Sector and AuSAE News

  • 24 May 2018 5:11 PM | Deleted user

    We are now only days away from the ACE 18 and the excitement is building!  We are looking forward to seeing old friends and meeting new ones at what we believe will be our best conference yet!  There is still time to register however if you can’t make it,  please follow us on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn following the hashtag #ACE18.

    I am pleased to advise that we have successfully completed our first “all of membership” elections.  We were overwhelmed by the number of applications and the depth of talent within the candidate pool.  This is a very pleasing testament to the current strength and energy surrounding AuSAE and our members.

    It is my pleasure to announce and congratulate the successful candidates as voted by members are:

    Damian Mitsch, CEO, Australian Dental Association
    Jane Schmitt, CEO, Australian Medical Association (Qld)
    Sturt Eastwood, CEO, Diabetes NSW/ACT
    Holly Morchat Stanko, General Manager, Association of Consultants and Engineers NZ 

    These newly elected Directors will be joining continuing Directors:

    Graham Catt, CEO, Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (President)
    Lyn McMorran, Executive Director, Financial Services Federation
    Richard Stokes, Executive Director, Australian Boarding Schools Association

    Please keep an eye out for the upcoming events,  starting with our workshops in June focusing on Digital Disruption and how you can implement low-cost digital marketing tools to maximise member engagement.

    Warm regards,


  • 22 May 2018 7:27 AM | Brett Jeffery, CAE (Administrator)

    Kia ora

    It has been just 3 weeks since I returned from Wellington where I attended the recent Events Symposium, and what a fantastic event it was.

    Importantly,  it also reminded me of the value of taking the time to step out away from our everyday and immersing yourself amongst your peers to focus on your association rather than working in it.  The buzz in the room, the discussion in the breaks, the great content all led to a fantastic day of learning for all attendees – and that is the power of events.

    As we head into the AuSAE Conference and Exhibition (ACE) in Australia next week, we are welcoming over 300 Association leaders in Adelaide as a collective of talent an energy under one roof for 2 days to network, to debate and to grow, and the possibility of what will emerge has me excited! 

    Also,  this week has also seen the release of early registrations for the AuSAE Leadership, Insights and Networking (LINC) conference in Auckland on the 10 – 11 September and I encourage you all to put this in your diary and make a commitment to yourself to attend.

    “A desk is a dangerous place from which to view the world” – John le Carré.

    Until next month

    Toni Brearley, Chief Executive Officer

  • 21 May 2018 12:10 PM | Deleted user

    Sourced from Parking Australia

    Parking Australia has appointed Hayden Cock as its new Chief Executive Officer. Hayden replaces outgoing CEO, Lorraine Duffy, who was the association’s inaugural CEO for 5 years.

    Sharon Prior, President of Parking Australia, said Hayden’s appointment followed an extensive national recruitment process and it was particularly pleasing to have a strong field of candidates.

    “Hayden brings to the role more than 25 years’ experience in government affairs, advocacy, corporate communications and media relations. He has a strong affinity with and understanding of member-based organisations and was a co-founding and director of a successful consulting firm with offices in both Melbourne and Sydney. He has been CEO of a member organisation and also worked as Senior Adviser to a State Parliamentary Leader.

    Hayden’s previous roles have included:

    CEO – Committee for Echuca Moama Inc.

    Group Manager, Communications and Marketing – South East Water

    Director, Corporate Services – City of Melbourne

    Director, Corporate Affairs – City of Melbourne

    Director, Media Reputation Management – Media Manoeuvres

    Co-founding Director – Stratcom Consulting Pty Ltd

    Senior Adviser – Parliamentary Leader Victorian National Party

    “Parking Australia is in a very strong position thanks to the tireless work of our inaugural CEO, Lorraine Duffy, and we look forward to Hayden continuing to grow and develop the association to meet the demands of our ever-changing industry.

    “Our Strategic Plan has a focus on five key platforms including promoting the highest standards across the parking industry, being a strong and united national voice for our members, maintaining and growing our membership at a national level, encouraging the adoption of innovative technology and providing forums for the sharing of information.

    “Hayden will focus on each of these platforms and is committed to working closely with our Board and members to ensure we maintain our strong voice on behalf of the industry.

    “Hayden commenced in the role this week and has undertaken a thorough hand-over with Lorraine,” Ms Prior said.

    CEO, Hayden Cock said he was looking forward to the challenges of the role, and in particular, ensuring that Parking Australia can provide real value and benefits for its members.

    “All sectors of the industry are experiencing ever-changing technology and we must work hard to keep our members abreast of excellence and innovation across the parking industry,” Hayden said.

  • 21 May 2018 12:05 PM | Deleted user

    Sourced from

    Earlier this year the Independent Brewers Association carried out a strategic review, which among other things, recommended that the association make organisational changes including the appointment of a new CEO.

    That instigated a recruitment search, which has now ended after the IBA announced that Alexis Roitman has been appointed into the role, and that she has started today. The IBA said that Roitman will add a new skill set to the association and her experience will enable the IBA to build on the work that it has done in recent years.

    IBA Chair Ben Kooyman said: “Alexis brings to the CEO role a unique combination of skills and experience in industry advocacy and representation, with a clear passion for our sector. On behalf of the Board, I welcome her to the IBA and look forward to working with her in the years ahead.”

    Having originally trained as a corporate lawyer, Roitman has 15 years’ experience in peak industry associations in Australia. She has worked in senior leadership roles within numerous state and national industry groups, as well as consulting on industry affairs as Managing Director of Canvass, the agency she established in 2008.

    The IBA said that Roitman has been a strong supporter of independent brewers in Australia for many years that she regularly sits on competition judging panels.

    Roitman said: “Independent Brewers in Australia are a vibrant, dynamic sector that continues to delight Australians with the quality and diversity of their beers. I’m really looking forward to working with the Board, the IBA team, IBA members and industry stakeholders to build on the success of the sector to date.”

    The IBA also acknowledged the work of Chris McNamara and the office team in building the momentum of the Association from its earliest years, adding: “Alexis will add further impetus to the latest deliverables seen from the IBA’s Strategic Pillars of Awareness, Member Service & Value, Quality and Regulatory Advocacy”.

  • 17 May 2018 12:55 PM | Deleted user

    15% Discount for AuSAE Members - click here

    Written by John Shackleton

    This is what a client said recently when I simply asked how you doing? He looked extremely up tight so I followed with a couple more questions:

    Exactly what’s stressing you?

    I listened carefully as he listed about 10 things, poor cash flow in the business, demanding clients, his teenage kids, the increase in traffic etc etc. So I asked him:

    Are those things stressing everyone?

    After a short pause he relaxed a little and came back with:

    No I suppose that many of those things are just getting to me right now. My mind is making these things into a big deal and I’m getting all wound up about them. How do I stop my mind from making mountains out of mole hills?

    We are all guilty of this, we let our mind make small things into big things so that we can worry about them! Here’s an example: someone cuts us up in traffic so we lean on the horn, flick them a rude sign and shout at them. That’s often not the end of it either, we carry the incident around with us all day, we think about it over and over again and tell everyone about it. We ask ourselves questions like How can I teach that guy a lesson. How can I stop it happening again? Why do things like this always happen to me? Sometime we find ourselves still dwelling on the situation days or even weeks later.

    Animals don’t react to stress like that. When attacked by a lion, a herd of wilder beast will experience massive stress and run around in a total panic. Eventually one of them gets caught (extremely stressful for that one!) but the rest of the herd immediately go back to what they were doing before - eating grass.

    After explaining this to my client he angrily said:

    So you’re saying all I need to do is let go of things and stop getting wound up about them. Exactly how am I supposed to do that?

    I explained that it’s not as simple or as easy as that. I told him that his current mental habits were stopping him from using that strategy especially when under pressure. By reacting blindly to an stressful stimulus in the past, we’ve programmed a mind habit. In a stressful situation, by the time we consciously decide to ‘let things go’, it’s too late, we’ve probably been stressing for a long period already and re affirmed the bad habit several times!

    The solution for us all is to put a gap between stimulus and response and the way to do that is to practice Mindfulness. The meditation practices that are taught within mindfulness give our mind another option, another path to follow when things get stressful. Having a choice is all we need to stop reacting blindly to anything that presses our stress button. It won’t happen immediately but after a few weeks of mindfulness practice you’ll find yourself observing the stimulus and choosing your response.

    The first time this happened to me it was quite funny. Someone cut me up in traffic and after avoiding an accident, I stopped the car and laughed out loud, not my normal reaction! I wasn’t laughing at the other driver or his thoughtless behaviour, I was laughing at my own lack of reaction. It felt as though I’d broken free from a lifetime habit, I felt I no longer had to react blindly to what was happening to me. For the first time I felt that I had a choice in how I behaved to that stimulus.

    This choice provides us with the opportunity to display self control. It provide us with the chance to not put our foot in our mouth when we get upset. It frees us from the compulsive desire to react that same old way to the same old stimuli.

    Don’t think that mindfulness will instantly change your behaviour for ever, I don’t think there is anything that does that! The very least that will happen is you will have the time to see the behavioural choices that are open to you. We might not always choose the right path but at least we now have a choice and this means that sometimes we’ll choose correctly.                John Shackleton                         02 1366 669

  • 15 May 2018 2:50 PM | Deleted user

    Round 2 Topic: Incorporated Societies & membership organisations across the spectrum

    What makes an Incorporated Society the best option?  With the proposed changes to the Incorporated Societies Act and the generational differences in the importance of belonging to an organisation relevant for all membership based organisations.

    We invite you to take a couple of hours out of your day to connect with others in the industry to discuss high level topics of real importance, develop new relationships and gain critical information. Attending this AuSAE event is also a great opportunity to connect with leaders from associations, charities and other not-for-profits. You will get the opportunity to discuss current workplace challenges and other issues of importance.

    Guest Speaker - Sandra Kirby, Chief Executive, Physiotherapy New Zealand

    Sandra took on the role of CEO for Physiotherapy New Zealand in October 2017 following nine years as CEO of Arthritis New Zealand.  Both organisations had Incorporated Society status with about the same number of members and similar time since incorporation. 

    Sandra has been working in public health management for over 20 years across Crown Entity, health charity and now professional membership organisation.  She is passionate about engaging people in health policy and ensuring organisations are set up to meet current and future needs.  This has meant embracing change management and how to communicate change in the not-for-profit sector.  

    Auckland l Thursday 21 June 11:30am - 2:00pm

    Register Here

    Wellington l Tuesday 26 June 11:30am-2:00pm

    Register Here

  • 15 May 2018 9:27 AM | Deleted user

    Attending the AuSAE Conference & Exhibition (ACE) 2018 gives you a chance to make invaluable networks with a diverse range of professionals from different associations and not for profits.

    Check out below what other not for profit organisations will be attending ACE 2018 in Adelaide (as of 14 May). We thank these organisations for registering to ACE, some of which are sending up to three staff members! Register Today.

    Association of Corporate Counsel, Asia Pacific

    Association of School Business Administrators


    Australasian Association of Clinical Biochemists

    Australian College for Emergency Medicine

    Australasian Sonographers Association

    Australia & New Zealand Gastro Oesophageal Surgery Association

    Australian and New Zealand Hepatic, Pancreatic and Biliary Association

    Australian & New Zealand Association for Health Professional Educators

     Australian & New Zealand Metabolic and Obesity Surgery Society 

    Australian Association for the Education of the Gifted and Talented

    Australian Association for the Teaching of English

    Australian Association of Graduate Employers 

    Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers Inc

    Australian Boarding Schools Association

    Australian Dental Association 

    Australian Dental Industry Association 

    Australian Diabetes Educators Association

    Australian Education Union 

    Australian Institute of Architects


    Australian Institute of Conveyancers SA

    Australian Institute of Credit Management

    Australian Marketing Institute  

    Australian Medical Association

    Australian Medical Association of Queensland

    Australian Medical Association Tasmania 

    Australian Physiotherapy Association

    Australian Podiatry Association

    Australian Society for Microbiology


    Australian Veterinary Association

    Audiovisual and Integrated Experience Association 

    Bus and Coach Association New Zealand 

    Caravan and Camping Industries Association of SA

    Caravan Industry Association Victoria
    Civil Contractors Federation

    Community Broadcasting Association of Australia

    Diabetes Research WA
    Early Childhood Intervention Australia (NSW/ACT)

    Ethnic Communities Council of Queensland


    Financial Services Federation  

    Fitness Australia

    General Practice SA  Girl Guides South Australia 
    Healthcare Financial Management Association

    Horizon Foundation

    Independent Brewers Association 

    International Association of Facilitators
    Law Society of SA 
    National Online Retailers Association

    National Retail Association 

    National Disability Practitioners NSW Touch Footbal 

    Optometry Australia 

    Optometry South Australia

    Parenting Research Centre

    Parkinson's Queensland Inc

    Pharmaceutical Society of Australia 

    Project Management Institute - Adelaide Chapter 
    Queensland Justices Association

    Queensland Law Society
    Real Estate Institute of Victoria
    Refrigerated Warehouse and Transport Association of Australia 

    Scouts ACT  Scouts Australia 

    Scouts NSW

    Scouts NT  Scouts SA 

    Scouts TAS

    Scouts VIC  Scouts WA

    SMSF Association

    Sports Medicine Australia

    Statistical Society of Australia 
    Suicide Prevention Australia

    Summit Health

    Swimming Pool & Spa Association 

    The Australian and New Zealand Sports Law Association 

    The Australian Council for Health, Physical Education and Recreation 

     The Chamber of Minerals and Energy WA  

     The Mathematical Association of Victoria 

    The Pharmacy Guild of Australia  

    The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners

    The Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia

    Unfiltered  Victorian Caravan Parks Association

    The Victorian Healthcare Association  

    Victorian Music Teachers Association

    Welding Technology Institute of Australia 

  • 08 May 2018 8:23 AM | Brett Jeffery, CAE (Administrator)

    Last week, a Wellington-based association was hacked by scammers through their emails.

    The association received a legitimate invoice by email from one of their members and was approved by the CEO and forwarded to the accounts department. Between the CEO and Accounts, the banking details were changed and the accounts clerk changed the bank accounts details to the new ones. Payment was made and it went to an offshore account.

    A great procedure to have in place, is that if any bank account details are changed that they are confirmed verbally by phone before any change is made in your financial package. It would be wise to apply this procedure to your business.

    In this instance, if that procedure had been implemented, the association would not have lost a significant sum of money.

  • 07 May 2018 2:04 PM | Brett Jeffery, CAE (Administrator)

    The Accounting Income Method (AIM), the new pay-as-you-go option for managing provisional tax through accounting software, is now available for small businesses with an annual turnover of under $5 million.

    With AIM, you pay provisional tax only when your business makes a profit. AIM will suit businesses that are growing, new, have irregular or seasonal income, or find it difficult to forecast their income accurately. AIM makes managing cash flow simpler because provisional tax payments are based on a business’ actual results.

    Here’s how you can start using AIM in the current tax year:

    • If you have a balance date of 31 March and file GST every month, you will need to pay your first provisional tax instalment by 28 May 2018.
    • If you pay GST every two or six months, or if you’re not registered for GST, your first filing deadline for AIM is 28 June 2018.

    Software providers MYOB, Reckon and Xero are offering AIM in their tax management accounting packages. MYOB is also providing AIM to their business customers. You’ll find more information on their websites.

    Talk to your software provider or tax agent about whether AIM is right for your business. Visit for more information or take a look at the free webinars on AIM at

The Australasian Society of Association Executives (AuSAE)

Australian Office:
Address: Unit 6, 26 Navigator Place, Hendra QLD 4011 Australia
Free Call: +61 1300 764 576
Phone: +61 7 3268 7955

New Zealand Office:
Address: 159 Otonga Rd, Rotorua 3015 New Zealand
Phone: +64 27 249 8677


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