsteps of their heroes through Paradise but also visit the site of the Pillar of Kings, home of the Kawerau Bungy and zipline.

    The journey will end in Wellington, New Zealand’s capital city and Sir Peter’s home town, for the private screening of The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies. Better known as “Wellywood,” Wellington is the home of Sir Peter’s filmmaking operations, which has become a must-stop for film fans visiting New Zealand.

    The Hobbit Fan Fellowship Journey will be recorded by a group of 40 - 50 high-profile international and New Zealand media who will capture the highlights for global television, print and online outlets.


    Supporting the fans’ journey are New Line Cinema, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures and Warner Bros. Pictures, which will handle the worldwide theatrical distribution of The Hobbit: The Battle of The Five Armies later this year, along with MGM in select territories.



    For more information:

    Air New Zealand
    Air New Zealand Public Affairs; +64 21 747 320

    Tourism New Zealand
    Emma Carter, Senior Communications Advisor, Tourism New Zealand; +64 21 243 0386

    Roadshow Film Distributors
    Leanda Borrett, Publicist, Roadshow Films; +64 21 277 7587

    About The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies:

    Directed by Peter Jackson, The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies features a screenplay by Fran Walsh & Philippa Boyens & Peter Jackson & Guillermo del Toro, based on the novel by J.R.R. Tolkien.  Jackson also produced the film, together with Carolynne Cunningham, Zane Weiner and Fran Walsh.  The executive producers are Alan Horn, Toby Emmerich, Ken Kamins and Carolyn Blackwood, with Philippa Boyens and Eileen Moran serving as co-producers.  Production took place at Jackson’s own facilities in Miramar, Wellington, and on location around New Zealand.  Post production took place at Park Road Post Production in Wellington.


    New Line Cinema and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures Present a Wingnut Films Production, The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies.  As with the first two films in the Trilogy, The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey and The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, the final film is a production of New Line Cinema and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures (MGM), with New Line managing production.  Warner Bros. Pictures is handling worldwide theatrical distribution, with select international territories as well as all international television distribution being handled by MGM.  

  • 21 Oct 2014 8:45 AM | Louise Stokes

    This job has been filled as at 23/10/2014.  For further information please contact:

    Tony Grierson 

       P:  +61 (2) 9043 2919

       M: +61 (0) 412 368 186





  • 20 Oct 2014 4:07 PM | Louise Stokes
    About the research

    The ACNC engaged Ernst & Young (EY) to research the regulatory and reporting burden on charities. While this research focusses on Commonwealth burden, it also considers state and territory burden. This report provides the ACNC an independent insight into the source and scale of government requirements on charities, and to identify which of these requirements constitute red tape. The report examines the experiences of 15 case study charities drawn from subsectors in which there was anecdotal evidence of significant red tape and where research on the burdens imposed was lacking: social welfare, other education (excluding schools and universities) and health/aged care. EY also surveyed nearly 400 charities and analysed publicly available data.

    A key finding is that Commonwealth funding agreement obligations impose a greater burden on charities than legislative obligations.

    The report also found:
    • Commonwealth burden is impacting on charities’ ability to achieve charitable outcomes
    • Commonwealth reporting burden on the 15 case study charities averaged an estimated $108,000 for the 2012-13 year, with between $27,000 and $38,000 constituting red tape. The average Commonwealth burden was $18,000 for small charities (charities with revenue less than $250,000 per annum) and $235,000 for large charities (charities with revenue over $1 million per annum)
    • Estimated average annual burden imposed by ACNC reporting obligations was $150, or 0.1 per cent of total annual burden
    Most common sources of red tape for charities include:
    • overly-frequent reporting and excessive information requirements under funding programs
    • duplication of information required under multiple funding programs and across different levels of government
    • inconsistency in financial reporting requirements and processes across government; and
    • inconsistencies in key regulatory frameworks across the states and territories, particularly with fundraising and incorporated associations regulations.
    Key recommendations include that the ACNC should:
    • work together with other departments and agencies to encourage the early adoption of available tools to reduce red tape
    • consider adopting an ‘honest-broker’ role to drive government reforms to further reduce burden.

    Sourced from:

  • 17 Oct 2014 4:12 PM | Louise Stokes

    There are over 600,000 Not-for-Profit organisations in Australia.
    This growing sector is gaining new opportunities and facing new challenges.
    To provide real insight on these issues, ACU has assembled a panel of experts in the fields of Human Resources, Finance and Governance.

    Don’t miss this much anticipated event

    “3 hot topics in the Not-For-Profit sector”

    You will hear NFP experts from organisations including:
    Fred Hollows Foundation
    Benevolent Society
    Australian Red Cross
    Save the Children Australia

    When: Wednesday November 12th 2014, 5.30pm - 7.30pm
    Where: Australian Catholic University, Daniel Mannix Building
    Room 7.02, Level 7,17 Young Street Fitzroy VIC 3065
    (Parking available)

    Register here:,_institutes_and_centres/law_and_business/school_of_business/forms/nfp_panel_discussion_melb

  • 10 Oct 2014 4:10 PM | Louise Stokes
    With most charities holding their Annual General Meetings over the next few months, a new resources page has been created by the charity regulator to help Not for Profits understand their obligations.

    The national charity regulator, the ACNC, has developed a dedicated resources page to help charities during this period.

    The regulator says an AGM aims to give members a report on the charity’s activities and finances for the previous year, to allow time for them to ask questions, and to elect board or committee members.

    If charities make certain changes at their AGM (such as to legal name, responsible persons or governing documents), they must notify the ACNC.

    ACNC Assistant Commissioner Murray Baird said charities should also take the opportunity during AGM season to remind themselves of the ACNC governance standards and consider how they can demonstrate that they are meeting these standards.

    Although the ACNC does not require charities to hold an AGM, charities should check their rules and any legislation that applies to them to find out whether they are required to do so.

    The ACNC says it will be developing further resources such as template minutes, agendas and notices for AGMs over the next months to support charities to hold their AGMs.

    “Annual General Meetings are one of the most important times in the annual calendar of a charity. They provide an opportunity for members to gather and participate together in governance,” Baird said.

    “Holding an AGM is one of the key ways a charity can demonstrate accountability to its members, celebrate achievements and focus on the year ahead.

    “The ACNC encourages charities to use their AGM to review activities and finances from the previous year. Having this information at hand will help to prepare for their reporting obligations to the ACNC.”

    Sourced from ProBono Australia - Resource directory here:

  • 03 Oct 2014 11:50 AM | Louise Stokes
    Highly respected global business advisor, Steven Bowman, has released a new app called Board Essentials aimed at directors of corporate and non-profit organisations. This is the first app of its type in the world.

    The app is the culmination of over 35 years in the business world and the result of holding numerous CEO and Board positions in the finance, nonprofit and private sector.

    "We developed the app based on feedback received from personally dealing with over 1000 Company Directors and senior executives each year. The most common questions I’m asked by Directors is how they can add real value to board meetings, before, during and after the meeting. Many of them believe their primary role is to make sure the staff is busy but the gift of a good director is the questions they are willing to ask, rather than the answers they provide. This app will step them through how to do that and view their role in a different way.”

    Steve is a renowned public speaker and global advisor to Boards and CEOs and worked as a senior executive team and Board specialist for large companies such as ANZ, Melbourne University and the Department of Health, to name only a very few.

    The app also includes 29 videos on topics such as vision statements and how to use them to strategic advantage; secrets to developing and reading financial reports; using risk for strategic advantage as well as numerous other tools based on what his clients have found most useful over his time in the sector.

    "I think we need to go back to the basics of what a board's role is in the first place. " says Bowman.

    "What if all the governance processes policies, strategies , financial reporting and risk management programs we put in place were just tools to assist the board to “make the choices that create the future for the communities they serve”? I really hope to be able to get those in senior positions asking the questions which can help create outstanding organisations where both innovation and productivity are at optimum capacity."

    To purchase and download the app ($12.99)

    Comments from users of the app
    “I have acted on a few of the new insights i.e. adapted my agenda already for next weeks Board meeting, we were about to review the performance so I have amended based on the tips in the app, and beefed up the focus on variances. More change will follow. “
    CEO, Te Waipuna Puawai, New Zealand

    “After downloading and familiarising with the app I have recommended to the rest of my board that this is an essential tool to have in their arsenal and look forward to utilising at our next meeting.”
    Chair, ETCO, AUstralia

    “A very special app! An awesome investment-lots of tools that work!
    Incredibly thought provoking and invaluable for any organisation and anyone who wants to make a difference in their organisation. Thank you for making this available at this time.”
    CEO, Aura-Soma UK; Director and Partner, Streets Tax Advisors & Chartered Accountants UK

  • 01 Oct 2014 4:39 PM | Louise Stokes
    Do you know a successful young leader with a passion to grow New Zealand’s tourism industry, or an individual who has made a fantastic contribution to the industry over many years?

    Entries are now open for the 2014 Tourism Industry Awards, organised by the Tourism Industry Association New Zealand to celebrate excellence in New Zealand’s $24 billion tourism industry.

    The PATA New Zealand Trust Young Tourism Leader Award will be presented to a young person (35 years or under as at 31 March 2014) who is successfully contributing to their workplace and also engaging in improving the wider industry.

    PATA New Zealand Trust chairwoman Glenys Coughlan says the Young Tourism Leader Award aims to recognise the efforts of young tourism leaders who have the vision and capability to take the industry forward.

    “If our tourism industry is to continue to remain competitive on the world stage and grow the contribution it makes to New Zealand then we need to be growing our pool of outstanding young leaders," she says.

    The Crowe Horwath International Sir Jack Newman Award is for an individual who has made an outstanding contribution to New Zealand’s tourism industry over many years.

    Stephen Hamilton, a Director of Horwath HTL, a member of Crowe Horwath International, says the Sir Jack Newman Award amounts to the New Zealand tourism industry’s Hall of Fame.

    “This is the industry’s most prestigious individual award. Past recipients are individuals whose actions and achievements have helped grow tourism into one of the country’s largest and most successful industries, generating jobs and wealth throughout New Zealand.”

    The Awards judges will also select the winner of the inaugural ServiceIQ Visitor Experience Award. This award is being sponsored by ServiceIQ to mark the launch of its new Visitor Experience industry training programme.

    “The winning business will deliver a world-class visitor experience and contribute to ServiceIQ’s vision of having a world-class service industry in New Zealand, through qualified people,” says ServiceIQ Chief Executive Dean Minchington.

    “ServiceIQ is right behind the tourism industry’s Tourism 2025 growth strategy. Recognition and celebration of excellence is important in achieving that, and we’re proud to be involved with these Awards.

    “As the industry training organisation for tourism, we’re also helping the industry towards success with an exciting new on-job visitor experience upskilling programme. We’ll be working with tourism businesses to help them fill any skills gaps their people might have, and give them new skills and knowledge.”

    Please find more information here.

  • 01 Oct 2014 4:37 PM | Louise Stokes
    ACC levy rates have been set for the 2015/16 year and the average New Zealand vehicle owner will be $135 better off.

    Snapshot for small business
    The average motor vehicle levy will fall from around $330 to $195. This includes reductions to the licence fee and a drop of 3 cents per litre off the petrol levy.

    Risk rating for cars is being introduced, which along with the overall reduction of motor vehicle levies means that owners of petrol-driven cars in the safest group will see the ACC component of their annual vehicle licence fee fall by 66%.

    The average levy paid by employers and self-employed people is also falling, from 95 cents to 90 cents per $100 of liable earnings, meaning a lower ACC bill at year end.

    The Work and Earners Account levy regulations will come into effect from 1 April 2015 and the Motor Vehicle Account changes from 1 July 2015. Levy rates are reviewed and set each year.

    Please find more information here

The Australasian Society of Association Executives

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