Sector and AuSAE News

  • 18 Jun 2013 12:21 PM | Deleted user

    AuSAE is very proud to announce the launch of our AuSAE Mobile Association Application, a first of its kind, digital inbox, which enables you to:
    • Get content delivered directly to you via the AuSAE app on your chosen mobile device.
    • One place to go, one click, to access and manage all your AuSAE communication.
    • Choose the content that appeals to you by selecting or de-selecting categories at any time.
    • We will ensure your content is timely, relevant and highly personalised.
    • Be notified when new content is available.
    • Access your information even when internet services are unavailable.

    Best of all, you don’t need to worry that delivery and receipt of content is impeded by Spam filters, Sender reputation, Opt Out, ACMA, virus protection, size limits and many other challenges faced with traditional delivery methods.

    What kind of information will I get?

    We receive around 200-300 e-bulletins a day. Much of the content isn’t worth passing along. But there are always at least a couple that contain some great insights or critical information we know others would like to know about. This app provides us with a channel to get that information to you. The app provides you with a great way to keep up-to-date with current information and news on the global association sector… and saves you having to spending hours sifting through hundreds of e-bulletins for the few good bits.

    How do you get the AuSAE App on your mobile device?

    • If you are on your Android smart device click here to download the app.
    • If you are on your Apple smart device click here to download the app.
    • Go to the AuSAE web site and download from the bottom of the Home Page.
    • Go straight to the Apple or Google store, search for AuSAE and download it.

    Want one for your organisation to engage with your members?

    You could have your own mobile app available in Apple and Google app stores in 2-4 weeks at under A$10K for AuSAE members. For more information on getting your own fully branded version of the PRODOCOM association app, we recommend you contact the friendly team at PRODOCOM who developed and supplied the app for AuSAE on 1300 857 739.

  • 11 Jun 2013 8:27 AM | Deleted user
    The Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission has conducted an analysis of the emerging trends around the first 250 charities registered since it was established late last year. The ACNC has provided a snapshot of the type of new charities registering, including where they operate and who they benefit. The ACNC plans to publish regular snapshots of newly registered charities, showcasing the breadth and depth of the Australian charity sector. Over time we will be able to identify trends and more detailed analysis that can inform the public, the not-for-profit sector and governments. Click here for the full article.

  • 03 Jun 2013 8:27 AM | Deleted user
    With the eyes of the world on Brisbane in the lead-up to next year’s G20 World Leader’s Summit, Brisbane Marketing’s Convention Bureau is working overtime to lure even more events to the city’s state-of-the-art convention facilities. The bureau offers a free, one-stop shop providing independent advice and support to conference organisers - including access to an extensive network of connections with government, industry and business. The Brisbane Convention Support Toolkit brings together all the resources event organisers need to maximise delegate attendance and create an outstanding experience. To find out more about holding your conference in Brisbane, visit 
  • 24 Apr 2013 12:00 PM | Deleted user

    Congratulations to Barrie Cooper who was made a Life Member of AuSAE at the Wellington Networking event in March. Barrie has made an enormous contribution to the New Zealand association sector through his work with Associations New Zealand. Barrie – thanks so much for all your hard work, it is greatly appreciated.




    Barrie Cooper (left) accepting his Life Membership with Nick Hill (right) at AuSAE's Wellington Networking Lunch 20.03.13

  • 24 Apr 2013 12:00 PM | Deleted user

    Last week the Federal Government announced it was implementing a $2000 cap on work-related self-education expenses.


    The Australasian Society of Association Executives (AuSAE) is gravely concerned about the significant impact this policy will have on the Australian nonprofit sector.


    Why is this a problem?


    In the first instance, this policy will severely impact financial viability of nonprofit organisations who provide work related educational programs for a fee. This is just the first of a number of serious flow on effects that will impact all Australians. This policy will: 

    • Adversely impact the sustainability of Australia’s not-for-profit sector
    • Increase calls from affected not-profits for financial support from government\
    • Lead to a decline in overall skill levels of Australian employees
    • Adversely affect the young and those just starting in careers
    • Adversely affect the competitiveness of Australian workers in the global marketplace

    For the above reasons we find the decision to introduce the cap to be retrograde step and we are asking the Federal government to reconsider the implementation of this policy for the sake of the nonprofit sector, young and vulnerable workers, and the Australian economy. See our media release for more detail on each of these concerns.


    What action is AuSAE taking?

    • We have sent a letter to the Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer outlining our concerns and requesting a meeting to discuss this further.
    • We have issued a media release to Australian media to educate them about this issue.

    What you can do?


    If your organisation is going to be adversely impacted by this policy we encourage you to take action by:


    1. Contacting your local Federal MP or Senator to express your concern and ask that this policy be urgently rescinded.
    2. Email to tell us how this decision will affect your organisation.
    3. Forward this email to your colleagues so they are aware of what is happening and encourage them to take action.

    AuSAE is working hard to have this issue resolved favourably and will keep you up to date with any developments.



    Tony Steven


    E T @AuSAENews W
    P   +61 (0) 3 6223 2047  F +61 (0) 7 3319 6385  M +61 (0) 409 219 368
    A   PO Box 1400, Coorparoo DC QLD 4151 Australia

  • 12 Apr 2013 7:48 AM | Deleted user

    A modernised statutory definition of charity will provide greater clarity and certainty for charities, the public and regulators in determining whether an entity is charitable. It is therefore central to improving understanding of, and access to, charitable tax concessions.

    The Government is seeking your views on a proposed statutory definition, with exposure draft legislation and associated material being released and available on the Treasury website. The public consultation period closes on 3 May 2013 to enable time for the legislation to receive Royal Assent by 1 July 2013.Read more...

  • 10 Apr 2013 8:14 PM | Deleted user

    Third Sector  The Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission has released a guide that gives an overview of the not-for-profit reform agenda and the regulatory environment of the sector since the establishment of the ACNC. The guide, titled Not-for-profit Reform and the Australian Government, includes:

    •Details of ‘who’s who’ in the not-for-profit (NFP) reform agenda

    •Description of the different parts of the NFP reform agenda and their current status

    •Key statistics about charities and NFPs in Australia

    •Overview of the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) and its relationship with other regulators

    •Overview of some of the significant reviews that have informed the NFP reform agenda.

    The ACNC intends to update the guide periodically and has included links to further information where possible.Read more...

  • 10 Apr 2013 8:11 PM | Deleted user

    Third Sector Magazine  The Federal Government has appointed new members to the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission Advisory Board. New members include:

    •Fiona McLeay (Deputy Chair), Executive Director of the Public Interest Law Clearing House

    •Gina Anderson, Philanthropy Fellow with the Centre for Social Impact and experienced not-for-profit (NFP) director

    •Paul O’Callaghan, Executive Director of Catholic Social Services Australia and former Executive Director of the Australian Council for International Development

    •Myles McGregor Lowndes OAM, Director of the Australian Centre for Philanthropy and Non-profit Studies at the Queensland University of Technology....Read more.

  • 10 Apr 2013 8:10 PM | Deleted user

    Third Sector  Chartered Secretaries Australia is offering up to 20 scholarships to not-for-profit organisations to complete its Certificate in Governance for Not-for-Profits. The scholarships are valued at $2,994 each and will be offered to board members and senior professionals of not-for-profit (NFP) organisations. Read more...

  • 10 Apr 2013 8:09 PM | Deleted user

    Thanks to New Zealand’s Meeting Newz for their round up of Wellington’s “Membership Is Dead?” networking lunch. It was great to have such a great turnout from the association community and we appreciate the support from the media. Read more...

The Australasian Society of Association Executives (AuSAE)

Australian Office:
Address: Unit 6, 26 Navigator Place, Hendra QLD 4011 Australia
Free Call: +61 1300 764 576
Phone: +61 7 3268 7955

New Zealand Office:
Address: 159 Otonga Rd, Rotorua 3015 New Zealand
Phone: +64 27 249 8677


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