Sector and AuSAE News

  • 08 Aug 2019 6:46 AM | Toni Brearley, CAE (Administrator)

    One of the many pleasures of my role at AuSAE is the opportunity to experience and learn from a broad range of professional speakers, association leaders and topic experts through AuSAE’s comprehensive events program.

    Our speakers collectively contribute enormous value to our member community through their sharing of knowledge and experience and I would like to take a moment to say thank you to the hundreds of speakers who have graced our stages in the past,  and those fearless enough to do so in the future.

    This past week I have had the absolute pleasure of travelling with and hosting Yamini Naidu – who is both a teacher and a scholar of Business Storytelling.  Yamini speaks of Bombay trains, Nelson Mandela and brussel sprouts in a way that not only engages but also delivers value to her audience.

    We were introduced to the concept of subtle, soft power and how story power can assist us in our roles of connecting, consulting and influencing to create change.  The power of storytelling is a skill that can be learnt, and I believe we are only beginning to discover this in a business sense.

    For those that were unable to attend one of Yamini’s presentation her brand new book “Story Mastery” which we were pleased to help her launch can be found here

    I hope to bring back a swag of stories as I prepare to attend the 2019 ASAE Annual Meeting & Exposition in Columbus, Ohio next week.   The meeting attracts over 5000 delegates from the USA and across the association world and I am looking forward to joining forces with my fellow Aussies and as we seek out the latest trends, common challenges and great ideas that I can share on my return. In particular I am keen to hear how associations are using AI in their marketing channels and seeking presentations on association growth.  Keep an eye on the AuSAE social media channels (Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook) for commentary and highlights.

    Looking forward into September we will bring some exciting partnership announcements which I am very keen to share with you, and ones that I hope will assist you to strengthen your associations.

    Until then, take care

    Warm regards


  • 30 Jul 2019 4:04 AM | Brett Jeffery, CAE (Administrator)

    YOU ARE INVITED to help shape the 2020 New Zealand Not for Profit Salary Report.

    Click here to begin the survey

    ALL respondents can purchase the Report at a substantial discount of $NZ99 (RRP $NZ195).

    The Survey is now open and closes 11 pm Wednesday 31 July 2019.

    With over 20 years of experience in providing Not for Profit Salary Surveys

    ALL CEOs, Board members, managers, and staff of NFPs are encouraged to contribute. This benefits the whole NFP sector.

    Enterprise Care is pleased to partner with NZ AuSAE in this New Zealand Salary Survey.

    Please note that as this is an anonymous link, you will need to complete the survey in one (1) sitting.  If you would prefer, you can ask for a personalised link.  This link allows you to complete the Survey in multiple sittings.

    A checklist of the information you will need to complete the New Zealand 2019 Not for Profit Salary Survey can be found here.

    Enterprise Care fully respects and upholds your rights to privacy protection.  Throughout the Report only aggregated responses will be used and no identifiable information is disclosed.  Your trust is critical to us.

    If you have multiple people with the same Function and Level (position), contact Enterprise Care, who will assist you with including this information in the Survey.

    All questions about the Survey, please contact Enterprise Care on +61 3 8862 6315 or

    We look forward to your contribution and to helping you with your salary strategies.

    Thank you in advance.
    Managing Director

  • 05 Jul 2019 7:30 AM | Toni Brearley, CAE (Administrator)

    Melbourne, VIC (01 July 2019) Advanced Solutions International (ASI), a leading global provider of software and services for associations and non-profits, announced today it has committed to an exclusive, three-year Premium Alliance Partnership with the Australasian Society of Association Executives (AuSAE).  AuSAE is the leading association for current and future association leaders in Australia and New Zealand representing more than 12,000 professionals.

    ASI’s partnership will help support AuSAE’s educational and professional development programs, including conferences, webinars, and networking luncheons, as well as research and advocacy efforts.

    “ASI has supported AuSAE initiatives for many years now and we’ve been impressed with the level of professionalism and the value the organisation delivers to its members by providing a place where they can connect while learning and advancing their careers,” said Paul Ramsbottom, Managing Director of ASI Asia-Pacific. We’re thrilled to make this long-term commitment to AuSAE and are very proud to support their exceptional programs and initiatives across Australia and New Zealand.” 

    “AuSAE’s philosophy behind securing mutually beneficial partnerships is to enhance and complement the capacity to link our members and industry in an exclusive environment,” said Toni Brearley, AuSAE’s Chief Executive Officer.  “We strive to create a sense of belonging while providing guidance and inspiration.  We’re very gratified ASI believes in this mission and will be providing the support we need to continue our vital work in the years to come.”

    About AuSAE

    The Australasian Society of Association Executives (AuSAE) is the peak not-for-profit professional society representing more than 12,000 individual leaders working in organisations throughout Australia and New Zealand.  With offices in Australia and New Zealand, AuSAE's purpose is to provide the tools, information, and networks not-for-profit professionals need to achieve the visions of their organisations.

    About ASI
    Advanced Solutions International (ASI) is a recognised global, industry thought leader that focuses on helping associations and not-for-profits increase operational and financial performance through the use of best practices, proven solutions, and ongoing client advisement. Since 1991, ASI has served nearly 4,000 clients and millions of users worldwide, both directly and indirectly through a network of over 100 partners, and currently maintains corporate offices in the USA, UK, Canada, and Australia
    . Learn more at


    Marla Nelson                                                                                                                                    Advanced Solutions International
    Ph: +61 3 9869 7503

  • 04 Jul 2019 4:52 PM | Toni Brearley, CAE (Administrator)

    It’s hard to believe we have just crossed the half-way mark of 2019!  What a great first 6 months we have had here at AuSAE.

    Our standout highlight was the fantastic ACE2019 held here in Brisbane just 4 short weeks ago.  

    We welcomed 357 delegates, representing over 220 associations from 3 continents.  It was a fantastic 3 days of learning, sharing and connecting with like-minded association colleagues and I would like to take the opportunity to thank every person who attended, exhibited and contributed to making the event such a memorable one. 

    For a great wrap up of the event I share a blog post written by Nicki Hauser from FineHaus (thank you Nicki) and of course a picture speaks 1000 words – a big shout out to the fabulous Shane & Nat from Oneill Photographics who, as always, did an amazing job capturing those special moments throughout the conference.  Check out the photo gallery here

    Following the AGM at the end of May we saw some changes to the AuSAE board,  most notably a change in leadership with long-serving President Graham Catt stepping down from the position and from the board, and the appointment of Lyn McMorran as President for a term of 2 years following her successful reelection.  

    We welcome new incoming Directors Michelle Blicavs and Peter Saffin who were successfully elected this year and we said farewell to Richard Stokes who stepped up to serve on the board at a critical time in early 2018 and made a valuable contribution during his time.

    AuSAE have a super busy second half of 2019 to share with you starting off with a special executive briefing series from our Partners Mill Oakley focusing on the pending Royal Commission into violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation of people with a disability.

    Our August Networking lunch series will feature one of the highest rated speakers at the recent ACE conference, Yamini Naidu who will talk to us about Business Storytelling.

    I will be heading off to Columbus, Ohio during August to attend the ASAE Annual Meeting and connect with association executives and colleagues from across the globe.  If you are considering attending the conference AuSAE have an exclusive discounted rate for our members.  More information can be found here.

    In September I urge you to consider heading to the gorgeous region of Napier to attend the 2019 LINC conference in New Zealand.  I have available 5 complimentary tickets for Australian members to attend – email me if you would like to join us (first in first served).

    We hope all our members enjoyed receiving the Associations Now magazine produced by ASAE. A big thank you to Higher Logic for making this happen.

    As always,  I am open to hearing your thoughts and ideas of how we can serve our membership better,  so please reach out via email

    I look forward to catching up with many of you in the coming weeks.

    Take care

    Toni Brearley
    Chief Executive Officer,  AuSAE

  • 04 Jul 2019 1:07 PM | Toni Brearley, CAE (Administrator)

    2019 celebrates the 21st anniversary of the Not for Profit Remuneration Survey and Report.

    For over 20 years we have proudly provided this major source of salary and benefits data to the Not for Profit Sector.

    The Report ensures that your organisation's salaries and remuneration packages are competitive. You can readily benchmark salaries and conduct annual performance and remuneration reviews.

    The Survey opens from now until Thursday 01 August 2018.

    Enterprise Care respects and upholds your rights to privacy protection.  The Report only uses aggregated responses and NO identifiable information is disclosed.  Your trust is of utmost importance to us.

    ALL CEOs, Board members, managers, and staff of NFPs are encouraged to contribute.

    ALL respondents go into a *PRIZE* draw: First name drawn - Enterprise Care will donate $500 to the charity of your choice. Next three (3) names will each receive a movie voucher valued at $50.

    ALL respondents can purchase the Report at a substantial discount of $99 (RRP $286).

    If you have multiple people with the same Function and Level please contact Enterprise Care who will assist you with including this information in the Survey.

    All questions about the Survey please telephone Enterprise Care on (03) 8862 6315.

    We look forward to your contribution and helping yourself and other NFPs with salary strategies.

    Thank you in advance.


    Managing Director

    Click here to begin survey

  • 26 Jun 2019 3:51 PM | Brett Jeffery, CAE (Administrator)

    The Government has agreed to update legislation that applies to the more than 23,000 incorporated societies that operate in New Zealand.

    “The Incorporated Societies Act 1908 is more than 100 years old, outdated and focuses largely on the formation and dissolution of incorporated societies,” James Hartley, General Manager of Commerce and Consumer Affairs at the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, says.

    What is AuSAE doing for the Sector 

    Member Meetings in Auckland and Wellington 

    Dedicated Networking Lunch in Wellington on the amended Changes 8 August  

    “A draft Incorporated Societies Bill, which will replace the original Act, went through consultation in 2015. Cabinet has now signed off on some changes to that draft.

    “The new Incorporated Societies Bill will enable incorporated societies – which include everything from netball and rugby clubs to Rotary groups – to run more effectively. The Bill provides an operating environment that meets current and future needs so that incorporated societies can thrive. It also helps society members to more effectively hold their members to account.”

    Mr Hartley says the new Bill reflects public feedback, which was supportive of the need for change.

    “The feedback we received highlighted some important updates that were needed, so I am pleased this new Bill provides long-term assistance and improved clarity around the requirements to run an incorporated society.”

     The Bill is expected to be introduced to Parliament later this year.


    • The draft Bill originally required all incorporated societies to prepare their financial statements in accordance with the accounting standards set by the External Reporting Board. Following the recent Cabinet decision, the draft Bill will be changed so that only societies that meet certain financial thresholds will have to do so.
    • The draft Bill now requires existing incorporated societies to transition and comply with the new regime within two-and-a-half years of when the legislation is passed.
    • During that transition period, societies will need to communicate their wish to be re-registered under the new Act to the Companies Office (for example, when they submit their financial statements).


    Read more about the Incorporated Societies Act

    Read the Cabinet paper

  • 25 Jun 2019 6:26 AM | Brett Jeffery, CAE (Administrator)

    YOU ARE INVITED to help shape the 2020 New Zealand Not for Profit Salary Report.

    With over 20 years of experience in providing Not for Profit Salary Surveys in Australia, Enterprise Care is pleased to partner with NZ AuSAE in this New Zealand Salary Survey.

    The Survey is now open and closes 11 pm Wednesday 31 July 2019.

    Enterprise Care fully respects and upholds your rights to privacy protection.  Throughout the Report only aggregated responses will be used and no identifiable information is disclosed.  Your trust is critical to us.

    ALL CEOs, Board members, managers, and staff of NFPs are encouraged to contribute. This benefits the whole NFP sector.

    ALL respondents can purchase the Report at a substantial discount of $NZ99 (RRP $NZ195).

    If you have multiple people with the same Function and Level (position), contact Enterprise Care, who will assist you with including this information in the Survey.

    All questions about the Survey, please contact Enterprise Care on +61 3 8862 6315 or

    We look forward to your contribution and to helping you with your salary strategies.

    Thank you in advance.


    Managing Director

    Click here to begin the survey

    Please note that as this is an anonymous link, you will need to complete the survey in one (1) sitting.  If you would prefer, you can ask for a personalised link.  This link allows you to complete the Survey in multiple sittings.

    A checklist of the information you will need to complete the New Zealand 2019 Not for Profit Salary Survey can be found here.

  • 28 May 2019 3:58 AM | Brett Jeffery, CAE (Administrator)

    With a large percentage of associations looking to grow their membership base – digital credentialing is an essential recruitment and recognition tool.

    Associations provide members with opportunities to continue their learning and development throughout their career pathway. The face to face networking and upskilling opportunities play a pivotal piece in changing our workforce landscape.

    Associations are the creators of standards for employees by providing industry-specific knowledge. The Association’s role in the New Education Paradigm report sums up the opportunity: “We [Associations] are already part of the world of the employers we serve. We can rapidly build professional development programs that directly address the specific needs of our industries and professions and create a pipeline of qualified candidates.”

    By providing professional, relevant skills development – Associations can offer credible professional development for their members. By recognising these achievements through digital credentials Associations can also provide members with portable, verifiable and secure credentials.

    These digital credentials are ‘highly-visual and shareable online, making it a more engaging and distinct benefit for your members. Every credential is backed by metadata that details the certifications and provides members with proof of learning. Once a member earns a digital credential from your association, they can easily share it on professional networks, online job banks, resumes, and email signatures--making your association and members that earn your credentials more visible on social media. On average, LinkedIn members with certifications receive 6 times more views to their profile.’

    Credentials are ranked within the top three benefits for Association members. By optimising certification programmes through issuing digital credentials, members can showcase their achievements leading to career opportunities and promotions. These shared impressions on social platforms also increases the Associations brand exposure which supports recruitment. IBM’s digital credential programme has garnered more than 200 million social media impressions equating to $39,000US per month in marketing value.

    Digital credentialing membership and professional development offers measurable impact to both the Association and the individual member through recognition of skills achievement and verification of membership providing a sustainable and cyclical return on investment.

    If you are looking for revenue growth by increasing your membership base and are interested in having a deeper look at how digital credentialing can support your Association –email us to find out more at

  • 05 May 2019 8:01 AM | Toni Brearley, CAE (Administrator)

    The Australasian Society of Association Executives (AuSAE) Board of Directors invite you to attend the Annual General Meeting. The AuSAE Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday 27 May 2019 from 11.30am at Level 21, 320 Pitt Street Sydney.

    In order to provide our members access to the meeting wherever they reside, we will also be broadcasting the AGM via weblink. You can register to attend the meeting via weblink here. We encourage members to make use of this technology and participate in the meeting.

    If you are unable to attend but would like to appoint a proxy, please download your proxy appointment form.

    The Annual General Meeting is a time to celebrate and reflect on AuSAE’s achievements during the last calendar year and to discuss future plans.

    If you are attending the meeting in person please RSVP to

    Draft Agenda (as at 5 May 2019)
    Proxy Appointment Form
    AuSAE Constitution
    AuSAE By-Laws

  • 29 Apr 2019 6:33 AM | Brett Jeffery, CAE (Administrator)

    AuSAE has partnered with Enterprise Care to invite your organisation to be an inaugural VIP Contributor to the 2019 New Zealand Not for Profit Salary Survey and Report.  As a VIP Contributor, you will gain access to the full Salary Report at NO COST, plus you will be benefiting the whole New Zealand Not for Profit Sector.

    To become a VIP Contributor all you need to do is provide the salary data for 10 or more of your employees aInaugural VIP Contributor Program Invitationnd Board members.

    To make this as painless as possible, Tracy Portarianos from Enterprise Care’s office will provide your nominated contact a unique link to access the Survey.  This link is used for salary details for the Board and Chief Executive Officer of your organisation. In addition, a customised excel file will be provided to record the salary data for all other positions within your organisation.

    A further special offering for VIP Contributors is a complimentary Pulse Audit of your choice – valued at A$957.00.

    Your trust is of utmost importance to Enterprise Care; and that is why they are fully committed to, and deliver, quality services. Enterprise Care respects and upholds your rights to privacy protection and commits to being compliant with the way it collects, uses, discloses, stores, secures and disposes of any Personal Information. Throughout the Report only aggregated responses will be used and no identifiable information is disclosed. Enterprise Care confidently claims that its reputation for integrity is second to none.

    Please provide the name and contact details for your nominated contact to Tracy Portarianos on +61 3 8862 6315 or

    If you have any queries please contact myself; otherwise, I look forward to your participation in the very worthwhile inaugural VIP Contributor Program.

    Kind regards

    Brett Jeffrey

The Australasian Society of Association Executives (AuSAE)

Australian Office:
Address: Unit 6, 26 Navigator Place, Hendra QLD 4011 Australia
Free Call: +61 1300 764 576
Phone: +61 7 3268 7955

New Zealand Office:
Address: 159 Otonga Rd, Rotorua 3015 New Zealand
Phone: +64 27 249 8677


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