CEO Desk: April Edition

21 Apr 2016 8:54 AM | Deleted user

An Asian Perspective

Hong Kong provided more insights and experiences than I expected. The catalyst was the Great Ideas Asia Pacific conference hosted by our (much larger) sister organisation the American Society of Association Executives. There was abundant opportunity to rekindle acquaintances, meet new colleagues and initiate new friendships. The content at the conference was excellent with a focus on digital media, doing business in Asia, governance and also management and events.

However, many of the significant insights for me were either on the fringe of the conference or outside it altogether. As Australians and New Zealanders we can easily take for granted many of our creature comforts – parks and open space, limited overcrowding (even in our biggest cities), labour laws, our clean and green reputation, and our freedom to associate. Those societal benefits, and many others, are enhanced or protected by our vast array of Associations and membership organisations. Did you know that government permission is required to associate in China!

I was encouraged at how progressive and advanced our associations are. Associations and organisations like AuSAE are fledgling across much of Asia, if they exist at all. In many countries there is a ground swell to establish and/or grow associations. AuSAE has been active in the Asian market thanks to the individual efforts of a number of our members. A commitment has been made by AuSAE to actively engage and assist where possible. Our individual (and possibly collective) challenge is to establish how best to achieve that while maintaining clarity and focus on our core purpose.

Whilst our small population (relatively) and remoteness means we don’t necessarily have the scale to maximise cost efficiencies or attract the most competitive pricing, I would certainly prefer to retain or improve upon our existing lifestyle and infrastructure.

Closer to home, I’m sure the AuSAE Conference and Exhibition (ACE) in Canberra will provide significant insights and experiences for everyone who attends. It’s only three and a half weeks away, so register now. Based on a 2 July election, accommodation prices should be coming down too!

PS: If you’re in Honkers, I can totally recommend the view and ambiance of the Ritz Carlton’s Ozone bar and restaurant which provided a 118 story, 484m highlight in the clouds experience for a group of us from USA, India, NZ and Australia. 


  • 26 Apr 2016 10:37 AM | Antony Steven
    Last year (2015) was just as enlightening for me. AuSAE, like ASAE are in a very privileged position and as such are being called upon by may other countries to assist in the development of their community sectors (Not for profit). Its the glue that keeps societies together and many need what we can teach. I encourage AuSAE to use it resources, i.e. members, to help and assist in the development of a world congress as soon as possible. Well done.

The Australasian Society of Association Executives (AuSAE)

Australian Office:
Address: Unit 6, 26 Navigator Place, Hendra QLD 4011 Australia
Free Call: +61 1300 764 576
Phone: +61 7 3268 7955

New Zealand Office:
Address: 159 Otonga Rd, Rotorua 3015 New Zealand
Phone: +64 27 249 8677


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