Sector and AuSAE News

  • 15 Aug 2017 3:22 PM | Deleted user

    Communication in the digital age – is social media the be all and end all? The business world has changed how it communicates, with social media becoming increasingly common. It seems that there is a bright new shiny social media channel or technology every second week. What we need to remember, is that at the heart, nothing should have changed. People still do business with people they know, like and trust. Service excellence and consistency of value are essential to business success. In this workshop Mel will help you understand what is real and what is smoke and mirrors when it comes to effective communication today.

    In this one day workshop presented by Mel Kettle in Canberra or Adelaide, you will learn:  

    • how to be heard by your market and connect with your members so they understand the value of your association
    • strategies to communicate effectively with millennials
    • how to identify the right social media channels for your association
    • why social media is not designed as a sales tool, but is instead intended to build trust and authority
    • how to create and leverage content that your members will value
    • how to effectively use social media in 30 minutes a day
    • how to mitigate your social media risk
    • why you need a social media policy and how to write one that works.

    Canberra 6 September 2017: 10am - 4pm
    Adelaide 13 September 2017: 10am - 4pm

  • 15 Aug 2017 8:45 AM | Deleted user

    Online Voting at Meetings

    Not-for-profits, whether incorporated associations or public companies limited by guarantee, are increasingly looking towards online or electronic voting for general meetings. With the prevalence of electronic communication, many not-for-profits would presume that their constitutions already allow members to vote electronically for meetings.

    Put simply, an electronic direct vote occurs when a general meeting is held, and a member is able to cast his or her vote using an online method (or one of several online methods, such as email or fax) without actually attending the meeting.

    However, in practice, it is relatively rare for a not-for-profit’s constitution to include the requisite clauses in order to allow for electronic direct voting to occur.

    The reason that many not-for-profit constitutions do not cater for electronic direct voting may partly be due to confusion between electronic direct voting and other similar voting methods. We differentiate between these different methods below.

    Electronic Ballot

    It is not uncommon to see not-for-profit’s constitution allow for “electronic ballots”, but these are different from online direct votes.

    An electronic ballot occurs when the entire vote on an issue is conducted electronically, and there is no meeting. It is the electronic equivalent of the more traditional postal ballot.

    Electronic ballots are distinguishable from an online direct voting, because online direct voting still requires a meeting to be held.

    In some jurisdictions, electronic ballots are also included in the model rules for incorporated associations. For example, in New South Wales, electronic voting is provided for by clause 4 of the model constitution - found in Schedule 1 to the Associations Incorporation Regulation 2016 (NSW).

    However, even if a not-for-profit’s constitution allows for electronic ballots, this does not necessarily allow for online direct votes at a general meeting. There are specific clauses which must be included to allow for online direct voting.

    An electronic ballot will also not satisfy legislative requirements for a meeting to be held on a particular issue, whereas online direct voting can.


    A proxy vote is not the same as an online vote. A proxy is used when a member wishes to designate another person, which can in some instances be the chair of the meeting, to vote on that member’s behalf. Some proxies will include directions to vote a specific way, whereas others will allow the proxy to vote as he or she pleases.

    Both a proxy and an electronic direct vote allow a member who is unable to attend the meeting to ensure that a vote is cast in accordance with that member’s preferences. However, sometimes proxy voting can be less flexible, in that:

    • in order for a proxy vote to be effective, the allocated proxy must actually attend the meeting; and
    • although a proxy form may direct the proxy to vote in a certain way, the vote is still technically cast by the proxy, and not by the member.

    Further, if the proxy is also a member, there can be legal questions over whether the proxy is permitted to cast both his or her own vote, and the proxy vote, in certain scenarios. This depends on both the wording of the constitution, and the way in which the vote is conducted. Electronic direct voting does not give rise to this uncertainty.

    Online Direct Voting

    Allowing for online direct voting may be beneficial for not-for-profits, especially if they have members who are interested in the governance of the organisation, but find it difficult to attend meetings.

    There are several types of resolutions, applicable to both incorporated associations and public companies limited by guarantee, which must be passed by a meeting. The advantage of direct voting, when compared to electronic ballots, is that the resolution can still occur at a meeting, while allowing members who cannot attend to easily participate.

    Clauses in constitutions allowing for direct online voting need to be reasonably complex. Some of the issues that must be made clear include the following:

    • the acceptable online formats for the direct votes;
    • the timeframe by which direct votes must be lodged;
    • the effect of direct votes on any proxies who are appointed; and
    • whether direct votes count towards determining whether a quorum has been reached.

    If not-for-profits have decided to allow for electronic direct voting in their constitutions, or if they are unsure whether their current constitutions allow for direct electronic voting, then they should seek legal advice.

    This article was written by John Vaughan-Williams, Lawyer at Mills Oakley and can be contacted on 

  • 14 Aug 2017 3:23 PM | Deleted user

    Julie Krieger has been announced as the new chief executive officer of the LNA Master Landscapers Association, effective immediately.

    Krieger was most recently the NSW/ACT commercial director of the Property Council of Australia and has extensive experience leading and working with member-based industry bodies. With a background in not-for-profit management as well as management experience in the corporate and government sectors, Krieger’s career has focused on relationship management and commercial success.

    “Having recently assisted the LNA board with the development of a strategy plan for the coming three-year period, Julie is already familiar with the LNA and will hit the ground running,” said LNA Chair Judy Bates.

    “We are confident that she will bring strong leadership and a strategic focus to LNA. I know Julie is excited about her appointment and is looking forward to working with you, our members and partners.”

    Krieger can be contacted at

    This article was originally sourced from Pool and Spa.

  • 14 Aug 2017 3:17 PM | Deleted user

    HVIA CHIEF Executive Brett Wright has announced his impending retirement from leading national industry association Heavy Vehicle Industry Australia (HVIA).

    "It is with many great memories, fondness and pride that I announce my leaving HVIA," Mr Wright said.

    "I have been privileged, firstly to have been given the opportunity to work for The Commercial Vehicle Industry Association of Queensland (CVIAQ) all those years ago and then to continue to lead it over the last twenty years culminating in its transformation into a truly national industry body, HVIA, in 2015."

    Mr Wright commenced his career with, what was then, CVIAQ in 1996 and took over the role of Chief Executive Officer shortly after.

    During his tenure, the organisation has advocated for the heavy vehicle industry on many major issues and most notably through the transition to Heavy Vehicle National Law under the auspices of the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator.

    As organiser of the biennial Brisbane Truck Show, HVIA has showcased the industry for fifty years, including moving the show to its current home at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre in 2011.

    Mr Wright has represented the industry on numerous peak regulatory committees and working groups on issues ranging from Australian Design Rules, Performance Based Standards, Vehicle Modification to Workforce Development programs and National Training Package development.

    "It has been a great journey and one that I will always cherish, together with the many wonderful friendships made," Mr Wright added.

    "I have also been privileged to have worked with many great leaders of industry, all of whom have so wisely led us to our current position of strength and potential.

    "CVIAQ and HVIA's successes are built on a great community of people who I wish to sincerely thank for all of their time and efforts contributing to the advances in our industry." HVIA Chairman Peter Langworthy thanked Mr Wright for his contribution.

    "Brett has steered the organisation through a period of enormous transformation," Mr Langworthy said.

    "When the time came, members were unanimous in determining that the way forward had to be as a national body, and not for a moment did we underestimate the size of the undertaking that would follow.

    "Brett has led that project over the last three years, and put together an extremely capable team to build the capacity of the organisation across the country.

    "I know I speak on behalf of all Board Directors, past and present, when I congratulate Brett on his exemplary and unselfish leadership."

    Mr Langworthy said that HVIA is on track to deliver its strategic vision.

    "We are looking forward to achieving the next stage in that journey. There are a number of key objectives that we have undertaken both in our business plan and in HVIA's forward strategy.

    "HVIA will only be a success if we continue to listen to our valued members, bring the industry together and effectively represent them to government and other oversight bodies.

    "The time is right for the industry to collaborate on increasing productivity and ensuring our innovation and manufacturing footprint grows to its full potential."

    The HVIA Board has commenced a search and selection process to seek a suitable successor to Mr Wright who will stay in his role until his replacement is ready to take over.

    "I am determined that I leave HVIA positioned as strong as ever and fully committed to ensuring the handover and transition to the new CEO is as smooth as possible," Mr Wright said.

    "Once that has occurred I look forward to enjoying some quality time with my family and considering new challenges and opportunities in my professional future."

    This article was originally sourced from Big Rigs

  • 14 Aug 2017 2:46 PM | Deleted user

    President of the Queensland Spatial and Surveying Association (QSSA), Ms Chris McAlister has announced the appointment of Mr Keiran Travers to the position of chief executive officer.

    “The QSSA is looking forward to working with Keiran who is well qualified to bring about positive influence with the organisation and increase our membership base through providing value to existing members as well as opportunities for new members,” Ms McAlister said.

    A former General Manager, Keiran Travers has managed a variety of businesses from mining, environment, waste as well as holding management positions in property and infrastructure. He has an MBA from the University of Queensland.

    Keiran is currently the director and owner of Harbak which is a small consultancy offering services in Business Management, Business Development and Advisory services across several industries.

    Chris McAlister added “The QSSA Board welcomes Keiran, and also acknowledges the great work of our outgoing CEO Darrenn Medhurst, who will remain with the organisation in an advisory role.”

    This article was originally sourced from Spatial Source.

  • 14 Aug 2017 2:38 PM | Deleted user

    AgForce Queensland regional operations manager Paul Burke has been announced as the incoming chief executive officer of the Northern Territory Cattleman's Association (NTCA).

    Mr Burke, who has worked for 25 years in the tourism and pastoral sectors, will officially take over from Tracey Hayes in October.

    NTCA president Tom Stockwell says Paul Burke was chosen from a strong list of applicants.

    To view the video, click here

    This article was originally sourced from the ABC Online

  • 24 Jul 2017 7:56 PM | Deleted user

    For an association, the annual Membership survey can be terrifying can’t it? Whilst we have continual feedback from members through indicators such as new membership growth, retention rates, click through rates and event attendance it’s not until we ask the deeper questions, and to really listen to the answers, that we begin to understand if we are delivering that holy grail of “member value”.

    AuSAE is the Association for Associations - so we should be great at this right?

    The reality is we have exactly the same “pain points” as each and every one of you but our advantage is we are amongst friends and in the very unique position to bring the sector together to share common challenges and create collective solutions.

    “The role of a leader is not to come up with all the great ideas. The role of leader is to create an environment in which great ideas can happen”, Simon Sinek.

    This is our mission. To co-create a community where you participate, how and when you choose, where you feel at home and amongst friends. We haven’t got it right just yet, but we’ve made a great start and we’re listening.

    Thank you to our members who recently took the time to tell us their thoughts in our 2017 Member Survey (conducted by our valued partner Survey Matters)  Let us share some of the results with you:

    Key highlights from the 2017 survey include:

    • 74% of you think our overall performance is above average with 54% rating it as good or excellent.
    • Our Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a high 24% meaning that you are happy to recommend us to your peers.
    • New Zealand members report a very high level of satisfaction with a NPS of 47%.
    • 85% of members report a high level of satisfaction with our networking events, and 71% of members sighting “to network and connect with others” as the key reason for joining.
    • 52% of you agree or strongly agree that AuSAE understands the needs of its members.

    Some of the nice things you said:

    “It gives me the opportunity to connect with people in my profession (associations) rather than my industry (healthcare).” VIC

    “Good quality networking lunches - people turn up open to meeting strangers and talking about real issues” ACT

    Some of the “areas for improvement” we have taken on-board:

    “Communications to be a little more targeted. Sometimes it feels like information overload”, NZ.

    “I would like access to an improved library of tools/templates which small associations struggle to build/maintain (governance, strategy, risk, comms, project management, contracts” ,QLD.

    “There are a number of competing NFP associations offering the same thing. There needs to be a point of difference”, NSW.

    Key areas we’ll be working on:

    • Doing more to ensure we understand your key professional challenges.
    • Evolving our look and feel to reflect who we are (This month’s new Insider format is just the start!).
    • Changing our communications to ensure they are shorter, relevant and targeted – and not all about our events.
    • More targeted events to engage every member at every stage in their career – look out for some new events in the coming months.

    We are committed to “getting out there” and building a great association and invite you to join us. As CEO, I encourage you to connect with us and provide feedback at anytime. Please contact me on 0458 000 155 or – I’m here to listen.

  • 23 Jul 2017 8:26 PM | Deleted user

    Rydges Hotels & Resorts are proud to continue the partnership with the New Zealand Australasian Society of Association Executives (NZ AuSAE). As the exclusive hotel partner we are thrilled to provide a special discounted Day Delegate Package of $69.00 per person* that would be beneficial to AuSAE members while allowing us to showcase what we do best - provide a memorable experience for your delegates.

    At Rydges Hotels & Resorts we are confident that we are the 'best in the bizz' when it comes to conferencing. With our unique customer focus, great food and experienced staff you can be assured your delegates will be very well looked after.

    Take advantage of this special partner offer, available for a limited time only across all five Rydges Hotels. We look forward to offering our assistance and our expertise for your next AuSAE event. Let's hope the hardest decision you will need to make is what to choose from our delicious lunch menu.

    Of course we need to add a few T's & C's:

    • Applies only to new bookings for events and held between Monday 17th July to 30th September 2017
    • This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotion or special offer
    • Offer is subject to availability and minimum numbers apply
    • Rydges Rotorua are happy to offer a discounted Day Delegate Package of $45.00 per person
    • Please quote "Rydges-for-AuSAE" when enquiring with our Team and contact details are as follows

    Contact details: Rydges Auckland -, Rydges Rotorua - Rydges Wellington - Rydges Latimer Christchurch - Rydges Queenstown -

  • 19 Jul 2017 1:35 PM | Deleted user

    The Soil & Health Association has serious concerns about another GE food line being approved in New Zealand – this time for six food lines derived from potatoes.

    Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ), the organisation that controls food approvals for New Zealand and Australia, is calling for submissions on an application to permit GE potatoes for human consumption. The potatoes have been genetically engineered to reduce bruising, to reduce acrylamide formed during cooking, and to protect the potatoes from a type of blight.

    Soil & Health is concerned about the growing number of genetically engineered foods approved for sale in New Zealand and the long-term and cumulative health effects of consuming them. While New Zealand does not grow any GE crops or animals, there are many imported GE ingredients in food for sale here.

    “Since 2000 FSANZ has approved every single application for GE food lines, and there are now a staggering 71 different GE food lines approved for sale in New Zealand,” says Soil & Health chair Marion Thomson.

    “An estimated 70% or more of processed non-organic foods for sale in New Zealand contain genetically engineered ingredients, but consumers have no idea because our labelling laws mean that almost all GE ingredients don’t have to be listed on the packaging.”

    “In addition to human food, New Zealand imports large quantities of animal feed that is almost certainly genetically engineered, but again, not labelled as such,” says Marion Thomson.

    While a FSANZ safety assessment on the GE potato application has not identified any public health and safety issues, previous FSANZ assessments have been shown to be incomplete, with an absence of biological studies on the impacts of the foods when eaten. Further, assessments have largely been reliant on industry assurances of safety, with no independent science to back up industry assertions.

    “One of the main concerns about eating GE foods is that many have been grown with dangerous levels of pesticides,” says Thomson. “Many GE crops are designed to be resistant to pesticides. These crops are designated ‘safe’ for human consumption by FSANZ and the Ministry for Primary Industries, despite not having undergone adequate safety tests independent of the companies developing them.”

    The best way to avoid consuming GE foods is to grow, buy and eat certified organic food, says Soil & Health.

    The GE potatoes application is open for submissions from the public until 5 pm on Friday 7 July.

    This article was sourced from Scoop Politics.

  • 19 Jul 2017 1:31 PM | Deleted user

    Data released today by the Real Estate Institute of NZ (REINZ) shows there were 392 fewer lifestyle property sales (-15.8%) for the three months ended June 2017 than for the three months ended June 2016. Overall, there were 2,088 lifestyle property sales in the three months ended June 2017, compared to 2,304 lifestyle property sales for the three months ended May 2017 (-9.4%), and 2,480 lifestyle property sales for the three months ended June 2016.

    8,520 lifestyle properties were sold in the year to June 2017, 447 (-5.0%) fewer than were sold in the year to June 2016. The value of lifestyle properties sold was $6.63 billion for the year to June 2017.

    The median price for all lifestyle properties sold in the three months to June 2017 was $601,250 and was $21,250 higher compared to the three months ended June 2016 (+3.7%).

    Brian Peacocke, Rural Spokesman, at REINZ says: “Whilst sales volumes for the three months ending June 2017 were solid, the data released confirms a distinct easing for the month of June compared to the previous month and a continuation of the trend from the peak in sales volumes 12 months ago. Apart from a sound 9% increase in Northland and a solid performance on the West Coast, all other regions experienced a decrease in sales numbers during the month of June.

    “The onset of winter may explain the reduction to a degree, but reports from around the country indicate a shortage of listings with the resulting tendency of some vendors to remain fixed on price unless a reasonable opportunity to progress to another property is available. Given the affordability presented by the current level of interest rates, the trends that emerge within the market over the next few months will be interesting,” he concludes.

    Four regions recorded an increase in sales compared to June 2016. Wellington recorded the largest increase in sales (+24 sales) in the three months to June 2017 compared to June 2016, West Coast had an increase of 20 sales, and Manawatu/Wanganui saw an increase of 12 sales. Compared to May 2017, two regions recorded an increase in sales.

    The national median price for lifestyle blocks rose by $21,250 (+3.7%) for the three months to June 2017 compared to the three months to June 2016. New record median prices were recorded in Nelson at $692,500 and Waikato at $687,500.

    The median price for lifestyle blocks in Auckland fell by $130,500 (-10.1%) from $1,286,500 for the three months June 2016 to $1,156,000 for the three months to June 2017. Over the same period, the median price rose by 32.6% in Waikato to $687,500, and fell by 3.1% to $630,000 for Canterbury.

    The median number of days to sell for lifestyle properties improved by three days in the three months to June 2017 compared to the three months to June 2016 to sit at 54 days. Compared to the three months ended May 2017 the median number of days to sell eased by five days. Gisborne recorded the shortest number of days to sell in June 2017 at 18 days, followed by Waikato at 46 days and Auckland at 47 days. West Coast recorded the longest number of days to sell at 152 days, followed by Nelson at 77 days and Otago at 75 days.

    This article was originally sourced from Scoop Business

The Australasian Society of Association Executives (AuSAE)

Australian Office:
Address: Unit 6, 26 Navigator Place, Hendra QLD 4011 Australia
Free Call: +61 1300 764 576
Phone: +61 7 3268 7955

New Zealand Office:
Address: 159 Otonga Rd, Rotorua 3015 New Zealand
Phone: +64 27 249 8677


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